Planetary Outlook Newsletter & Horoscopes, August 2015
Message from Joe...
Hi Friends,
The slow cosmic winds of change continue in August with a very dynamic and passion-filled month. The month begins with Saturn stationing direct in Scorpio on August 1-2. Saturn is almost at the end of his journey in Scorpio. There has been a feeling of restraint and delay during these last few months that Saturn has been retrograde. We have been required to revisit darker issues that finally need to be put to rest. As Saturn turns direct, we can anticipate gaining closure in certain aspects of our lives in order to move on to the next part of the journey.
On August 3rd expansive Jupiter will square karmic Saturn adding more pressure to change our current philosophy with regards to responsibilities. During this powerful transit we will need to figure out what is worth working on to benefit future developments and where we may have been inclined to exaggerate potential. Considering Jupiter will be heading on to oppose dreamy Neptune in September, Saturn may actually turn out to be a positive influence, even if you feel the restriction in our plans. For all our optimism, big dreams and desire to ‘live it large’, we still must stay within the bounds of reality which is Saturn’s job.
Some stability enters the picture on August 6th when restless Mars trines steady Saturn. Whilst Mars in Cancer defends more than attacks, this cardinal sign tends towards proactive measures. This may be as simple as taking responsibility for any feelings of unhappiness while initiating changes to create a better emotional support system.
Mental Mercury will step in with some analytical thinking as he enters home territory of Virgo on the August 7th. Practical considerations will be uppermost in our minds during this transit, making decisions based in overall perfection. The following day, take-charge Mars enters flamboyant Leo helping to inspire our desires but doing it in style! Mars is far happier in this fiery sign than the watery realms of Cancer, so we are more inclined to go for our goals and exude confidence. In fact, these are pre-requisites if we want to get to where we want to be. As Leo is the sign of pleasure and creativity, this is the perfect time to explore new ways to express ourselves and to actively find projects that we enjoy.
On August 11th jolly Jupiter enters the discerning sign of Virgo. Jupiter is all about the big picture. Virgo however is focused on details and getting things just so; at first glance, these two may seem at odds. Jupiter is in detriment in this sign and this combination can evoke a picture of being swamped with admin and just too much to do! On the positive side, with Virgo’s focus on perfecting skills and health, we are looking at self- improvement. What can you do to improve your wellbeing, your skill-set, and your job prospects? In this hardworking sign, Jupiter isn’t likely to simply hand over his gifts but we will earn them and feel all the better for it. Look to the house in your chart with Virgo on the cusp to see which area of life is now ready for development and expansion through diligent effort. This transit has a wonderful giving edge to it. Jupiter loves to see the best in everyone and Virgo wants to help. Hand in hand, they create the archetype of the humble benefactor. It would be nice to think that in the wider world, this transit may bring a kinder vibration.
The New Moon in Leo on the August 14th will jump start our desire for creativity and romance. This Moon will be conjunct loving Venus and will trine progressive Uranus, while also squaring hardworking Saturn. The focus during this lunation is to offer the best of what you have. It’s time to set your seed of intent from the heart. The Sun/Moon conjunction with retrograde Venus amplifies our values that are brought together for review. The spotlight is on love – love for one’s self, love for the world and overall love in general.
The drama recedes on August 23rd when the radiant Sun moves into realistic Virgo and catches up with Jupiter on the August 26th. Diligent attention to detail combined with one eye on the big picture will help us to gain the best from this industrious period. Mercury enters supportive Libra on the August 27th. Communications become fair and responsive to others wishes and needs. Ideally, Mercury in Libra, listens, responds and makes space for other’s ideas and opinions. However, this polite placement has the ability to sweet-talk its way through if necessary. Mercury in Libra can sometimes be too agreeable. Indecisiveness may also be an issue as we bounce ideas back and forth trying to figure out what we really think because it’s easier to see all sides.
Finally, the month ends with a highly emotional Full Moon in Pisces on August 29th which will be conjunct ruler Neptune and opposing over-the-top Jupiter. Whilst there is a wide square from this lunation to careful Saturn, even that may not be enough to stop those waters from rising.
I would like to share this very important message with you my friends that I, and many others, have been receiving for quite a while now. For me, it started back in 2007 when I was minding my own business in the kitchen and began receiving psychic messages of an energy shift and societal changes to come. Well, here we are smack dab right the middle of these very important shifts in consciousness. By now many of us are realizing the whole universe and beyond is filled with photon light and vibration that is constantly moving. We can sense it and feel at times, this is what psychic ability is…the ability to read the energy around objects, places and others. Many of the ancient cultures prophesied what we are experiencing today and what’s to come. There is no need to be afraid of this energy; it is a very positive thing in the long run. It’s already awakening our hearts as we can feel it from time to time. We have entered the photon belt (Google it) and this is the direct alignment with our central Sun called Alcyone. It is the brightest star in the Pleiades open cluster (see photo below).
This wave of energy will intensify in months ahead changing the planets vibration and our bodies as well. The side effects of this energy shift are making many of us tired and sleepy. This is normal, as we vibrate higher we begin to slow down and become more centered. It’s as if we are awakening from a dream. Here's a blog I found that explains what this energetic shift is all about: Unprecedented Cosmic wave
"We are all spiritual beings having a human experience”
Psychic Astrologer Joseph P. Anthony &

Monthly Aspects and Lunar Cycles...
08/01- Saturn goes direct in Scorpio
08/03- Jupiter squares Saturn
08/06- Mars trines Saturn
08/07- Mercury enters Libra
08/08 -Mars enters Leo
08/11 -Jupiter enters Virgo
08/14 -New Moon in Leo
08/23 -Sun enters Virgo
08/27- Mercury enters Libra
08/29- Full Moon in Pisces

New Moon Outlook-July/August 2015

Monthly Horoscopes...
August Monthly Video Scopes
(click on image below to view video)
separate h
Have a Fabulous Month Friends !!!
Joseph P. Anthony Cool
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