
turbines harnessing tidal power. Submerged
beneath Pittwater, could these meet our
offshore energy needs? |
December 2022 will mark the 60th anniversary of the
arrival of mains electricity on Scotland Island. With oil
prices high and concerns about climate change growing, a
group of residents is arguing that the time has come for
the complete electrification of our offshore communities,
with the goal of self-sufficiency in renewable energy
achievable within a decade.
As an easy first step, the group is calling for the
prohibition of wood-burning stoves, identifying them as a
hazard to respiratory health. Many members also want to
see a ban on petrol-driven vehicles on the island. Indeed
there are already a number of battery-powered buggies.

passenger-carrying inclinator of the kind
that could soon be serving the top of
Scotland Island
Island residents have presented these ideas to Northern
Beaches Council, as well as Transport for NSW. The group
claims that both have been receptive, with TfNSW
particularly enthusiastic about the switch to all-electric
island transport.
‘This could be the key to progressing buggy registration’,
said one spokesperson. ‘Sell an idea as environmental and
you are far more likely to get traction with state and
federal government’.
The group accepts that small electric buggies won't cope
with the large amounts of goods that need transporting to
the top of the island. A solution, suggested by some, is
the installation of inclinators to carry shopping and
passengers. Indeed they could be made large enough to
handle building material, even the fire truck, or the
truck used for recycling collection. An additional benefit
would be reduced road erosion.
The group proposes that one large inclinator should run
from each of the island’s five public wharves.
Unfortunately inclinators do not cope well with bends, and
the road lines from the wharves to the top of the island
do not travel in straight lines. But this could be
overcome with the creation of easements across a few
privately-owned blocks. Inconvenience to those residents
is likely to be minimal, and they could be compensated
with free use of the inclinators.

large enough, inclinators can handle the
heaviest of loads, even islanders' weekly
While these modest proposals will probably enjoy general
community support, some in the group want to go further,
replacing all petrol-driven tinnies with electric
watercraft within the next few years. Unfortunately the
switch to electric boats lags behind even that to electric
cars, meaning that an immediate ban on petrol motors will
almost certainly lead to an overall reduction in commuter
boats, at least for the foreseeable future. It is
anticipated that most electric boats would need to be
connected to the mains overnight.
A challenge facing the group is the supply of electricity
to power all these additional electric heaters, vehicles,
tinnies and inclinators. Ausgrid has indicated that with
the inclusion of heavylifting inclinators into the
project, residents might notice a certain dimming of their
lights during peak evening usage, not to mention when
electric boats and vehicles are plugged in for recharging
each night.
This could be minimised through minor inconveniences such
as turning off freezers and limiting internet use during
the evenings. In any event, the replacement of the
island’s existing fibre-optic communications network with
superior, electricity-bearing copper technology would be
needed to ease the burden on the current power
But the ultimate goal for the group is offshore
self-sufficiency in sustainable energy. Our trees
constrain the use of solar panels and construction of a
wind-powered generator atop Scotland Island comes with
obvious aesthetic issues. But that problem does not apply
to underwater turbines to harness tidal energy. By
submerging tide-powered generators there need be little
visual impact on Pittwater. That said, there will need to
be sufficient signage to minimise inconvenience caused by
underwater spinning turbines to boating, swimmers and
marine life.

typical tide-powered turbine, designed to
minimise saltwater erosion
Unfortunately, tide-powered technology is prone to water
level oscillation, meaning that, in shallow waters,
generators tend not to remain submerged for long. The good
news is that Pittwater is sufficiently deep to the north
of the island for the views from its more valuable
waterfront blocks to remain unspoiled by unsightly
But it remains an issue for the south of the island, where
shallower waters are found. Being realistic, most of the
tidal-powered turbines on Pittwater would need to be kept
well above the surface, not least because they are
vulnerable to salt-water erosion.
But here the group has another ready solution. The
inevitable decline in tinnie ownership, once petrol-driven
motors are outlawed, would render redundant much of the
expansion in tie-up facilities currently under
construction at Carols and Bells Wharves. Fortunately the
tall piles, already installed, could be used to support
the turbines high and dry above the water, keeping them
well away from troublesome salt water.
Those supporting tidal power acknowledge that some
water-front residents on the south side of the island
might object to unsightly tidal generators blocking their
view of the car park. But Northern Beaches Council, noting
residents’ acquiescence to the wharf extensions,
anticipate few complaints.
 Dotted around
Scotland Island are five cabinets, installed by the
island fire brigade, and containing essential
firefighting equipment.
It is important that the
brigade have unimpeded access to these cabinets in the
event of an emergency. For that reason, it would be
appreciated if residents would not park buggies or other
vehicles in front of them.

Scotland Island Fire
Friday 1 April, 6 - 8 pm

Scotland Island Recreation
Most Saturdays throughout
the year
2 - 3 pm: Introduction to
Table Tennis
3 - 5 pm: Table Tennis
Groups meet most Saturdays
and anyone over 12 is welcome. Sessions are supported by
the Scotland Island Recreation Club.
Play from 2 - 3 pm is
intended primarily for those new to table tennis. The
session from 3 - 5 pm is open to everyone, regardless of
your standard of play.
Sessions do not run every Saturday. If you are interested
in taking part then it's best to join the table tennis
WhatsApp group to receive up-to-date information on who is
playing. If you would like to join the group, please email
Alternatively, you can just turn up and take your chances.
The house directly above
Carols Wharf, Scotland Island
Sunday 3 April, 9 - 12
Carols Corner Café is
back! All proceeds go to MSF to provide medical
supplies in Europe to help the people of Ukraine:
“People are hungry,
traumatised and completely exhausted but walk fast,
determined and silently in cold temperatures of
between minus five and 10 degrees Celsius.”
Marta Wnorowska, MSF
Project coordinator at the Slovakian - Ukrainian
The café offers
gluten-free and vegetarian options including the
famous Eggs Benny, bacon and egg rolls and gluten-free
pancakes with ice cream. Donated cakes are warmly
welcomed, plus Simon's GF New York Cheesecake and GF
Caramel Slice. Cappuccino, herbal tea, chia and happy
smiling faces of our volunteer staff.
We look forward to seeing
Harriet & Simon at
Carols Corner

Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 10 April, 10 - 12
Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 10 April, 9.20 -
10.45 am
us for the second annual island run/walk, this time held
in memory of Graeme Crayford, who died recently.
Graeme was president of the island fire brigade. But many
will also remember him as a regular island jogger. What
better way to honour Graeme’s memory, keep fit and raise
money for the fire brigade than to join us on a Graemesque
jaunt around the island.
This year’s event will have a special walkers' category,
so you can participate at your own pace. A number of
participants have already registered, ranging in age from
8 to 80 (yes, seriously!) Like last year, the event will
incorporate a fun obstacle course. But if you are fit
enough to walk around the island then the obstacle course
won’t be anything you can’t handle.
There will be separate prizes according to your age and
gender. For those who participated last year, there will
also be prizes for best personal improvement. 
Entry: $20. This includes a hot drink and breakfast at the
island café, which will be operating in the park alongside
the event. Profits go to Scotland Island Rural Fire
Registration is essential. For full details,
including information on how to register, please download
the race information sheet, available here. The link to register is here.
Andy Derijk, personal trainer and Elvina Bay resident, is
donating his time to help organise and facilitate this
event. Andy offers one-on-one personal training, as well
as fitness classes in Elvina Bay. To contact Andy about
this race or his fitness training, phone 0418 613 890.

Community Hall, Catherine
Sunday 10 April, 11.00 am
Residents who have just
moved to the island are invited to a special information
session, to be held in the Community Hall during the 10
April island café. We’d love to meet you and give you
the opportunity to get to know more residents.
If you are new to the island, we’re shouting you coffee!
Please register and get a coffee voucher at the hall and
put your coffee order in early (around 10.30 am) as there
is often a queue.
There will be ‘need to know’ information available with
key speakers on SIRA, fire, water, wharves and roads.
Some island businesses and service providers will be on
hand to tell you what they have on offer. And we’ll give
you a heads up about various social and cultural groups.
RSVP: Rosemary 0410 500704 or Gail 0412 767687.

Scotland Island Recreation
Wednesday 13 April, 10 am
- 12 noon

Scotland Island Recreation
Wednesday 13 April, 6 - 9

Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 17 April, 10 - 11
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade presents the
great annual Easter egg hunt. Families with children are
invited to Catherine Park to search for cunningly hidden
There will be separate hunts for younger and older
Following the hunt, toasted hot cross buns will be served,
courtesy of your friendly firefighters. All welcome.

Scotland Island Community
Saturday 23 April, 7 - 9
Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 24 April, 10 - 12
Thomas Stephens Reserve,
Church Point
Monday, 25 April, 10.45 am
Our traditional ANZAC Day service will be held at Thomas
Stephens Reserve, Church Point on Monday, 25 April,
commencing 10.45 am.
The guest speaker will be
announced shortly.
Scotland Island Recreation
Tuesday 26 April, 11 am -
12.30 pm
The Recreation Club has a new discussion group, meeting
on the last Tuesday of each month, from 11 am to 12.30
pm in the Recreation Centre. Everyone is welcome.
Members take it in turn to design a session, choosing
material for discussion. This can consist of essays,
articles or podcasts, or a combination of all three. The
idea is that group members shouldn't be committed to
more than a few hours' preparation in terms of listening
or reading. The idea is to be open to a wide range of
topics and material.
The inaugural meeting consisted of Jane Rich leading a
discussion on Water Access Only: More Tales &
Adventures from Pittwater. The ensuing debate
covered issues such as the meaning of 'community', the
effect that talk of an inclusive offshore community might
have on people who don't feel included, connection with
place, construction of individual identity, memories of
family relations, what makes for a happy and interesting
life, and more.
In the next meeting, Roy Baker leads a discussion on
social class. For most of the last couple of
centuries, debate around social injustice in western
nations centred largely on social class. More recently
there has been a marked shift, with the focus moving to
race, gender, sexuality and disability. While attention to
disparities involving these characteristics is obviously a
good thing, have we lost something by overlooking class?
● Listen to 'Why don't we talk more about class?' The
Minefield, ABC Radio National, available here. (54 mins, 7 secs);
● Read some or all of the Wikipedia entry on Social
Class, available here (and as many of the connected
entries or readings as strike your fancy);
● Optional extra: 'How America Fractured Into Four
Parts' by George Packer, The Atlantic, available here.
● And if you are really keen: 'The Collapse of
American Identity' by Isaac Chotiner, The New Yorker,
available here.
Contact Jane Rich ( for more
information or to express your interest in participating.

Scotland Island Fire
Saturday 30 April, 7:00 -
11:00 pm

Scotland Island Community
Saturday 7 May, 5.30 pm
I have been a resident on
Scotland Island for over 20 years. I need to get out of
my house for all of August, from 1st - 31st. I’m looking
for a house, dog or plant-sit during that time.
I have two sons who, if
possible, may be with me for 50% of that time.
I imagine I will patchwork
something together, so even part of that time could
I’m a teacher at a local high school.
0401 798869

Missed out on a previous
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June 2021
Festival of Making,
April 2021
expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
(SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)