BPS Newsletter - Issue 142                                                                                           3 June 2015
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 3 June
Annual Print Competition - This year the judge will be Margaret Salisbury FRPS EFIAP FIPF APAGB. Margaret is a Fotospeed lecturer and has judged many at exhibitions. You can get a flavour of Margaret's work by visiting the Fotospeed website.
Garmston Bowl & President's Cup
This is advanced warning of the closing date for these two competition on 10 June. Full entry details can be found in your BPS Handbook.
Would members entering the Garmston Bowl  please remember that your name should not appear on the back of your print. The handing in date is 10th June
NB. All returns will be available in the clubrooms on the 3rd June for those people who had prints left in the clubrooms - I shall be emailing individuals  shortly
Thanks Margaret Collis
Unit 13
Those of you who turned up for the first meeting at the new venue this week will be aware that there were a few teething troubles, mainly to do with the viewing of prints, either directly on the display panel at the front or indirectly on the monitors. As explained on the night, measures are being taken to correct these, but please be patient as we are working as quickly as we can. There is no need to tell me during the next tea break that the monitor took a long time to focus or that there is some glare off the prints - we know. The other problems centred around the air conditioning, firstly I couldn't get one of the units towards the front of the room to turn off until the tea break (now sorted) and the secondly was that I had turned the fans in the main unit at the back up to full power (oh, how I enjoy annoying people!), this has been remedied by turning the fan speed down for next week.
I have received a couple of emails that the authors have asked me to include in this issue of the newsletter:
I am sure that I speak for everyone who attended the official opening of Unit 13 in thanking Carol, Pete and the team who made this event such a success.  It was great to see so many members enjoying a social afternoon, with the wine (and fruit juice) and food so plentifully supplied (an anonymous donor helped with the cost, thanks to them too!). The new rooms looked great, the displays fascinating and everyone appreciated the enhanced facilities that will be available because of the move.
Also a very big thank you to all those that made the move possible, Mike Bews, Keith Wood, Mike Bigger and Pete Howell and all the team that made it happen. Thanks must also go to our Treasurer, Peter Smith, who has been beavering away behind the scenes to ensure that all the finances were in place. Anon

Those of you who were able to attending the 'opening' of the new clubrooms last Sunday will doubtless be absolutely delighted with the new premises. At times I wondered if we would ever move, because of the required 'leap in the dark' and commitment involved. However, what we now have is superb and congratulations to the members of BPS Council who have seen it through to completion. A particular 'thank you' to the project management team of Pete Howell, Mike Bews, Mike Bigger and Keith Wood who have overseen the purchase of the new rooms and its transformation from a medical call centre to what we have now. Above all, a huge thank you to Pete Howell, for whom life must have stopped given all the hours he has spent it getting it all just right. At the reception on Sunday it was suggested to me that  the rooms were spot on and that they could not be improved on. I am sure that is right. We must also thank Carol Sykes for arranging the Sunday reception which went so well and was clearly enjoyed by all who were able to attend. A small group of people have delivered our new premises so once again very many thanks. John Chamberlin
Studio Group Competition
Following the success of last year’s studio competition by popular demand another studio competition will take place at the AGM this year with the task of wrestling the trophy away from Mike Bigger.

The studio competition will be for images taken during any of the studio group meetings that have taken place between 1st June 2013 and 28th April 2015. Any member who has attended these sessions can submit up to four images which they should rank in order of their preference for being entered in the competition. The images should be sent to: competitions@bristolphoto.org.uk as soon as possible and should follow the normal rules for digital competitions i.e.:

  1. If you do not receive a Submission Report, this may mean your images have not been received.
  2. Submissions can only be made by email and are not accepted on the night and cannot be made by CD, flash drive or memory stick.
  3. Please be aware that the images are handled automatically once loaded into the competition software and the software will reject incorrect images (too large or wrong naming pattern)
  4. Images must not be greater than 1400 pixels wide and 1050 pixels high - Note that Portrait format images must not be more than 1050 pixels high.
  5. Save the images as a JPG using the highest quality. (Other file types such as  TIFF or PSD will not be accepted).
  6. The projector uses the sRGB colour space and hence you should save the images using the sRGB colour profile. Other profiles (such as Adobe98 or ProPhoto) may result in incorrect display of the image.
  7. Name each file you enter in the following pattern.  Eg:-   01_Alexandrea_296Z.jpg
  • 01, 02, 03, etc. to show order of preference.
  • Underscore (not a hyphen)
  • Title of the image (which can contain spaces and hyphens but must not contain underscore)
  • Underscore (not a hyphen)
  • Your Membership Number (shown at the top of this newsletter) followed by Z
The images will be shown randomly in pairs following the AGM on the 8th July and all present will vote on them on a knockout basis until we have an overall winner who will be presented with the studio trophy.

If you’ve enjoyed a studio group meeting please support this new competition, it will be a great chance both for the experienced members and for those new to competitions to try their hand.

Nick Ball
BPS Photography Course 2015
It is time to prepare for the annual BPS Photography course which commences on Tuesday 8th September 2015 and following 10 Tuesdays. This activity raises about a third of the Society's annual income.
We need some volunteers to assist both before and during the course, as follows:
Before the course :
  • Identify names of  Publications to advertise in (eg Local free papers)
  • Participants for Poster/Leaflet distribution
  • Need help to define locations as well as to visit them
    • eg: Office Notice Boards, Community Boards, or anywhere else your imagination can come up with.
  • The locations delivered to last year are listed here. 
I will coordinate responses so that we do not do the same ground twice!
During the course :
General help including:
  • A Lecturer for Photoshop Elements demo (45 mins) (Script already written)
  • Greeting and herding (stop students sitting in the back row!)
  • Tea/coffee
  • To chat (technical or otherwise) – all are welcome anyway
  • Tidying up
Please feel free to contact me at derek@firstcottage.com
or    0117 973 9556
or    07976 188517
Many thanks in advance
Derek Ripper
This is a last reminder that all motions for the AGM, which is on 8 July, must be received by the Secretary at least 5 weeks prior to this date (3 June). All motions must be in writing and signed by the proposer and a seconder.
Warwick 2015
This year BPS represents the WCPF at the annual PAGB Interclub Projected Image Competition at Warwick on 11 July. It would be great to see a crowd of BPS members at the event to support the club at what is the Country's major interclub event. If you would like to support BPS and get tickets for this event, you can download an application form by following this link.
Photomarathon 2015
After three fantastic annual events, Second Look has teamed up with the M-Shed again on the Bristol waterfront to bring you another helping of photo fun.

What is a Photomarathon?
Don’t worry, there’s no running involved! The event is a day to challenge you to think creatively, meet new people and have some fun. Each entrant will receive a disposable camera and a list of topics to capture. The subjects must be taken in the order which they are provided. Only one picture can be taken to represent each topic.

All participants are to meet on May 30th 2015 at the M-Shed between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Cameras need to be returned to M-Shed by 5 p.m. M-Shed is also going to be used as a base throughout the day for people to pop in & catch their breath. If you have not been able to finish all topics, your completed subjects will be shown in the exhibition, so please still return the camera.
Full details can be found here.
Exhibition to Visit
Chalkie Davies: the NME years – National Museum Cardiff 9th May to 6th September 2015.
Welsh-born Chalkie Davies joined the Rock’n’Roll Circus in ’73 after photographing David Bowie’s last night as Ziggy Stardust. He worked as a staff photographer at the NME (New Musical Express) from ’75-’79 shooting numerous covers and features on the most influential artists from that era, including Elvis Costello, Nick Lowe, Ian Dury, Debbie Harry, Paul McCartney, The Clash, The Ramones and The Rolling Stones.
In ’80 he helped launch The Face magazine with his old NME editor Nick Logan, shooting many cover stories. During this period he also shot record covers for Thin Lizzy, Elvis Costello, The Pretenders, The Specials, Pete Townshend and David Bowie. He also made a series of formal portraits of many of the best musicians from this time. These unseen portraits and a large selection of his best work for the NME make up this Retrospective.
For further details, click here.
This year PhotoLive takes place in Birmingham (11 July), Bath (Saturday 1 August), Leeds (5 September) and London (12 September) and is a day out for people passionate about taking photos. Whatever your level of photography you’ll enjoy a variety of seminars from top professionals on a range of techniques and genres. You’ll also be able to see the latest gear and snap up some bargains in their retail area. Full details here.
Photography News
Download issue 20 of Photography News here.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
Well done to BPS members for gaining the following FIAP distinctions: AFIAP for Derwood Pamphilon, EFIAP Silver For Keith Wood and Ann Mead and EFIAP Bronze for Sue O'Connell.
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Items For Sale
Nikon D610 full frame DSLR body.

18 months old, with 6 months manufacturer's extended warranty remaining. Camera is in excellent condition, boxed with all the original items - £725.

email: Andy Gillingham. gilliac@btinternet.com or phone 01454 415015.
Items will remain in this section for one month from the date of insertion or until notification of sale, whichever is the sooner.
Please let the newsletter editor know if/when any of the items listed are sold.
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                          Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk