Temple Beth Am Library Minyan February 2015
Take the LM Survey, Sign Up for DPL Lunch
Do you think services are too long, too same, or just wonderful as is? What do you like most (and least) about LM? Which DPL events work for you? Let us know what you think by taking the survey.  It's anonymous, and results will be summarized at our annual meeting, which will be after kiddush on March 7.
Sign Up for Potluck Lunch
The DPL Committee invites you to our annual DPL Shabbat Lunch on March 14, 2015, hosted by Abby and Larry Harris at 933 Foster Drive, Los Angeles. Get to know new members, reconnect with veteran members, and enjoy a variety of culinary delights. Space is limited to 50 people. Sign up as soon as possible, and no later than March 9, by clicking the button below.
The Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am, 1039 S. La Cienega Blvd 90035  www.libraryminyan.org