We had a great turn out last week at our Bond Themed Art Exhibiton 'Bondage'! at South Place Hotel. Photos from the evening are now available to view here https://www.flickr.com/photos/artbelow
Sales have been made, But there is still oportunity to grab a piece of work by some very talented artists including Schoony, James Mylne, James Vaulkhard, Nina Fowler and Nasser Azam. See images, details and prices below.
For all sales enquiries please contact Ben Moore: Email: info@artbelow.org.uk
‘Silencing Life’ Fibre glass, wood spray paint, bonze, 2016 £2,950
Richard Colson ‘I have no objections’ (Sean Connery from Dr No) Charcoal and Pastel on Cartridge Paper, 58cm X 38cm, 2015 £950
Ben Moore ‘Her Majesty’s Secret’ Walther ppk replica embellished in gold leaf, 2016 £700
James Mylne ‘Reflecting Bond’ Giclee print, Edition of 3 2016 £850 (framed)
James Vaulkhard‘The Lovers Who Spy’Mixed Media Collage, 2016£1200 (framed)
Nasser Azam ‘Ursula’ Oil and mixed media on canvas 165 x 112cm, 2016 £45,000
Nina Fowler ‘She Shoulda Said No (James)’ Black chalk on paper + eyelets 101.5 x 80 x 4.5 cm, 2014

Art Wars work is now available to buy by artists including Jake and Dinos Chapman, Mr.Brainwash, Inkie and Moore! See images and details below. For all sales enquiries please contact: info@artwars.net
‘Trooper Mike’ by Inkie, 2014 Stormtrooper helmet 310 x 310 x 325 mm
Art Wars Print by Mr.Brainwash, 2014
‘Campbells Condensed Stormtrooper Spray’ Giclee Print Edition of 10 59.4cm x 74.1 cm
 Signed Art Wars Print
by Jake and Dinos Chapman, 2014Edition of 1050 x 70 cm
‘2 Stroke Stormtrooper’ by Joe Rush, 2014 Motorbike engine parts, door hinges, spanner, show makers lasts, car suspension struts, bicycle handlebar yoke
Signed Art Wars Print
by Inkie, 2014Edition of 1040 x 50cm
‘The Golden Dark Side',
by Ben Moore, 2014 Gold leaf on fibreglass stormtrooper helmet mould 40 x 50 cm
‘STORMOFFSKI', by Ben Moore, 2010 Stormtrooper helmet, 6000 Swarovski Xilion crystals 320 x 320 x 330 mm
‘Crushing Force’ by Ben Moore, 2013Melted and crushed Acrylic capped ABS Stormtrooper helmet.
100 x 100 x 125 mm
by Agnetha Sjögren, 2015 Stormtrooper helmet Mixed media 310 x 310 x 460 mm
‘Rocket Fairy’ Miranda Donovan, 2016 Acrylic, Enamel, Pencil and cement on fibreglass stormtrooper helmet shell 310 x 310 x 460 mm
‘Goaty’ by Gary Winship, 2016 Household gloss, stormtrooper helmet, 310 x 310 x 325 mm
Check out this new Art Wars video by Canvas Arts featuring the work artists including Miranda Donovan, Joe Rush and Paul Fryer and looking at how they transformed the infamous white stormtrooper helmet into a piece of visually stunning artwork.
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