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Globally we're observing pharmaceutical interests getting control of vitamin trade associations. Nowhere has this been more glaringly apparent than IADSA (International Alliance of Dietary Supplement Associations) http://www.iadsa.org See a full expose on IADSA at http://www.iahf.com/iadsa
Val Johanson of CHC and IADSA- A Treacherous Cartel Plant
Val Johanson, Exec Dir of the Complementary Healthcare Council (CHC) in Australia established and headed the TGA's (Australian FDA's) Surveillance Unit for four years http://norsearch.scu.edu.au/conferences/nat_safe/conf_speakers.html
As a biochemist and research officer with Kanemtsu Institute at Sydney Hospital she undertook research in new drugs for kidney disease and obesity. Now she's doing everything humanly possible to suppress consumer access to safe dietary supplement alternatives to these sorts of prescription drugs.
By running CHC, and through her involvement with IADSA has Johanson "turned over a new leaf" and suddenly turned her back on her former pharmaceutical masters?
From her position at CHC and also from within IADSA, Johanson has been in the forefront of a treacherous global pharmaceutical attack against consumer's access to dietary supplements, but resistance to her tyrannical efforts is mounting world wide, paralleling her and IADSA Chairmain Randy Dennin's exposure as pharma plants inside the dietary supplement industry.
From her post in CHC, Johanson has done NOTHING to protest the corrupt banning of 1600 totally safe dietary supplements by the corrupt Australian government via the Pan Recall. Indeed, all her actions have gone towards trying to DESTROY the dietary supplement industry, while only going through the motions of "protecting" it.
Although a Trans Tasman Treaty to harmonize dietary supplement regulations was illegally signed by New Zealand Health Minister Annette King to harmonize New Zealand's liberal food based dietary supplement regulations with Australia's mindless pharmaceuticlized regulations, opposition parties in New Zealand have rebuffed Johanson's (and Dennin's and King's) treachery by refusing to pass implementing legislation which would give this Treaty the force of law inside New Zealand: see
"Pro-Supplement MPs May Block Trans-Tasman Regulatory Plan" http://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/hotnews/3ch1173540.html
Prior to this, NNFA of New Zealand exposed IADSA as a controlled opposition group. NNFA New Zealand sent this letter to IADSA http://www.iahf.com/iadsa/nnfa_iadsa_letter.html In it, NNFA New Zealand presented a list of grievances, all of which expose the true agenda of Val Johanson and Randy Dennin.
The Canadian people have rebelled against the corrupt CHFA (Canadian Health Food Association) because it is doing nothing to protect them from harmonization to Australian law. On June 18th, 2003 in complete violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Health Canada gazetted new regulations which harmonized Canada to Australia.
CHFA has done nothing to protest these illegal regulations- indeed, the corrupt trade association has EMBRACED the mindless dictates which threaten to drown the industry under an avalanche of red tape.
The Canadian Alliance of Health Retailers http://www.canadianallianceofhealthretailers.ca/ has been formed in direct opposition to CHFA, IADSA, and to harmonization with Australia. CAHR's President is Croft Woodruff, a past President of CHFA who can document the pharma takeover of CHFA.
CAHR is calling global attention to the following legal actions against Health Canada http://www.taxtyranny.ca/images/HTML/HealthFreedomLegalActionsagainstHealthCanada/
Having trained their big guns on New Zealand, Canada, and the EU, IADSA is also trying to
bring about the harmonization of dietary supplement laws throughout South America
and held a huge conference there October 8-9 2003 http://www.iadsa.org/data/PDF/INFPDF18.PDF
Working through IADSA- the Cartel is attempting to isolate the USA in the world and take us last via harmonization.
The vitamin trade associations comprising IADSA are not being told the truth about any of this, and members of
these trade associations aren't examining the issues for themselves. Due to this, the entire supplement industry
is being artfully led to the cliff.
Busy vitamin company CEOs and health food store owners are being told "what they want to hear" by such controlled opposition groups
as IADSA members NNFA in the USA and CHFA in Canada. They're being told that Codex poses "no threat" to any nations domestic laws,
and that "we and IADSA are handling things."
They're "handling things" all right- they're "handling things" for Bayer, BASF, Pfizer, Monsanto, and the rest of the Pharma Cartel....
Nowhere is this more glaringly apparent than with IADSA and also with CRN (Council for Responsible Nutrition) which announced
that Bayer, BASF, Pfizer, Monsanto and the other drug companies dominating CRN have achieved a VICTORY at Codex:CODEX COMMITTEE BACKS SCIENCE BASED SAFETY STANDARDS FOR VITAMINS AND MINERALS- BREAKS EIGHT YEAR STALEMATE http://www.crnusa.org/shellnr110403.html
This declaration of "victory" is a textbook example of the Hegelian Dialectic used against the dietary supplement industry.
CRN's intention with this press release was to put their supplement industry members including multilevel companies such as Mannatech, GNLD, Shaklee, and Herbalife to sleep so that they won't do what is needed to fight back--- such as supporting the ANH lawsuit to overturn the EU Food Supplement Directive.
CRN has told its vitamin company members that its "not necessary" to support ANH's lawsuit. What the supplement company membership of CRN doesn't understand is that there is nothing the least bit "scientific" about the "SUL"s (Safe Upper Levels) being imposed on potency levels at Codex. All of this is exposed in the most recent issue of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine- especially in the editorial by Abram Hoffer,MD and via the article by Alan Gaby MD titled "Safe Upper Limits" for Nutritional Supplements- One Giant Step Backward http://www.orthomed.org/jom/jom.htm
At the Expo East vitamin trade show in Washington DC in September 2003, ANH rep Maury Silverman was thrown out of a meeting of the Joint International Committee of NNFA and AHPA by Randy Dennin, "former" employee of Pfizer pharmaceutical company and Chair of IADSA.
In an effort to cover his tracks prior to Expo East, Dennin announced his "retirement" from Pfizer in the September issue of Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.
Also in an apparent effort to cover his tracks at Expo East, someone had the IADSA Exposed website which used to be at http://iadsa-exposed.tripod.com removed from cyberspace. (The information has since been restored at http://www.iahf.com/iadsa and via several mirror sites)
Dennin threw ANH's Silverman out of the Joint International Committee meeting because he was actively encouraging industry support for the Alliance for Natural Health's lawsuit, while simultaneously exposing IADSA as a controlled opposition group by circulating copies of my article about the ANH lawsuit from the July issue of Life Extension Magazine http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2003/2003_preprint_eu_01.html
Dennin has "retired" from Pfizer about like Dick Cheney has "retired" from Haliburton....
The dietary supplement industry is too corrupt to get behind the ANH lawsuit.
Pharma interests controlling IADSA have managed to keep NNFA and AHPA in the dark as to the extreme importance of supporting this lawsuit.
CRN has dissuaded its vitamin company members from backing the ANH lawsuit.
The EU goes from having observer status to having FULL status at next years Codex meeting. At the same time, the EU expands from 15 to 25 nations in size.
At the same time, Australia, which just yanked 1600 safe products from the shelves under false pretenses will be bringing a "white paper" on supposed "scientific risk assessment" and a massive effort will be made to drive a phony vitamin standard through to completion at step 6 to set the world up for harm-onization.
The FDA is behind CRN- their press releases about what just happened at Codex clearly illustrate this- so Dr.Yetley of the FDA would have no qualms about voting in favor of a finalized Codex vitamin standard as things currently stand.
On March 16, 2001 the oversight hearing that I pushed for for 5 years on Codex was whitewashed. FDA has set us up to lose in a future WTO Trade Dispute by creating false definitions of vitamin safety. CRN and NAS are helping them to pull a fast one on the American vitamin consuming public- and most people don't see any of this because they're not familiar with international law. We're being set up via the SPS Agreement. The only legal basis on which we can defend our vitamin laws from harmonization to an international standard is safety- so FDA and NAS (with help from CRN and IADSA) are foisting off phony "safety standards" on us.
ANH is going to court for oral arguments at the end of January in a bid to overturn the EU's mindless Food Supplement Directive.
ANH recently did emergency lobbying in Strousborg against the Pharmaceuticals Directive- (which would turn any substance with any physiologic effect in the body into a "drug"
ANH badly needs all of our support right now. Please make a donation at http://www.alliance-natural-health.org If you have donated already, please donate some more and urge as many people as you possibly can to also donate.
I hope this email helps you "connect the dots" on what is going on world wide to destroy the dietary supplement industry.
Please forward it widely.
For Health Freedom,
John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road
Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World