Issue 577
  4 April 2024
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What's in this issue:
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Wednesday 10 April
Our speaker next week is Jack Boskett
Multi-award-winning photographer Jack is set to captivate audiences with his upcoming presentation, "From Railways to Royalty." Through this showcase, he intends to delve into the narratives behind his photographs, offering a glimpse into some truly captivating moments. His extensive portfolio includes his experiences as an official photographer during the solemn occasion of Queen Elizabeth II's funeral and the grandeur of King Charles III's Coronation.
Surprisingly, Jack attributes his remarkable journey to his initial passion for railways. This seemingly unrelated interest served as the catalyst for his eventual career trajectory. As he unravels his story, audiences will witness the unexpected twists and turns that led Jack to where he stands today, showcasing his extraordinary talent and unique perspective. Plus - Expect a lot of humour!
Through Jack Boskett's lens, the convergence of railways and royal occasions becomes a tale worth hearing, unveiling the fascinating link between seemingly disparate worlds. Get ready to embark on a visual journey where unexpected passions intertwine to create a remarkable photographic legacy.
Below are some of Jack's images from his talk, but if you want to see more, visit his website:
Login details:
  • Wednesday 10 April @ 19.30hrs
  • Log in: Click HERE
  • Meeting ID: 895 3538 7890
  • Password:  719576
DI Group
DI Group Meeting – Clubroom/Zoom – 8 April, 7.30pm
Seven presentations in the March meeting took up the whole evening with a variety of images to inspire us with new ideas.
John Chamberlin presented some wonderful examples of ICM with vertical movement which work well with tall trees, in particular aspen trees with long straight silver-coloured trunks with autumn leaves to give a splash of colour. The second half of his presentation was on his continuing interest in bird photography, this time showing some striking images of eagles in action.
Sian Jones recently toured Spain going from Bilbao in the north to south recording all aspects of the country to present ‘A Taste of Spain’ covering architecture and a glimpse of daily life in the streets of cities. One particular feature which stood out was greening of the city environment with vertical gardens on the side of tower blocks and planting in open spaces.
John Hudson continues with his project of photographing cathedrals from the air. He has earned his place in the theatres photographing dance performances alongside professionals in difficult lighting conditions and theatre restrictions. Some of the recent images he presented at the meeting showed the stunning quality of images, both in composition and technical aspects. He is due to talk to the club later in April, which I would fully recommend attending.
Linda Meaton’s first presentation to the DI group gave an insight into her academic world of photography working towards a degree. She described the assignment she was working on – conceptual photography where you have to define three ideas and implement them by producing images for an exhibition, quite a tall order compared to the prescribed subject in our club competitions. She picked Lightbulb Moment, Reflections and Why Do you need a Camera (i.e. Artificial Intelligence), I was very impressed with ideas she visualised for the first two. For the third one she used words to guide AI software to produce an image in the likeness of the image she supplied. Below are some of the images she presented.
Anita Fullerton has been walking along Uphill beach with the RPS Talk-Walk-Talk group which is being promoted in recent months by RPS in different locations. She created wonderful impressionist style images of the coastline using ICM technique together with composite imaging. She has also been busy creating mini panels i.e. a single image with multiple images and presented several beautifully created images, each having nine individual images with a theme of colour, texture and content or a combination of one or more. Work on her pressed flowers for creative images is ongoing and look forward to seeing more in future.
Mike Martin, always experimenting with creating images, presented some of his recent urban landscapes in the awful wet weather we have been suffering. The frogs in the local park have been taking advantage of the season giving Mike an opportunity to take some wonderful macro images of the frogs and fungi.
Lastly, I did a short presentation on desktop ICM i.e. using Photoshop. ICM in the field requires a lot of practice and intuition to visualise the end result which is pleasing. I have been experimenting with Path Blur filter to create a similar effect but with the benefit of full control to adjust the image at any stage.
The next meeting of the DI group is on Monday 8 April in about four days’ time, when Rachel Domleo will be co-hosting with me, with a view to taking up the reins later in the year.
It is in the usual format of presentations submitted by members. All BPS members are invited to share their images in an informal atmosphere. It is a good opportunity to show your work or to invite comments on your images from your fellow members, especially if you are planning to submit them for competitions or exhibitions. You are also welcome to ask questions on digital imaging or just sit and watch the proceedings if you wish.
For the submission of images I would still like to maintain the current system of sending them to me before the meeting. It allows me to prepare the presentation folder in advance for a smooth presentation. When you are ready, please email your images for presentation (about 2 to 20 minutes) to reach me by 6pm-ish Sunday 7 April. Images: JPG format, sRGB colour space, 1600 x 1200 pixels (same as competitions but not strict). To show them in a specific order, please prefix filenames with 01, 02, 03 etc. Email attachment size - max 20Mb per email, as many as necessary. You may also use WeTransfer or Dropbox link if convenient.
Ashwin Chauhan

Login details:
  • Monday 8 April @ 19.30hrs
  • Log in: Click HERE
  • Meeting ID: 829 4284 8366
  • Password:  623139
Print Competition Round 4 - Closing Date 10 April
This is advanced warning of the closing date for Round 4 of the 2023-24 Print Competition. It is next Wednesday 10 April, the prescribed theme will be Light & Shadow.
The judge for this final round of the competition is Martin Cooper LRPS and you can get some idea as to the sort of photography that he likes by looking at his website:
It is essential that you supply a digital copy of each print you enter. This should be the same size as for the PDI competitions – 1600 x 1200 – but there is no need to give any other information than your name and the title. You don’t need to add your membership number or level of entry. Please make sure that you upload the digital copies of your prints via this link:
Don't forget: without the upload, your entry won't be judged.
Questions or queries to:
David Alderson
Print Competition Secretary:

Only Mono
This is the only(?) inter-club battle dedicated solely to mono prints. There are usually around 30+ clubs taking part.
BPS has entered with some success over the last few years (we won  last year) so fingers crossed for a repeat this year.

6 April (this Saturday)
Only Mono at St Theodore's Church Hall,Talbot Rd, Port Talbot, SA13 1LB
The judge is Colin Trow Poole FRPS of Beacon PS

If you want to join Mike Martin to cheer on Bristol, the competition is due to start circa 12:15 - 12:30. It’s usually a great opportunity to see some of the best mono prints in the country.
Here’s our entry:
Mike Martin
Cleaner Wanted
Our cleaner is retiring on 24 April. On the assumption that personal recommendation is better than the equivalent of sticking a pin in the Yellow Pages, do you have any knowledge/experience of a commercial cleaning company that you can recommend?
Alternatively, if you feel like donning rubber gloves and giving Henry some exercise, I’m sure the Treasurer would be very happy!
Please contact me if you can help.
Carol Sykes
WCPF Members' Exhibition
Well done to BPS members who did particularly well in the recently judged Western Counties (WCPF) Members' Exhibition - gaining a grand total of 76 acceptances, including 22 awards which in turn included 4 out of the six available Gold Medals. Special praise to Richard Kay for having the best image in the exhibition.
The full list of acceptances is shown below, together with the award-winning images:
Name Image Title Award
Open Digital Class  
Rachel Domleo The Dark Side SEL
Rachel Domleo Deep Autumn  
Jay Hallsworth Pondering Thoughts    
Peter McCloskey Early Morning Tea  
Peter McCloskey Shiyueba Festival China  
Barry Mead Light Lunch CERT
Sue O'Connell Caro Boy GOLD
Sue O'Connell Bedouin Child Minder  
Open Monochrome Digital  
Rachel Domleo Smokey Clouds  
Jay Hallsworth Dover Court Lighthouse At High Tide SEL
Jay Hallsworth Zeva  
Mike Martin Friends  
Mike Martin The Lonely Cloud  
Sue O'Connell Baby Face  
Nature Digital Class  
Margaret Chambers Wildebeest Battle CERT
Margaret Chambers Jackals Stealing From A Hyena  
Margaret Chambers Windswept Bulbul  
Sandie Cox Otter Clan  
Steve Field Grey Heron Predates Palmate Newt  
Steve Field Small Skipper On Vetch  
Steve Field Young Kestrel  
Jay Hallsworth Dolphins 4 SEL
Jay Hallsworth Clownfish  
Jay Hallsworth Soldierfish On Guard  
Richard Kay Blue Morph Arctic Fox Shaking GOLD, BEST
Richard Kay Blue Morph Arctic Fox In Iceland  
Mike Martin Glistening Ink-Cap  
Mike Martin Yellow Dung Fly  
Sue O'Connell Braving The Crossing  
Graham Pears Chital Deer And Black Drongos  
Graham Pears Red Grouse Hen In Heather  
Mary Pears Buzzard Asserting Dominance  
Mary Pears Grebes Weed Dance  
Catherine Potter Luangwa Waterbuck  
Ralph Snook Juvenile Jacana On Water Lily SEL
Ralph Snook White Necked Raven Pecking Vulture CERT
Open Colour Print Class  
Rachel Domleo End Of The Day GOLD
Jay Hallsworth A Lady With A Rose  
Jay Hallsworth Thoughtfulness  
Jay Hallsworth Zeva  
Jeff Hargreaves Tandem Final Sight Impaired Pillion  
Mike Martin Spirit of the Wind CERT
Open Monochrome Print  
Peter Brisley Doubt  
Peter Brisley Long Ashton Vale Bristol  
Rachel Domleo Snow Storm GOLD
Rachel Domleo Sky High CERT
Steve Field Ashleigh  
Steve Field Going Sideways  
Jay Hallsworth Wrecks At Pin Mill SEL
Jay Hallsworth Mystery Girl  
Jeff Hargreaves Olive Trees Early Val Di Orcia  
Jeff Hargreaves Val Di Orcia Early  
Mike Martin Silenced SEL
Mike Martin Waiting by the stairs  
Sue O'Connell Hama Mother And Child CERT
Sue O'Connell Home Alone  
Sue O'Connell Sadhu Stare  
Sue O'Connell Scrummy  
Nature Print Class  
Peter Brisley Cheetah Brothers At Rest  
Margaret Chambers Reddish Egret Caught A Fish  
Sandie Cox Hippo Yawn  
Sandie Cox Young Lynx Cub  
Steve Field European Wasp  
Steve Field Long Eared Owl In Flight  
Richard Kay Arctic Foxes Fighting CERT
Richard Kay Arctic Fox At A Reindeer Carcass  
Mike Martin Dew Covered Common Grass Bug  
Sue O'Connell Lion Cubs At Play  
Sue O'Connell The Elusive Serval  
Graham Pears Jay Feeding Juvenile In Rain SEL
Graham Pears Cuckoo Taking Flight CERT
Graham Pears Courting Grebes  
Mary Pears Hare Encounter  
Mary Pears Wild Bengal Tiger In Jungle  
Ralph Snook Jackal Hunting Doves BRNZ
Ralph Snook Red Billed Oxpecker Jumping  

Key to Awards

GOLD - Gold SEL - Selector's Award
SLVR - Silver CERT - Highly Commended
BRNZ - Bronze BEST - Best in Exhibition

Full results at:
Medal Winning Images
(Best image in exhibition)
Nature PDI Gold
Blue Morph Arctic Fox Shaking
Richard Kay
Caro Boy
Sue O'Connell
Selector's Award
The Dark Side
Rachel Domleo
Selector's Award
Dover Court Lighthouse At High Tide
Jay Hallsworth
Selector's Award
Dolphins 4
Jay Hallsworth
Selector's Award
Juvenile Jacana On Water Lily
Ralph Snook
Selector's Award
Luangwa Waterbuck
Catherine Potter
Selector's Award
End of the Day
Rachel Domleo
Snow Storm
Rachel Domleo
Selector's Award
Wrecks At Pin Mill
Jay Hallsworth
Selector's Award
Mike Martin
Jackal Hunting Doves
Ralph Snook
Selector's Award
Jay Feeding Juvenile In Rain
Graham Pears
Highly Commended Images
Open Digital
Light Lunch - Barry Mead
Nature Digital
Wildebeest Battle - Margaret Chambers
Nature Digital
White Necked Raven Pecking Vulture Ralph Snook
Open Print
Spirit of the Wind - Mike Martin
Open Mono Print
Sky High - Rachel Domleo
Open Mono Print
Hama Mother And Child
Sue O'Connell
Nature Print
Arctic Foxes Fighting - Richard Kay
Nature Print
Cuckoo Taking Flight - Graham Pears
Exhibitions To Enter
Neath & District 2024 Salon (BPE)
Open - Now
Cheltenham International 2024 (PSA, FIAP, PAGB, GPU)
Open - Now
Midland Salon
Open - Now
London Salon
Open - Now
Website:click on image to open
NEW - Download Issue 353 PAGB eNews HERE. This issue contains some interesting new PAGB rules relating to judging and much, much more.
NEW - Download Issue 114 of Photography News  HERE.
BPS Programme
Members can download a pdf copy of the upcoming BPS programme by clicking on this link
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
I have received the following from Sue O'Connell:
Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2024 
I was surprised and delighted to have seven images shortlisted in this year’s competition but I am over the moon to find out today that I have reached the finals!! All will be revealed at the Awards Evening in London in June - fingers crossed, but really bad luck we’ll be away ☹️!! The competition covers the topic of food in the broadest possible way and the shortlist makes for a really interesting browse:

Salon acceptances: Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to   
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!  
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following: Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you  
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE