Friday, October 27, 2017

Galatians 4:4-5 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.


American humorist Arnold H. Glasow once said, "Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time." Obviously, it's easier said than done.

As Christians, we know that true success in this earthly life is learning to know Jesus as the Savior from sin, thereby gaining eternal life. Of course, on our own, we would be completely unsuccessful. As sinful human beings, we naturally do what is wrong, we never go the right way, and we have terrible timing.

In the face of our failures, how incredible is the success of God described in these two verses from Galatians chapter four! God's timing was perfect. The entire history of the world is one perfectly executed plan of God. In the Old Testament writing of the prophets, Isaiah, Daniel, and Ezekiel, God told the specific plans for the fullness of time. How the relationships between Israel and the great powers of the world would develop. How in politics, language, communications, in social, religious, moral affairs, through economic advancement and moral bankruptcy the entire world was in the perfect condition for the Gospel to go out from Jerusalem to the entire world!

In the same way, God's timing was perfect when He sent the Holy Spirit working through the Word into the heart of Martin Luther 500 years ago, revealing to him the Gospel truths of grace alone, faith alone, and Scripture alone. In the same way, God's timing is perfect for you right where you are right now. Your story is already a success story because through faith Christ's success is credited to you.

The ultimate success story is the greatest story ever told: the story of Jesus. Jesus never did what was wrong and always did what was right. He kept the law in our place so that he could buy back the world from its sins. Jesus is the right way. He succeeded in the most important mission of all time, all so that we might be adopted as God's beloved children, heirs of the inheritance of eternal life. Jesus' success covers up all our failures. Jesus' success story is your success story! Thanks be to God!

Luther: Now since Christ has conquered the Law in His own Person, it necessarily follows that He is God by nature. For except for God no one, neither a man nor an angel, is above the Law. But Christ is above the Law, because He has conquered and strangled it.