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Scotland Island - Western Shores - Mackeral Beach

October 24 2013
Newsletter for Offshore Residents of Pittwater, Australia

logo S I R A

N e w s


On Monday night a report by Council staff recommending the refusal of the Pasadena Development Application was considered by a full Council Meeting. The application was for the development of a cafe, restaurant, bar, shops and motel units.  See full report here LINK

Alan Yuille on behalf of WPCA and Bill Gye on behalf of SIRA both spoke to support the refusal. The issues they raised, within the 3 minutes allowed each, were the significant impact of the development on parking, noise, appropriateness of the development, bulk and scale, lapsing of existing usage rights and concern about the consumption alcohol for extended hours and the affect this would have on the community.

After much discussion Council passed the recommendation for refusal and the matter is now likely to go to the Land and Environment Court. The minutes will be available on Council’s website prior to the next full Council meeting.

logo West Pittwater Community

Representing the communities of

McCarrs Creek, Elvina Bay,
Lovett Bay and Morning Bay


Council is holding a Community Forum at the Mona Vale Memorial Hall on Tuesday, October 29 between 6.30pm and 8.30pm to present and discuss in more detail the proposed Options for additional parking infrastructure at McCarrs Creek Road, Church Point.

The Options being presented are:
Option 1:  Ground level carpark as per the original CPPOM
Option 2:  Decked carpark
Option 3:  New Church Point Friends proposal (currently being assessed)

This is the final opportunity for all residents to be fully informed about the Options in order to submit any written comments to Council for their consideration, as well as participate in the upcoming Offshore survey.  A report and recommendation will go to a full Council meeting for determination on November 18 (TBC).

We urge all residents to come along and be part of this opportunity to support the resolution of future parking infrastructure at Church Point.  A good roll up to this Forum is essential so that residents’ voices can be heard and to demonstrate how important this issue is to the Offshore communities.

SIRA and WPCA have organised a bus to take residents to and from Church Point to avoid having to move their cars!  The bus will leave Church Point at 6pm sharp!

IMPORTANT: Please email to register your interest in travelling on the bus so we can confirm numbers communications@sira.org.au

You can read detailed information of the proposals on Council’s website:  www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/churchpoint

Council has commissioned an independent assessment of Option 3, the new revised Church Point Friends proposal, to confirm proposed car spaces, costings and other aspects of the plan.

Councillor’s views are still divided and it is possible that the process could be indefinitely postponed unless the community shows strong support for a solution to be implemented now. There is a real possibility that we are in danger of losing what has taken years to achieve. 

Many residents have disengaged from this process as it has gone on for so long BUT we encourage you to remain involved at this crucial stage after many years of hard work and discussion.

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The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)

Newsletter Design:Paul Purvis [0403-442-764]