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                                                                                       Aug 14, 2009
                 Food Aid for our Birds       
How can we help our feathered friends make it through this
two year drought? Earlier today I spoke with veteran birder
Andy Balinsky of the Travis Audubon Society, and asked 
for a few suggestions.  - Darrel Mayers

1. Water  Set up a birdbath in your garden. It should have
a gentle slope so that smaller birds can use it, and it should be
shallow. Keep the bath topped up with water everyday, and
clean once a week. Keep the area nearby clear, so that pred-
atory cats have nowhere to hide. 
2. Feeding  Very important. This drought extends back to last
winter, and the natural seed crop is poor. Try buying seeds
in bulk so you don’t run out, and you’ll save some money too.
(Andy buys 50lb bags of black oil sunflower seeds that last
for 6 months.)
3. Hummingbirds  Mix 4 parts water to 1 part sugar and
place in a feeder, and enjoy the magic of the visiting hummers.
Their favorite color is red. Make sure you’re your feeder is red,
and if you feel like it, tie a red ribbon near it… but avoid putting
red nectar in the feeder. Scientists believe this dye may be
harmful to the birds.  
 The Red Bird by spisharam - AWAY.
                                                          cardinal photo by Spisharam (Flickr)
4. Brush piles  While out in the yard, create little brush piles
here and there out of twigs and branches. This will  protect the
birds so they can feed on the ground, and if a cat appears or a
hawk swoops down, they have something to retreat into. 
5  Native landscapes  Our native birds grew up eating native
berries, and they’re the very best form of nourishment. So
when you are at a nursery pondering which plant to buy, keep
this in mind. Sunflowers, salvias, yaupon holly, possum haw
holly, agarita, coral berry, American beauty berry, Turks caps
are just a few of the choices that come to mind.
Find more details at

Andy Balinsky is an avid birdwatcher. Each year native
screech owls nest in a birdhouse in his back yard in east Austin.
He observes them with a web cam that he has set up within the
owl house. Visit his amazing website for an intimate look at the
life of screech owls in central Texas:
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Affordable one-of-a-kind handcrafted birdhouses by 'Manchaca Mike' 
now available at the nursery. (The 'Can House' above retails for $13)
On the horizon...
Cactus & Succulent Society Show and Sale, Sept 5, 6, 7 at Zilker Gardens.

Author Lester Morris, 'Austin's favorite Englishman,' will speak about 'The
Mysteries of Crop Circles and Stonehenge,' at the nursery at 2pm, Sept.6. 
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Visit the website at  Visit the
nursery at 11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, TX 78748 Tel. 512 280 1192