It's pretty much September and I have already done six of my ridiculous 12 show run and I haven't forgotten anything important yet... but there's plenty of time. Here's all the stuff that's going on at the moment
The Twelve Shows of Herring
Still six more chances to see me working my way though my solo oeuvre and there's tickets for all shows (though the final show, Happy Now? is very close to selling out). Thanks to everyone who has come along - there has been a great turn-out so far.
My best show "What is Love, Anyway?" is the lowest seller, so come to that one, you idiots.
28th August The Headmaster's Son
29th August Hitler Moustache
4th September What is Love Anyway?
5th September We're All Going To Die!
11th September Lord of the Dance Settee
12th September Happy Now?
The Twelve Shows of Herring Podcast
If you want to keep up with how it's all going, then tune into my Twelve Shows of Richard Herring podcast, which comes out twice a week during the run.
PLUS I am putting out audio of the first ten shows (not Lord of the Dance Settee or Happy Now? as they are not yet available on DVD) for the ridiculously low price of £12. That's 15 hours of stand up. Buy it here.
Charity Programme Offer
If you would like a set of the remaining show programmes (menage a un have run out and only a couple of Hercules and Hitler progs left) as well as leaflets from nearly every show (all will be signed too), then donate at least £20 to SCOPE (or £25 if you are abroad) via my justgiving page.
Then email your address to me via and I will post you a big envelope full of funny programmes. And all your money goes to a great charity.
Happy Now?
I will be touring the new show in the autumn of 2015 and the spring of 2016. I am mainly only going to places where I sell pretty well, so it's worth booking ahead. A few more dates will be added (including Cheddar), but here's all the confirmed dates.