...and Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Daoibh
(AH vlee-ihn fwee WAH-shuh Heev)
This is how you would say Happy New Year to more than one person and with nearly 5000 loyal readers on our list, it’s supposedly the proper way to say it. If you were saying it to one person, it would be "Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Duit
(AH-vlee ihn fwee WAH-shuh wich).
Not being native Irish speakers, we’re always a wee bit uncertain when it comes to sharing phrases, so please let us know if we need to make any corrections - go raibh maith agat!
Other than the opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year, there’s another important reason for writing again so soon after our last missive. It dawned on us when we began receiving numerous auto out of office responses that if we kept the drawing date for January 1st, many of you would miss out on entering to win a copy of Robert Sullivan’s new book “Every Goose Thinks His Wife Is A Duck - The Irish case for laughing, crying and drinking through life.” Himself just finished reading it and says he enjoyed it throughly. Herself can attest to that as she heard him laughing a lot! So...to make sure everyone has a chance at winning one of five copies generously provided by the author, we’ve extended the drawing date to January 15. If you would like to enter, please send an email with Book Drawing in the subject line to:
And...a few New Year’s Links for your enjoyment:
Let the Good Guys Win
We have this on a CD called Celtic Christmas by Toot Sweet; while we prefer that particular arrangement, we couln’t find it on line - so, next best thing is this version by Paul Hyde, Tom Cochrane and Murray McLaughlan which is quite good. It’s the lyrics that are important . Hope you enjoy them as much as we do:
Auld Lang Syne
Sung by Anne Malone from In The Spirit of Peace: An Irish Holiday Celebration, it’s a very pleasant rendition which includes the words to all the verses so you can sing along. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDmRwVaOfZQ
Happy Hogmanay to our Scots kin
This video is from Hogmanay in Edinburgh, 2008. Made us wish we could have been there! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMk-j0vkmGo
Bells of Dublin - The Chieftains
And last, but defiinitely not least - the first cut from our favourite Christmas CD “The Bells of Dublin” which begins with the bells Christ Church chiming before it eases into a festive Christmas tune.
We’ll take our leave with this traditional but somewhat somber Irish toast; given the year many of us have been through, it seems appropriate:
May we be alive at this same time next year!
Go mbeirimíd beo ar an am seo arís
Pronunciation: Guh mer-i-meedh bee-oh er an am shu areesh
Until next time, may the Good Shepherd of us all enfold you and yours safe in the mantle of His love...
and, as they say in Ireland, mind yourself.
Slan agus beannacht,

Bridget & Russ
Get down on your knees and thank God you’re still on your feet.
Go mba seacht bhfearr a bheas tu bliain o inniu
PS: We made a New Year's card for the home page on the site. It isn’t posted yet; if you’d like to see it ahead of time, here’s the link:
PPS: Almost forgot: We'd like to thank Patrick O'Dea from the Irish-American Ceilli Club in Hollywood, Florida for "stealing" the New Year's photo under our banner and sharing it with us. It's just too good not to share it with you, too.