Notes from presentation retail only dispensaries today, feel free to send any questions: 
The main takeaway from today is they will put this off to January and lots of confusion about having medical at “Retail Only” locations.  This is not possible because they are not issuing anymore medical licenses from Taxation. 
Jacqueline Holloway - 
Issued 118
Pending 18
Not Applied 14 (Provisional) 
Dispensary: 25 licensed 
1 Pending
Additional Dispensary : 32 to be allowed
Incorporated Clark County : 10 Slots for Retail only stores that will be allowed in Clark County
22 in the other jurisdictions in Southern Nevada.
Medical licenses can apply for stand alone retail only location.
State not going o issue points for having a location.
Land use is not a component of the criteria.  
Nov 15, 2018 - the state may take applications from others who are not licensees if there is a need.  
Says their are people under 5% who have not been vetted by Clark County and they would like these people to be. 
Must change ordinance in Clark County to issue these retail only license cause currently say must have medical.
Steve Sisolak - Asks how long we have extended these?  They have expired a few out that are not making progress.  
Can you make a restriction that says you can only apply if you have 2 or less?  (They will have to look into this, Susan Brager says we can treat the little guy better by giving them more advantage) 
Nowhere in this document I have asked for a moratorium on dispensaries.
Concerned not every owner has come in for vetting under 5%.  
Wants to increase costs in the county for cannabis applicants.  
Susan Bragger: District F will not make any decision unless knows the current owners.  Wants money to stay within the state of Nevada.  She wants to make sure the little guy / gal is protected.  She is worried about monopolies.  Wants dispensaries to have medical along with recreational.
Susan Brager: Not for freestanding retail and wants them to be medical.  Does not want retail only in her district.  DO NOT PUT A LOCATION IN HER AREA Without a MEETING.  Makes motion: in Clark County you must have medical licenses to operate a recreational establishment then withdraws her motion.
Second meeting in January to talk about this issue again.  
Chris G: Says they did have a residency requirement in other states.  Their are underserved dispensary areas that need dispensaries.  
Says the law voted for retail only licenses, she has concerns about non residents getting these licenses, says valid issue to allow cultivation / production to apply, does not want to restrict competition.
Says she wants to know why this came up now and licenses are not even issued till January.  She does not agree with why this was put on agenda so quickly before Christmas.  
Says wants to wait till January and does not want to see monopolies.  Says things are premature.  
Clark County Employee Business Licensing Employee:
There is nothing in the code that says they must have medical to have retail
There are property owners that want to apply for special use permits though don’t have licenses so they can have a bidding war at locations.  The board says they are not in favor of this.  
***Retail Only Dispensary Licenses For MMEs Available In The Future
Applications will be accepted March/ April 2018.  I am available to help you with this new opportunity and have already partnered with a dispensary to give you the best chance at this or go it alone and I can help you with this project as well.  
***Budtender Fight Club - Rotating Educational Series 
My new passion project is inexpensive budtender education - how we can make sure Nevada budtenders are communicating the highest quality information to cannabis consumers with superior customer service.  Please consider sending your budtenders to this upcoming training or letting someone know if they want to work in the industry, we can assure Nevada continues to dominate.  This will occur every month with different topics each time.  Get tickets NOW for only $20 bucks.  
***J.Sturtsman Consulting : Do You Need The Following For Your MME?
-Required Staff MME Training
-SOPs for Cultivation, Production, Dispensary, & Distribution Companies
-Branding & Sales Support
-Independent Sales Team Support
-Cultivation, Production, & Dispensary Applications
-Qualified & Trained 500+ Future Employees 
***Limited Vegas, Coastal, & Tahoe Cannabis Magazine Special : Buy 12 months, Get The Last Month Free
For a limited time, If you sign up for 12 months of marketing support with Vegas Cannabis Magazine, I will make sure you get the last month free.  13 months for the cost of 12 possibly saving you over $1,500 with this offer.     
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If I can be of help in some capacity, please don’t hesitate to contact me and always let it ride on green.
Jason Sturtsman, B.A.E., Ed.S.
Nevada Independent Cannabis Laboratory Advisory Committee Member (ILAC)
Healthcare Options For Patients Enterprises (HOPE) Production Sales & Marketing
Vegas / Tahoe / Coastal Cannabis Magazine Writer / Advertising / Sales
Budtender Fight Club: Cannabis Education Founder
J.Sturtsman Consulting - SOPS & Application Support
Blossum Group Marketing & Sales
KUSH Klicks Sales - SEO, Website Creation, Social Media
Focus Distribution - Recreational Cannabis Distribution 
Pineapple Cannabis Magazine Writer 
Direct / Text: 702-325-9923
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