In this first of Spring Occasional, you'll hear Erin Brockovich's views on fluoridation and the World Health Organization's views on Roundup. Hear about California's water war between lawn owners and farmers, meet the bottom-dwelling hatchetfish, and find out how glow-in-the-dark tampons can be used in wastewater management. You'll hear China's opinion of new dams in Tibet and the world's opinion of China's island-building venture. Learn how milk pollutes water and how sewage can be used to predict obesity rates. Water treatment news about activated carbon, Katalox Light, and our exciting new Aer-Max page. Then there is more (and more) about fracking, the world's largest single marine reserve, hormone mimickers in wastewater, a new regulation for crypto, reverse osmosis units provided for poor families, and the pollution of Lake Victoria. Hear how Yahoo News trashes the strange devices called "alkalizers" (just as ours is still almost ready to hit the market). Visit Hinkley, CA 15 years after Erin Brockovich, find out where Hitler currently resides, and hear the pros and cons of the much-discussed thirsty almond. And, as always, there is much, much more.
The Pure Water Occasional is a project of Pure Water Products and the Pure Water Gazette.
To read this issue on the Pure Water Gazette's website, please go here. (Recommended! When you read online you get the added advantage of the Gazette's sidebar feed of the very latest world water news.)
The recent reports underlining the true severity of California's water shortage brought on by prolonged drought have inspired the state's lawmakers to consider severe rationing of water to homes and businesses, especially limiting the use of water for home landscaping. While any water saving is laudable and important, an East Bay Express article explains that the state's real water gluttons, corporate farmers, are seldom mentioned when cutbacks are proposed. Below is an excerpt from the article.--Hardly Waite.
Environmentalists say the proposed regulations fail to address the state's largest water waster: Big Agribusiness. In fact, California's agricultural interests use 80 percent of the available water in the state each year (even though they represent just 2 percent of California's economy). "But there's no target [reduction] for agricultural use," noted Tom Stokely, a water policy analyst for the nonprofit California Water Impact Network. Instead, Stokely pointed out that the state is just targeting urban and suburban water users in its rationing plan, even though they only consume about 20 percent of the California's available water each year.
It's one of the great illusions in the Golden State. When we think of wasting water, we think of emerald lawns, lush gardens, and backyard swimming pools. And while it's true that many households and businesses are still wasting lots of water — and we need tougher rules to stop them — the true water wasters are large agricultural interests that are increasingly growing water-intensive crops, particularly almonds, in extremely dry sections of California, including the western San Joaquin Valley (see "California's Thirsty Almonds," 2/5/14).
In the past decade, the number of almond orchards in the state has grown by roughly 50 percent — primarily because tree nuts are highly profitable for farmers. And while growing nuts in the wetter northern Central Valley makes sense, it is irresponsible to plant tens of thousands of acres of almond trees in areas that don't have enough water.
According to state data, California's almond crop now consumes more water than all outdoor watering combined. You read that right. Even if every Californian stopped watering their gardens tomorrow, it would not save as much water that which is used for almonds in the state. "As a consumer, it makes you ask, 'Why should I conserve water when they're planting 40,000 acres of almonds in the desert?'" Stokely said.
Environmentalists, however, are concerned the current record-drought conditions will only lead to dumber decisions about water. They're worried that instead of calling for the end of water-intensive farming in the desert, Governor Jerry Brown and state water officials will double-down on their plan to build two giant water tunnels underneath the delta so that it will be easier to ship Northern California water to the dry San Joaquin Valley. "They don't want to do what really needs to be done," said Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, executive director of the conservation group Restore the Delta, referring to ending water-wasting practices by Big Ag in California.
Environmentalists are also concerned that Brown and other centrist Democrats, such as US Senator Dianne Feinstein, will join with Republicans in calling for the weakening of our environmental laws in order to send water shipments to farmers in the San Joaquin Valley — even if it means driving some fish species to extinction. "At what point to we accept that we're overusing a limited supply?" said Bill Jennings, executive director of the conservation group California Sportfishing Protection Alliance.
For their part, agricultural interests have argued that they shouldn't be subject to rationing because they're too important to the state. After all, they say, how would we eat without the state's bountiful farms?
But environmentalists rightly note that no one is calling for a cutback on water use for the state's essential food supplies. The problem is the water wasted on non-essential crops. Right now, California is producing far more almonds than state residents can consume. So much so that at least 70 percent of the state's almond crop is now exported — much of it to China. In other words, we're essentially exporting our water to China.
That's absurd. And if Governor Brown and California water officials are ever going to get serious about conserving water, then they need to abandon crazy business practices — like growing water-intensive crops in the desert and spending $25 billion on water tunnels to make it happen so we can sell more nuts to China. That's especially true now that we've only got one year of water left.
Reference: "California Targets Wrong Water Wasters," East Bay Express.
Pure Water Gazette Fair Use Statement
And, a Dissenting View on the almond issue:
A quarter-century ago, when I first started farming the fertile ground of western Fresno County, my crop was cotton.
I wasn't alone. Back then, the San Joaquin Valley had more than 1 million acres of white gold. Federal water cost me — hard to believe today — only $25 an acre-foot. And there was plenty of it. My neighbors and I irrigated inefficiently by sprinkler and furrow.
But I knew then that cotton wasn't a sustainable crop for California. It could grow almost anywhere, and there was a surplus of it. Plus, cotton growers got a rather considerable payment from the federal government. Those double subsidies — cheap water and price supports — gave cotton growers a black eye. We were portrayed, with some justification, as the greedy farmers of Fresno's west side.
So my farming partner and I decided in 1989 to plant our first almond trees on 40 acres outside Coalinga. Almonds were a higher-value crop, and there were no crop subsidies for nuts, which was a good thing for the American taxpayer. Also, if the price of water rose — and it certainly did — almonds produced a higher return to offset that cost.
In the years since, we have planted thousands more acres of almonds and pistachios. Once again, we're not alone. Up and down the valley, orchards of nuts now exceed 1 million acres. Only 200,000 acres still grow cotton. And where furrows once dominated, you'll find the precision of drip irrigation.
But now we're the bad guys again. Article after article in newspapers, magazines and online put nut growers in a bad light related to the drought. The whole equation seems to be reduced to a single number wielded by our critics: It takes one gallon of water to grow one nut.
Boy, that sounds wasteful. It's a figure designed to outrage, and it does the trick.
But looking at the societal value of producing food only by gallons of water used is silly, if not absurd. My fellow growers of other crops calculate that it takes about 168 gallons of water to produce a single watermelon. And 50 gallons for a cantaloupe. That head of broccoli that you feel good about serving to your child? Thirty-five gallons. A single ear of corn requires roughly 40 gallons.
I planted my almonds based on a contract with the federal government to deliver surface water from Northern California. I didn't anticipate the contractual supply dropping to zero for two straight years; I didn't foresee having to dig wells deeper into the earth of my farm to pump groundwater to make up the difference. Yes, almonds are a "permanent" crop with a life span of 18 to 20 years, and they don't offer me the easy option of fallowing orchards in drought as some vegetable farmers have done. But let me point out that my almond trees are a lot less permanent than the houses that continue to get built in California on the same dwindling water supply.
Drive across the expanse of farmland around us and you'll be hard pressed to find a puddle. That's not because of the lack of rain. That's because of the efficiency of irrigation. Out here, every gallon of water is measured from ditch to drip line.
With the curtailment of federal water deliveries, farmers are paying, on average, $1,000 an acre-foot for any surface water piped in on the open market. So you can bet that we're not using a drop more than we need to keep our trees alive and productive.
I'm proud to be a farmer of almonds and pistachios. We produce something real and healthful that contributes mightily to the economy of California. Last year, farm gate sales for nuts alone topped $7 billion in our state. The export market is healthy and so is domestic consumption. Ask the county tax assessor what the rising value of nut acreage has meant for the tax rolls, and you're likely to get a big smile.
Some of the old-timers still remember when this stretch of Fresno County belonged to the horned toad, jack rabbit and tumbleweed. Just as the architects of the Central Valley Project envisioned, water and man's ingenuity turned the middle of California into the world's most productive agricultural region.
Over time, farmers have adapted to answer the demands of water shortage, new crops, cities and fish, and I know we'll continue to adapt as California confronts a new era of limits. But demonizing us — and what we grow — is no way to meet the challenge. We're not the bad guys.
Source: LA Times.
Have you ever wondered about Nature's purpose for the "lightless, airless ocean bottom" with its tons of pressure per square inch, its outrageously ugly creatures, its "living tube worms and anglerfish, sea spiders, whipnoses" . . . hanging around in the soundless deep blackness, "their mouths agape and tentacles upheld to catch the flocculent dead matter drifting like snow from the blue and green ocean above?" Well, according to one of the characters of novelist E. L. Doctorow, it's all part of a Plan.--Hardly Waite.
Hatchetfish from the Deep, Deep, Deep Ocean
This is all part of the Universal Plan.
We are instructed that life does not require air or warmth. We are instructed that whatever condition God provides, some sort of creature will invent itself to live in it. There is no fixed morphology for living things. No necessary condition for life. Thousands of unknown plant and animal beings are living in the deepest canyons of the black, cold water and they have their own movies. Their biomass is far in excess of our own sunlit and air-breathing plant and animal life. At the very bottom of the sea are smoking vents of hydrogen sulfide gases in which bacteria are pleased to flourish. And feeding upon these are warty bivalves and viscous, gummy jellies and spiny eels with the amazing ability to fluoresce when they are attacked or need to illuminate their prey. God has a reason for all this. There is one fish, the hatchet, which skulks about in the deep darkness with protuberant eyes on the top of its homed head and the ability to electrically light its anus to blind predators sneaking up behind it. The electric anus, however, is not an innate feature. It comes from a colony of luminescent bacteria that house themselves symbiotically in the fish’s asshole. And there is a Purpose in this as well which we haven’t yet ascertained. But if you believe God’s divine judgment and you countenance reincarnation, then it may be reasonably assumed that a certain bacterium living in the anus of a particularly ancient hatchetfish at the bottom of the ocean is the recycled and fully sentient soul of Adolf Hitler glimmering miserably through the cloacal muck in which he is periodically bathed and nourished.
Hatchetfish, Front View. Adolph Hitler Is Visible only from the Other End.
We've expanded our Aer-Max page to include a new vertical-mount installation shelf which makes our old favorite aeration system even more attractive. The new Deluxe Installation Kit for Aer-Max mounts the air pump on top of the treatment tank itself, saving space as well as making installation even easier. We've also added a timer to control the pump, making Aer-Max's electrical hook-up as easy as plugging in a lamp. Please take a look at the new Aer-Max page, plus an entirely new page that features filters that go especially well after pre-treatment with Aer-Max. Aer-Max remains the the most effective closed-tank aeration treatment for iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide on the market. Aer-Max, our single tank aerators, and our aeration parts page make the leading internet source for residential equipment for non-chemical treatment for iron, manganese and rotten egg odors in well water.
We've also greatly expanded our offerings in filtration with Katalox Light, the relatively new iron/sulfide medium from Germany. Katalox Light, which is only slightly heavier than Birm and much lighter than Filox, adds a dimension to filter design. It works well with traditional oxidizers like chlorine and potassium permanganate, and it goes especially well with our aeration systems. We offer free-standing Katalox Light filters in all standard residential sizes (up to 13" X 54" tanks), plus a Katalox Light version of our popular single tank aerators. Katalox Light is a very versatile medium built on a natural zeolite base that filters turbidity down to 3 microns and has a generous 10% manganese dioxide coating for high capacity iron reduction and long service life. It is especially effective with iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide treatment and can be applied as well to Arsenic, Zinc, Copper, Lead, Radium, Uranium and other radionuclides. Katlox Light is ANSI/NSF 61 certified. Read more about Katalox Light on the manufacturer's sheet.
NSF International has published the first American National Standard to evaluate the performance of municipal water filtration technologies in removing Cryptosporidium from public drinking water supplies. The new standard--NSF/ANSI 419: Public Drinking Water Equipment Performance--Filtration incorporates state and federal regulatory requirements It is aimed at assisting state regulators in verifying compliance while reducing time and costs for manufacturers by streamlining the testing process.
Municipal water treatment plants that use surface waters such as lakes, rivers and streams as a source of public drinking water are required to filter out microorganisms and bacteria such as Cryptosporidium unless exempted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To ensure Cryptosporidium is effectively removed from public drinking water, the EPA created the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2), which applies to all public water systems that use surface water or ground water that is under the direct influence of surface water.
More about crypto from Pure Water Products.
Pitcairn Islands to get world's largest single marine reserve. UK government gives go ahead in the 2015 budget to a vast marine protected area in the Pacific that’s home to more than 80 species of fish, coral and algae.
Hormone-mimickers widespread in Great Lakes region wastewater, waterways and fish. "It doesn't matter if it's a large urban wastewater plant, a mid-size city wastewater plant or individual septic tanks. These chemicals are present." Full story from Environmental Health News.
The testicle from a male trout which contains a developing egg is an example of "intersex" conditions that can result from pollution by hormone-mimicking chemicals. Click image for larger view.
Methane in drinking water unrelated to fracking. Science reports that fracking doesn’t appear to be allowing methane to seriously contaminate drinking water in Pennsylvania, A new study seems to refute earlier findings.
Nebraska farmer silences oil and gas committee with invitation to drink water tainted by fracking. Appearing before a Nebraska Oil & Gas Conservation committee hearing, a local farmer received nothing but silence from the pro-fracking members of the board after he invited them to drink glasses of water tainted by fracking.
15 years after 'Erin Brockovich,' town still fearful of polluted water. Fifteen years after the film showed triumphant residents winning a $333-million settlement with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. for contaminating its water — Hinkley, California, is emptying out, and those who stay still struggle to find resolution.
China's island-building is ruining coral reefs, Philippines says. A foreign affairs spokesman said that countries ringing the South China Sea could lose up to $100 million a year from the loss of fish breeding grounds.
Fears boom in milk industry will damage water quality. Increasing milk production by 50pc will impact on water quality due to pollution, environmentalists have warned.
Scientists can predict your city's obesity rate by analyzing its sewage. The sewage of fat cities like Little Rock and Toledo is easy to distinguish from that of skinny ones like Denver and San Diego
'Tampon tests' could be used to track sewage in rivers. Glow-in-the-dark tampons could be used to show where sewage is seeping into rivers, scientists have suggested.
The price of damming Tibet’s rivers. This will end badly for the nations downstream from Tibet, which are competing for scarce water. Damming and water diversion could also end badly for China, by destroying the sources of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.
A California non-profit is installing home reverse osmosis units to provide safe drinking water for poor families. Read Safe Drinking Water Evades the Poor.
Santos CSG wastewater to top 1 million litres a day – with nowhere to go. Santos Energy is seeking approval for a new waste treatment plant at its controversial pilot coal seam gas field in northern NSW without identifying how it will dispose of the briny and potentially toxic end product.
South Plainfield landowner pays $22M to clean Cornell-Dubilier site: Is it enough? The owner of the 24-acre Hamilton Industrial Park in South Plainfield, New Jersey, has agreed to pay $22 million to help defray the costs of cleaning up decades of pollution caused by Cornell-Dubilier Electronics. A perceptive article that shows why regulation of businesses is essential.
On the first day of spring, we should consider if bizarre winters and heavy snows disprove climate change. Read Winter in the Anthropocene.
After years of denial, the main ingredient in the most popular weed killer in the US, Roundup, has now been declared a probably carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Details.
Deep-water marine fish living on the continental slopes at depths from 2,000 feet to one mile have liver pathologies, tumors and other health problems that may be linked to human-caused pollution, one of the first studies of its type has found. Fish have been found with a blend of male and female sex organs including. The findings appear to reflect general ocean conditions. Full article from Science Daily.
Agricultural run-off into Lake Victoria has led to serious pollution and disease.
Lake Victoria covers more than 68,800 square km and is the lifeblood for the people of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda who rely on its waters to service its huge fishing industry. But pollution, over fishing and ecological destruction have many worried about an environmental catastrophe. Full story with lots of excellent pictures.
The California Drought with its subsequent water rationing has been the top water story for some time.
Finally, a water ionizer that works without electrical gadgetry. The Model 77 Water Ionizer offers a totally new approach to water ionization. A single knob controls the entire process. No chemical to mix, no multifunctioning gadgets, no whirring and purring. Just turn the knob and look at the big, easy-to-read pH meter. What you see is what you get. You’ll think it works by magic (and maybe it does).
Finally, a water ionizer that doesn’t cost $1700. This affordable countertop unit, designed for use in mobile homes as well as mansions, is the latest addition to our Model 77 family of unequaled countertop water filters. We call our original Model 77 “the world’s greatest $77 countertop water filter.” The new ionizing unit, called Model 77-I, carries the same $77 price as regular Model 77 units.
Finally, a water ionizer that breaks all performance records for alkalinity enhancement and pH amendment. We haven’t just made an inexpensive ionizer, but we’ve improved on the whole concept of water ionization.
Model 77-I is a self-modulating anti-oxidizing hydrolator that detoxifies as it hydrates and alkalizes. As it modulates and multi-neutralizes, it induces a state of hyper saturation of both free and captive radicals. Superhydration and hyper modulation are achieved by reverse modulation of water that has been subjected to reverse osmosis dynamics that are built into the system. Thus the reversal caused by reverse osmosis is itself reversed so that forward osmosis is the end result and the undesirable effects of reverse osmosis are nullified and voided by bilateral reverse hydrolation at the nano particle level.
Although the procedure is simple, the result is water so powerful in induced alkalinity that it will take your breath away.
Operation of Model 77-I is simple. Just use the diverter valve to start water through the unit as you would with a conventional Model 77 countertop unit, then using the special pH regulator (B), adjust the pH to your desired preference. You’ll be delighted to see that Model 77-I’s special modulating forces will actually push the pH levels as high as 15.6! And if you require low pH water, just turn the modulating knob counterclockwise and watch the meter descend. If you dare, you can drop the pH to the level of vinegar or muriatic acid or even Coca Cola, producing water that will actually strip paint off of metal surfaces!
Look for it soon on our websites, and remember the name: Model 77-I, “the world’s greatest $77 water alkalizer.”
Article Source: The Pure Water Gazette.
Gazette Introductory Note: This piece calmly dismisses the basic assumption of sellers of the products called "alkalizers" or "ionizers" that the human body needs large amounts of very alkaline water to maintain its health. The key idea is expressed in the statement that the body does quite well at maintaining water's pH balance. It has been doing this for eons without the help of radically treated water or the $2000 machines being sold to produce it. The fact is that the body must have water at a very specific pH level and it has perfected the way of achieving that level quite without the help of special bottled water or costly electronic gadgets. Truth is, the pH level of the water we drink seems to have no effect at all on the body's ability to get the pH of the water it uses exactly right.--Hardly Waite.
Water is nature’s perfect beverage. Hydrating, calorie-free, and readily available, the simple drink is as good as it gets for ensuring proper functioning of all your body’s organs. But what if there was a different water, an even more hydrating liquid that goes farther to keep you healthy and thriving?
That’s the premise behind alkaline water, a version of H2O with a pH level higher than 7. (A pH above 7 is considered alkaline, while a pH lower than 7 is acidic — normal water typically has a pH of 7).The thinking is this: Maintaining a bodily pH level of 7.4 is key to optimum health. Because so many foods in the modern diet are considered acidic, drinking water with a higher pH than normal can help your body stay alkaline and disease-free, improving all aspects of health. Proponents call it a better form of hydration, and some drink alkaline water exclusively.
The water comes in two forms: “natural” alkaline water, gathered from areas like Hawaii’s volcanic regions, or “artificial” alkaline water, which is ionized by a machine or made by adding an alkalizing salt to normal water.
Where The Trend Began:
While water with extra benefits has been revered for ages, the specialty bottled water industry has boomed in just recent years. “People are drawn to something that impacts the body’s pH [levels]. Whether it’s placebo or fact, people feel that drinking alkaline water will help them get healthier,” says Richard Medina Jr., co-founder of L.A. Distributing Company, a New Age snack and beverage distributor. Even Mark Wahlberg and Puff Daddy got into the game in 2013 co-founding “Aqua Hydrate,” a brand of alkaline water that they tout as a natural hangover cure.
But for all its celebrity sparkle and dramatic claims, can drinking alkaline water actually make you any healthier?
What The Science Says:
As alluring as it sounds, the answer is no, says Stanley Goldfarb, MD, hydration expert and professor at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. “If you drink a lot of alkaline water, all you’re going to do is pee out a huge amount of alkaline material. There really is no rationale for this,” Goldfarb explains. Yes, maintaining the right pH balance is important, but your body does that on its own — no fancy water required.
“What people need to appreciate is that the body is designed to maintain its equilibrium in the face of whatever you take in,” Goldfarb explains. “We are designed to maintain the pH of our bodies in an extraordinarily specific range. We have so many defense mechanisms to prevent an accumulation of alkaline that drinking alkaline water will have little effect.”
As for claims that alkaline water can hydrate better than normal water, delivering vitamins and minerals to your body more rapidly and efficiently — those just don’t hold up. There are no studies that prove that drinking alkaline water is any more hydrating than your average tap, filtered, or bottled water, and any claims that it does so fly in the face of hydration research, says Goldfarb. “When it comes to… whether you’re taking in acid or alkaline, it really makes no difference,” he says.
But as much as alkaline water’s benefits have likely been overblown, so too have any potential side effects. Some warn against drinking too much alkaline water, for fear that it could lead to alkalosis — when your body’s pH level is too high, causing confusion, headaches, vomiting and more. According to Goldfarb, there’s very little chance that drinking alkaline water, even if you’re drinking it exclusively, could lead to any internal issues. “It’s not to say that you can’t overwhelm your system, but it’s rare.” That said, says Goldfarb, “if you have a disease, the answer changes, so I’m hesitant to say oh, no, drink what you want, [but in general] it won’t make a difference.”
As for whether water that’s naturally alkaline is any better than water that’s artificially alkalized, Goldfarb doesn’t see the evidence. “There’s no difference between natural and unnatural alkaline—it really doesn’t matter.”
The Verdict:
There are some situations where the pH level of the water you consume does impact your health, Goldfarb explains. “For example, [for] some people who have kidney disease, their bodies cannot rid themselves of acid as quickly as others. If you’re prone to kidney stones, then acidity might be a problem.” A study did suggest that drinking water with a pH of 8.8 (which is more alkaline) can help relieve symptoms of acid reflux, when it’s done as part of a doctor-approved treatment plan. Those exceptions aside, swilling alkaline water won’t make much of a difference.
If you love the taste of a certain water and have some extra money to blow, spending it on pricey aqua isn’t the worst thing you could do. Just turn a wary eye to health claims and don’t expect any magic.
Source: Yahoo Health.
Pure Water Gazette Fair Use Statement
The ancient Egyptians used some forms of charcoal, an ancestor of modern activated carbon, to purify medicines and oils. Since then the use of activated carbon has grown to the current use of almost one billion pounds per year for such applications as drinking water purification and (a much larger use) removal of mercury from flue gas in coal-burning energy plants.
Carbon is prepared by greatly differing manufacturing processes depending on the use for which it serves. For drinking water treatment, carbon is most often prepared as granular activated carbon (GAC), powdered activated carbon (PAC) or in solid carbon block format.
“It is produced by heating carbonaceous materials, e.g., lignite and bituminous coal or cellulose-based substances like wood or coconut shells to 600 to 900o C in the absence of air to form a carbonized char, then activating (oxidizing) its surface usually at 800 to 1,200o C in the presence of steam, carbon dioxide or air, creating a highly porous carbon structure." (Water Technology Magazine.)
The activation process produces a very large surface area on the order of 500 to 1,200 to 2,000 square meters per gram. The surface area derives from millions of molecular-sized pores and depressions. Carbon works both by providing gigantic surface area for the the adsorption (not absorption) of chemicals and by catalytic activity that changes unwanted substances (like chlorine) to harmless items like chloride.
Some of the carbon products available from Pure Water Products:
Literally scores of different drinking water cartridges, both carbon blocks and granular media cartridges, in all standard sizes and some proprietary, See our extensive Filter Cartridge Menu for details.
Granular formulations for use in tank-style filters include standard bituminous GAC, coconut shell GAC, specially prepared "catalytic" carbons for treatment of chloramines, hydrogen sulfide, and iron, Catalytic carbons in both bituminous (Centaur) and coconut shell (Jacobi) styles, Colorsorb lignite carbon for color reduction. Bulk carbons can be found in 1, 3/4, and 1/2 cubic foot sizes in our Filter Media List.
After a great deal of research and personal thought, I am opposed to the continued policy and practice of drinking water fluoridation; I believe this harmful practice must be ended immediately. Public drinking water is a basic human right; and its systematic use as a dispensary of a substance for medical purposes is deplorable.
Shocking revelations are surfacing in the growing scandal; real harm from fluoride affects people of all races and ages, but one of the especially shocking aspects of the scandal is how dental and government officials responded when The Lillie Center for Energy & Health Studies publicized the science showing disproportionate fluoride harm to the African American community. Minority community and civil rights leaders have been speaking out, including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece Alveda King. Ms. King recently posted on my Facebook page that I should keep shining the light on Fluoridegate. Ms. King also called for public hearings, and I agree: it's time for meaningful public hearings. There are numerous documents and aspects to this scandal that investigative bodies and investigative journalists will want to examine.
Now is the time for professional and consumer advocacy groups that have blindly lent their name to support drinking water fluoridation to rescind that permission. How many of them actually conducted their own reviews before allowing their name to be used? And now is the time to ask the hard questions about the nature of the relationship between trade groups, our surgeon generals, and other government officials concerning drinking water fluoridation.
As a mother and grandmother, I am concerned about families in fluoridated communities using fluoridated drinking water from their tap to mix infant milk formula. I am concerned that the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences has designated kidney patients, children, diabetics and seniors as "susceptible subpopulations" that are especially vulnerable to harm from ingested fluorides. How can we in good conscience give susceptible persons an uncontrolled amount of fluorides in water? I also strongly support Drinking water utility professionals, many I know many deplore and feel guilty about the idea of dispensing medication through drinking water and working with the dangerous fluoridation chemicals.
Drinking water fluoridation takes away people's freedom to choose what they take into their bodies. Low income families may not have the financial means to avoid over dosing with their drinking water.
I call for four avenues of action:
1. An immediate repeal of all laws that require or enable fluoridation.
2. Holding of Fluoridegate hearings at both national and state levels.
3. For professional associations and advocacy groups to rescind allowing their names to be used to support drinking water fluoridation.
4. For key research to immediately begin on how to safely remove fluorides that have accumulated in people's bones and pineal glands.
My career has been about making people aware of harmful exposures and the deception that often accompanies those exposures. Drinking water fluoridation is harmful, we've been deceived to believe it is safe, and with new found knowledge we must all act now to stop it.
Source: Erin's Facebook Page.
Please visit our RO Parts Page for tanks and accessories. We also have dedicated parts pages for countertop water filters, undersink filters, and aeration equipment. We stock parts for everything we sell.
Places to Visit on Our Websites in the meantime.
Garden Hose Filters. Don’t be the last on your block to own one.
Model 77: “The World’s Greatest $77 Water Filter”
”Sprite Shower Filters: You’ll Sing Better!”
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Our famous whole house Chloramine Catcher
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