HuDost Allaudin
2019 Dance Weekends on The Farm Community

April 4-7 Awakening Heart, with Hu Dost and guest Dance leader Allaudin Ottinger

April 11-14 Dancing our Prayers, with Sky Safir Roshay, Douglas Stevenson/Dara Shikur, and other dance leaders
Note: Earth Springs Retreat Center, Crockett Texas, contact: 936-687-2246 /

June 20-23 Summer Solstice Dance Retreat with guest Dance leader Sky Safir Roshay

Nov 1-3 My Life is My Prayer Fall Dance with guest Dance leader Grace Marie

  • Weekends of Dance, Music and Celebration!
  • Yoga and Kirtan
  • Guided Nature Walks, Hiking, Swimming
  • Farm Community Tour- Dances at Sacred Sites
  • All Vegetarian Meals Provided


Allaudin and Douglas at Awakening Heart 2018

April 4-7 Awakening Heart, with HuDost and guest dance Leader Allaudin Ottinger

We are thrilled to once again welcome Murshid Allaudin Ottinger, one of America’s best-loved leaders of the Dances of Universal Peace, as our dance leader for the weekend. A senior teacher in the Sufi Ruhaniat International, Allaudin inspires one and all with his humility, clarity, and inclusive nature, raising the energy to a state of profound joy.

As a special bonus, our gathering begins Thursday evening with a performance by Hu Dost! Moksha Sommer and Jemal Wade Hines bring their special blend of Neo Folk World Rock to weave a seamless tapestry of sound that renders tears and laughter, cultivating that nameless longing that abides within all our hearts. Visit the web page   See the Weekend Schedule - Register Now

Help promote this event! Click the link to by download and distribute the Awakening Heart flier!



Come celebrate summer at The Farm, the little piece of paradise we call home.

The Farm is a great place to enjoy life. There is so much to take in, immersed in the beauty of nature. Get in on some maximum fun, Farm style! This gathering is for people of all ages, but has been especially created to serve families with kids, with crafts and plenty of outdoor activities. We'll alternate dances with hikes and relaxing at the swimming hole! Click here for more information.

sky Roshay Douglas Stevenson

Beloved dance leader Sky Safir Roshay will join Douglas Stevenson / Dara Shikur in the musician's circle.


fall dance

For this fall retreat, as we enter into this time of shorter days and long dark nights, it is natural for us to turn toward introspection, as we give thanks for the gifts we have received, the challenges we face to make us grow, and the Love that carries us through. Together we dance, our lives as our prayer.

We are so happy to announce our Guest Dance leader this year is Grace Marie.

Deborah and I spent a week with Grace in Guatemala last February and we made such a great connection. You could feel the strength of Grace’s clarity, her vision, enraptured by the beautiful simplicity of message in song and dance, enhanced by the power of her voice. click here to learn more



Douglas Stevenson

Meet Your Host, Douglas Stevenson: 
Activist, artist, author, and musician, with The Farm Community since 1973

My journey with the Dances of Universal Peace has been a whirlwind of growth and change. I am blessed to be able to share my music and singing in a way that brings people together, opening hearts through the direct experience of sacred space.

Over this last year I have learned and led dances from Arizona to Atlanta, Colorado to North Carolina. It has become our weekly practice for my sangha here on The Farm. I am so very grateful to all of you in the dance community who have opened your hearts and provided guidance to me on this path.

My wife Deborah and I are about to leave for three weeks of dances in Mexico and Guatemala.
What a joy to share this experience together!

Additional locations and dates where I will be leading dances:

I look forward to sharing dances, and our life in community, with you.


Learn more about my life, my books and hear samples of my music, by visiting  
Watch my TEDx: Out to Change the World: Living the Hippie Dream

April 4-7, 2019 Register Now
