Here are some animal holidays for February:
National Cat Health Month Spay/Neuter Awareness Month (Humane Society of the United States) Pet Dental Health Month Responsible Pet Owners Month National Prevent a Litter Month
Feb. 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day Feb. 14: Happy Valentine's Day! 3rd week in Feb.: National Justice for Animals Week. Feb. 20: Love Your Pet Day Feb. 23, 2016: World Spay Day. Annual campaign by the Humane Society International and The Humane Society of the United States; held the last Tuesday of February. Last Tues.: Spay Day USA
Update on Peaches
Sadly, Peaches left us and headed to the Rainbow Bridge shortly after I last wrote about him here. It was somewhat sudden and I thought we would have more time together. He was, however, a senior, at 14+ years old. The stress may have been overwhelming, though he kept a positive outlook right up to his last day, when he simply reclined on his mat and went to sleep. Several of the other cats sat with him and seemed to be comforting him. (RIP, Peaches....)
This means he did not get to test out his newest wheels, as I had not finished that model yet. I am working on a video to show the four different wheel "chairs" I had worked on. He did pretty well with two of them and was able to enjoy some mobility every day.
Here are photos of the two models he was able to use the most.

This one is the "3-D printed" version. The green brackets are the printed parts and the struts are metal straps of brass. I obtained the wheels from a toy I picked up at the thrift shop. Sadly, Peaches did not get to test this one out. I am working on convincing one of the other cats here to get strapped in for demo purposes, but I haven't had any luck yet.