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Scotland Island - Western Shores - Mackeral Beach
January 2, 2013
Newsletter for Offshore Residents of Pittwater, Australia - Volume 14, Issue 724

  • Gwyn's Illustration
  • Notice to Line 1 Water Users
  • Ferry Walk - Newport Public School
  • SI Fire Brigade Matters
  • Elvina Bay Grameen Group Wine and Tapas Night
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Tick Season...
  • 2012 Scotland Island Dog Race Images
  • For Sale
  • Wanted
  • The Local Contact Guide
  • Join SIRA
  • Archived Newsletters
  • Your subscription Information

  • seadog

    You can contact Gwyn Perkins by email at g.perkins@gwyn.com.au


    Notice to Line 1 Water Users
    Dear water users,

    After Christmas, Santa's reindeer must have been really thirsty, as during the night of the 27th to the 28th of December, 25,000 litres of emergency water seems have disappeared on line 1.

    It may, also have been (and I do hope it was the case) an omission on the part of somebody who has forgotten to let me know that they needed a booking. If this is the case, please let me know and let 2012 end well.

    On the other hand if anyone just happened to see, or hear of something about this, then I would really appreciate whatever info can be passed on - confidential of course.....

    Happy new year to all the water users, May 2013 be rainy, without too much wind and may the possums develop a new respect for people's roofs!

    Nathalie (line 1 water monitor)
    9999 4449
    0419 432 460

    Ferry Walk

    After six years of exceptional service, Paula Young has decided not to continue coordinating the Ferry Walk in 2013. 
    Efforts to find a replacement for Paula have been unsuccessful and therefore the service at this stage will not be continuing.

    Accordingly, until a replacement can be found, parents who wish their children to be escorted to and from the ferry will need to get involved. Each term we will need one parent to manage the administration of the walk.  We also need to organise a roster to cover the walk itself. 

    A meeting to discuss strategies to keep the service running will be held on Saturday 19 January at 10.30am at the picnic tables at Catherine Park. 

    Any questions or comments can be directed to newportferrywalk@hotmail.com

    We will need to have a clear idea of how many children will be in the walking group next year.   Please email your child/children’s name(s) and school Year to the above email address as soon as possible.


    Your Brigade

    We wish you all a happy , prosperous , and safe new year and thank you all for your support during the last year.

    David Wardman
    9999 5944
    David Wardman   SIRFB
    9999 5944


    A date for your diary - Friday 25 January
    Elvina Bay Grameen Group Wine and Tapas Night

    The Elvina Bay Grameen Group are holding a Wine and Tapas night on Friday 25 January from 6.30 - 9.00 pm.

    It will be an evening of delicious food and good company, so help us raise money to support Kenyan women by coming along.

    We'll post more details in January - SO - mark off the 25th and watch this space.
    Many thanks


    Edols coverage of the Lovett Bay Carols
    Greeting friends,
    Here is in part my coverage of the Lovett Bay Carols: -  http://www.edols.com.au/lovett_carols/ You may require to upload a freeware which is Adobe Flash Drive; here is the link http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer. Please forward this your friends that you see here
    Am more than happy to give these images to whoever would like to make their own prints; my gift to our Pittwater Offshore community. You ought to activate the link in my portfolio page that says e-mail photographer or email me back the frame numbers you require.
    Wishing the very best to everyone for 2013.
    Kind regards
    Michael Edols


    Letter to the Editor

    Dear Editor,

    I have recently received a revised rental account for my domestic waterfront license. The amount to pay has increased by a massive 41.2% from $566.50 to $800 per annum (including GST).

    I wrote and objected & received a reply which I don't really understand but saying according the the "new formula" the numbers were correct and my objection was overruled.

    I note that that the 'water access only' rebate has been replaced by free rental of essential structures but that this only covers 49.1m2 in my case and my structures cover 106.6m2. It's hard to see how my structures could be any smaller!!

    But the real annoyance is that an "ADMIN FEE" of $275 (including GST) suddenly appears in the new calculation. Now I would need some convincing that some civil servant costs $275 to prepare my invoice. Presumably the charge includes his or her time drinking tea of on 'Smoko" or chatting about the week-end!!

    This is daylight robbery and we on the Island should make a stand against it by simply refusing to pay "en masse"

    Yours Truly
    John Thixton

    I would be very interested in hearing from any other Jetty owner that has had a huge hike in their fees. Contact me at jthixton@hotmail.com


    Tick Season is upon us...

    The female paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus, is found along the eastern coast of Australia and causes
    tick poisoning. It is more prevalent in the bushy, seaside areas where there is an abundance of its natural hosts, the bandicoot and possum. The paralysis tick is very sen­sitive to climatic changes and so the life cycle slows down in cold and dry weather, and accelerates very rapidly in warm, humid weather. Thus, in Sydney the worst time for ticks is between September and February, but it is important to remember that they are present all through the year and their incidence is climatically con­trolled.

    The life cycle of the tick consists of the adult laying eggs that hatch into tiny pinhead size larvae. These
    larvae attach themselves to a suitable animal (the host), suck blood, fall off when full, moult and develop into a nymph. The nymph, like the larvae then repeats the pro­cess and finally develops into the adult tick. The adult then attaches itself to a host, feeds until engorged, falls off and lays 2000 to 3000 eggs, which hatch into larvae and so complete the life cycle.

    The paralysis toxin which the tick produces comes from the salivary glands of the adult female tick and
    paraly­sis occurs progressively, that is, the more engorged the tick, the more toxin it produces which in turn
    produces more paralysis.

    To our dogs and cats, the all too often result of tick paralysis is an untimely and uncomfortable death.
    So let us speak firstly of prevention. By far the best, if not the only means of prevention is to search your pet daily; that is running your fingers over every square inch of its body. Pay particular attention to the head, neck, shoulders and forelimbs but not forgetting between the toes, in the ears and even inside the mouth. Ticks can be found anywhere on your pet ­ SO BE VIGILANT! Ticks, even large ones are easily missed so the more members of your family that can spare the time to go over your pet the better. Products such as Frontline (cats and dogs) or Advantix (only to be used in dogs as very toxic to cats) do help if used every 2 weeks. Permoxin rinse, which is used weekly can also repel ticks but again is only to be used on dogs as is toxic to cats. While use of these products does help there is unfortunately no guarantee. For this reason we highly recommend daily searching of your pet. Also, if your pet has a long or thick coat, having them clipped short for the summer months makes searching for ticks that much easier.

    Let us suppose you have found a tick on your pet (remember if one is found always look for more). Do
    not start dabbing at it with methylated spirits, kerosene etc.­ all that is going to do is further irritate the tick
    and burn the animal's skin as well. Grab the tick firmly at the point of attachment next to the skin with your
    fingers or a pair of tweezers and pull the tick out. If the body of the tick breaks off leaving the head be­hind embedded in the skin, don't worry, the tick has been killed and there will only be a slightly prolonged irri­tation at the site of attachment.

    This is another time for close observation. If your pet is not showing any symptoms (remember
    symptoms can occur for up to four days after you have removed the tick), keep him cool, quiet and for the first eight hours with­hold food, water and any medication.

    If your pet develops any of the following symptoms:
    • Wobbly or weak hind legs
    • Lethargy;
    • Vomiting or retching
    • Change in the sound of the voice;
    • Coughing or distressed breathing ­
    No vet will mind a phone call. Let them ascertain the extent of the poisoning and whether you should
    bring your pet in for treatment. It is far better to err on the early side, apart from the fact that your pet stands a much better chance of survival. The cost of tick serum is expensive and advanced cases need a lot of other supportive therapy as well.

    At this point it may be as well to explain why there is emphasis on keeping your pet cool and quiet.
    As the tick poison circulates through the body, there is a gradual paralysis, starting with the rear legs and
    moving for­ward. If your pet becomes upset, too hot or you take him for a walk just to see if he becomes
    wobbly, you will aggravate his condition. This causes more distress and exhaustion, which in turn further
    aggravates his problems. If you have to transport him to the vet, be calm, re­assure your pet, keep him cool,
    restrain him gently and generally keep him as quiet as possible.

    Most animals die of paralysis of the respiratory muscles, hence the emphasis on helping the
    breathing. However some animals die from a tick toxin induced pneumonia, which can be caused by two
    things. One is exposure. Cats have a nasty habit of crawling off somewhere when they are ill. It rains during the night, the paralysis worsens and without shelter your pet is severely stressed by chilling, leading to pneumonia. The second cause is the reason why food and water must be withheld if you suspect tick poisoning: as the larynx is not operating as it should be due to the tick poisoning, the chances of stomach contents being vomited up and inhaled into the lungs by accident is a very real risk. When this happens a bacterial infection usually occurs and ­ pneumonia again.

    To finish up, here are a few answers to some commonly asked questions:
    • No breed or crossbreed of dog or cat is more immune than any other is. All are equally susceptible
    • The age of the animal does not make any difference; all are equally vulnerable. However,  the young and the elderly do have a higher mortality rate
    • At the beginning of the season, ticks do appear to have greater toxicity; therefore the death rate is higher.
    Toward the end of the summer months as you continue to remove ticks from your pets, it is possible that
    they may have built up some immunity­ but don't rely on it! Immu­nity will lapse during the winter months
    when there are few ticks about, leaving your pet just as vulnerable when the new tick season starts.

    The tick season is from September to April

     22 Park Street, Mona Vale 2103; Ph 9999 2269


    2012 Scotland Island Dog Race Images
    Images by Alan Gaines

    Images can be see at the Offshore Photo Gallery at this address;

    Dog RAce


    For Sale
    Useful items and hardly used     
    1 "dripolator" coffee machine ($10.00)
    1 Iron - blue -  ($5.00)
    1 electric Kettle ($10.00)
    1 good quality - large wheels - red caddy ($20.00)
    1 free toaster with any buy of the above

    Call Nathalie on:
     99994449 or 0419 432 460

    Homedics seat massager
    Homedics seat massager to fit any chair - $60
    Full upper back, middle back and lower back
    Power low, med and high control
    In perfect working condition
    Hardly ever used
    Please phone Annette Freeland

    Polycraft 4.1polycraft
    Motor 30hp Yamaha
    Motor guard
    Bilge pump & float switch
    Price: $5,500
    Ph: 0407671978 (David)


    Electric concrete mixer
    We are building a pizza oven and would really love to borrow or hire an electric concrete mixer for a week or so, from someone on the island, to save bringing one over.
    If you are able to help, please call Pete on 0401 716 194.

    An unwanted Sail
    (Triangular ,possibly a genoa ) to be used as a sun shade across a deck
    If you have one you dont want and are willing to sell
    Please give Bev or Don Dwyer a call on 0407316343


    The Local Guide
    Community Information

    Scotland Island Web Site  www.scotlandisland.org.au
    What's On in Pittwater - Self Editing Event Calendar 
    click to go to the Calendar
    Scotland Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 Number, Usage & Charges
    Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 http://www.sirfb.org.au
    West Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 www.westpittwater.rfsa.org.au
    Offshore Photo Gallery offshore gallery
    Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA) Membership Application - click here to download
    West Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) - http://www.wpca.org.au
    Scotland Island Water
    SI Emergency Water Contacts and Guidelines for water: click here for information and contacts
    Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' - click here to download
    Scotland Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island & Offshore Childrens Services)
    Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service)  7.30am - 5.30pm (Tues, Weds, Thurs & Friday)
    Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility & Equipment Hire
    For information call 02 9979 7856 or email:  siocs@comcen.com.au
    Scotland Island Community Hall Bookings:  Kez on 9999 4092 or kezborthwickbolton@gmail.com

    Scotland Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 - Number, Usage & Charges
    Church Point Ferries - 0408 296 997  Ferry Timetable click here
    Pink Water Taxi - 0428 238 190
    Pittwater Offshore Services - Contact Rus on 0415-464-733
    Manly Warringah Cabs   - 02 9972 5600
    Palm Beach Cruises  - 02 9997 4815

    Real Estate
    PMC Hill  - 9999 4902   http://www.pmchill.com.au/
    Tanya Mottl at Residential Real Estate Agents – 9999 4499 www.residentialagents.com.au
    L.J.Hooker Mona Vale - 9979 8000   http://www.ljhooker.com.au/monavale

    Services, Clubs & Accommodation
    Scotland Island Traders - On-line shopping from your computer, through your door on Scotland Island. Contact Graeme on 0419 460 331 or click here for full details
    Justice of the Peace - Bob Bolton - 9999 4092
    Justice of the Peace - Paul Purvis - 9979 9667
    Justice of the Peace - Paul Burchall - 0414 975 793
    Justice of the Peace - Bob Mitchell (Mackeral Beach) - 0419 745 628
    Justice of the Peace - Maureen Anderson - Morning Bay resident. - 02 9997-2659 or  0417-279-346
    Pittwater Community Arts Inc.  - Enquiries Lorrie Morgan 9997 8079  lorriemay@bigpond.com
    Peninsula Music Club - enquiries Janice Tuynman - 99991937 - jt@swift dsl.com.au
    Woody Point Yacht Club -  http://www.wpyc.com.au   commodore@wpyc.com.au
    Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - 02 9997 1022  http://www.rpayc.com.au/  
    Royal Motor Yacht Club - http://www.royalmotor.com.au/ 02 9997 5511
    Scotland Island Lodge - Bed & Breakfast - 02 9979 3301 or  http://www.scotlandislandlodge.com.au 
    Pittwater Youth Hostel  - 02 9999 5748  www.yha.com.au/hostels/details.cfm?hostelid=31  
    Handy Service - "No job too small"  - Call Alan 0447 775 541
    Electrician Wayne on Scotland Island 0418 229 277 - offshore community sparky - www.sparky.com.au
    David Walsh - Graphic Design - Custom Made Sculpture - 0404 239 212 - ital2@optusnet.com.au

    Island Classes (Fitness, Dance, Art etc)
    Pilates, Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice -  0406 483 036 patrice.corrie@gmail.com
    Anusara Yoga -  Thursdays -  0421762236 dominiquemarill@gmail.com or floydcbg@ozemail.com.au
    Art with Max - Watercolour classes. Phone Max on 9997 4527
    Art Classes- drawing and painting in oils, acrylics and mixed media- Marion 9979 3993 or 0431 457 431
    @ Nathalie's Table - Cooking Classes - Mediterranean cooking fortnightly - Nathalie - 9999 4449
    Dru Yoga - Tuesday evenings - Phone Katya on 0414 187 916
    Dynamic Yoga  - Saturdays from 9am - 10.30am 0402 752465 nadineomara@gmail.com

    Gurdjieff / The Forth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979 3993 or Anne on 9999 3478
    Green Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins on 0405 330 781
    WOW - Women on Water - second Wednesday of the month - Jenny Frazer 0410533728 / 99994460.
    Parents & Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS - email Emma trysemz@tpg.com.au
    Scotland Island Players - contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092
    Catherine Park Bush Care Group, 2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017
    Elizabeth Park Bush Care Group, 1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092
    Island Thinking Group - Roy Baker, 9999 6891, roybaker99@yahoo.com
    Offshore a capella choir –  Saturdays at 2:30 pm, SI Community Hall. Call CB on 9997 2035.

    Government Organisations
    Pittwater Council - 9970 1111  - email  pittwater_council@pittwater.nsw.gov.au  Web site click here
    Member for Mackellar Bronwyn Bishop, email clicking here or Bronwyn.Bishop.MP@aph.gov.au
    Member for Pittwater  Rob Stokes,  email pittwater@parliament.nsw.gov.au

    Airlines, Buses and Railways
    Sydney Airport:
    Arrivals and Departures
    Virgin Blue:

    Sydney Buses: Information.

    Sydney Ferries:
    City Rail:
    Timetables & Information.
    Country Link Rail:

    Scotland Island Tides, Moon phases, Sun rise & set
    Local Weather Forecasttop
    Radar weather for Sydney (128k circle)
    Emergency Contact Numbers   
    ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) 000
    Police Assistance Line & Information 13 1444 or 9281 0000
    Broken Bay Water Police 9910 7899 or 0412 162 093
    Marine Rescue Broken Bay - Weekend
    (02) 9999 3554 - (02) 8411 1121
    Marine Rescue Broken Bay - VHF Radio channel
    VHF Radio Channel: VHF 16
    27MHz Radio Channel: 86 or 88
    Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade  9999 4404
    NSW Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 9265 2999
    Rural Fire Service General information 9450 3000
    State Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES 9486 3399
    National Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information 9457 9322
    Dept of Community Services: general information 9977 6011
    Sydney Water 132 090
    Energy Australia 131 388, (ah) 131 909
    Join SIRA
    You can now join the Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking here. Please print the page and return the completed form to SIRA at this address:
    The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point 2105.
    Please NO CASH.

    Contact SIRA at
    Join WPCA
    To join the Western Pittwater Community Association, contact Michael Wiener at

    Archived Newsletters
    A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be found and read at https://ymlp.com/archive_gesgjgm.php  or by clicking here or by visiting the Mona Vale Library.

    The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

    To Contribute
    If you would like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an e-mail to the editor (editor@scotlandisland.org.au) or by clicking here. Type your contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of general interest to the community, does not include matter of a political nature and is not offensive, it will appear next month.

    Subscription Information
    To get on and off this newsletter, click here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup .
    To change your address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this newsletter or send an email to the editor@scotlandisland.org.au

    Follow the PON

    Follow PON_editor on Twitter FB PON

    The Online Local Contacts Guide  Click HERE to load

    The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) 

    Newsletter Design:Paul Purvis [0403-442-764]