* 2024 Perugia Press Prize is OPEN *

Publication of the winning manuscript comes with
$2,000, author copies, and other support from the press.

We look forward to reading your work!

* Abundant Thanks to Our Summer Interns! *
We're so grateful for the help we've had this summer from two amazing student interns. Check out these interviews with them, conducted by Perugia Board Member Jean Blakeman, to get
to know them, their work with Perugia, and their own poetry.


The Book Eaters Is Getting Buzz!
The Book Eaters was featured on Taylor Swift as Books
a fan account run by Amy Lorraine Long that designs
pairings of book covers with pictures of Taylor Swift.
Check out this stunning match:
Carolina Hotchandani's debut is already recommended reading:

The Flapper Press Poetry Café "celebrates poetry from the
globe and features unique poets of all ages." Guest editor
Debbie Theiss interviewed artist and poet Alice White, who
in turn mentioned The Book Eaters, Carolina Hotchandani,
and their friendship forged through Bread Loaf.
Read the full interview here (Alice's poems are wonderful!).
We have our own bookshop on our website, and we also
distribute our books through Small Press Distribution (SPD).
The Book Eaters was included in the latest "SPD Recommends" showcase of new releases they carry. 
Finally, Diana Whitney included The Book Eaters in a list
of feminist books she is looking forward to reading - and we feel the same way about her book Dark Beds, forthcoming from June Road Press! Read Diana's latest issue of "Girl Trouble" here.

* The Book Eaters: Available for Pre-sale *
Our copies arrived at the press and have been winging their way
to their first readers. They are seen here crowned by late-summer, bug-bitten echinacea, as is fitting for this gorgeous book of finely wrought poems riddled with beauty, intelligence, love & insects. 

* Perugia Poet News *
Perugia poet Carolina Hotchandani's poem “Archipelago”
(from her new Perugia collection The Book Eaters) was
in Vol. 21 No. 3 of Blackbird Journal. An excerpt:
Perugia poet Gail Thomas is teaching a workshop
"New Voices: Expanding the Poetic Canon"
for the Pioneer Valley Writers' Workshop this fall.
Find details at PVWW. Gail also has a poem,
"Forgiveness, I am still working on it" up at One Art
Perugia poet Abby E. Murray's poem"Decolonize
the Stars" is in the current issue of New York Quarterly.
She also has a poem "Elegy for a Cat" in the latest Gyroscope Review. Another poem, "Ode to My Inner Ear," was a
semifinalist for the Crab Creek Review Poetry Prize
and will appear in the fall/winter issue.
and discussing her memoir about her brother Charlie,
My Brother Speaks in Dreams, at the Blue Springs North Library
on 8/31 @7pm, 850 NW Hunter Dr., Blue Springs, MO 64015.
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062