Farm Fresh News - April 2017
  • Bees: Splitting a Hive with a New Queen
  • Vegan Nutritional Yeast Cheese Sauce
  • Conference on Community May 26-28
  • Market Day Under the Dome May 20
  • Organic Gardening Intensive June 8-11 

Dwarf Crested Iris in bloom along our our creeks
Hi Friends,
My mind is preoccupied with spring planting and other things, so no philosophical reflections this month. I just received two Italian Queen bees and made two "splits," removing frames of eggs and larvae from my existing hives and placing them in mini-hives called a Nuc, to create two new colonies. I will keep you posted on their progress. As promised, the recipe for Nutritional Yeast Cheese Sauce. Now, off to plant potatoes and carrots!
Bees: Splitting a Hive!
Back a couple months ago, I ordered two Italian Queen bees with a delivery date scheduled for mid-April. After they arrived at the post office, I made two "splits" or new colonies, removing frames of eggs and larvae from two of my existing hives, placing them inside mini-hives, where they will live in for a while as they get established.
The queen arrives in a small box with several helper bees. The exit hole is blocked by sugar paste and piece of cork. Above Left: Removing the cork with a toothpick. The bees in the hive eat through the sugar paste to release the queen. I also use the toothpick to poke a hole through the sugar paste to speed up the release of the queen, a process that takes 2-3 days. That gives the bees time to accept the queen's smell and accept her as their own before she exits into the hive. Center: The bees in the hive know there is a queen in there! Right: Inserting the queen and box between the frames. We'll check back in 3 days to make sure she has been released, and then go inside again a week later to see if she has begun laying.
June 8-11 Organic Gardening Intensive
 If you want to see how you can grow most of the food your family needs, learn the nuances of growing organic, go inside my bee hives, and see for yourself the many different approaches to producing food in the course of a single extended weekend, register now for this unique experience.
Register Now!

Happenings at the Ecovillage Training Center
A few spaces remain for the Ecovillage Training Center's most immersive program. This 6-week Permaculture Design Course offers a comprehensive education of the natural and societal systems in which we live. With an emphasis on community building and living, this educational experience takes participants through a journey of spiritual and scientific growth. For more information or questions contact Hayley Joyell Smith at You can also check out our website.

Nutritional Yeast Cheese Sauce
Nutritional yeast has been was on the best discoveries and gifts from The Farm's communal days that continues to be appreciated far and wide. On The Farm, Nutritional Yeast is considered an essential condiment, on the table just like salt and sprinkled over everything. Use it as a butter substitute on potatoes, popcorn and vegies, great on beans, the list goes on
Way, way back in the day, health-food enthusiasts consumed Brewer's Yeast because of its abundance of B vitamins. However Brewers Yeast is a byproduct of the brewing process and hops, giving it a bitter flavor. Healh "nuts" would try to mask the bitterness by mixing the Brewer's Yeast in orange juice, but I can attest it tasted awful. In contrast, Nutritional yeast is grown on molasses made from sugar cane or beets, giving it a sweet, delicious flavor. 
From the New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook (out of print)
Nutritional Yeast Cheese Sauce
  • One half cup nutritional yeast flakes
  • One half cup unbleached white wheat flour or substitute a gluten free flour
  • One teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 cups water
  • One quarter cup butter or a butter substitute like Earth Balance
  • One teaspoon with mustard
    (I personally leave this out)
Mix dry ingredients in a saucepan. Whisk in water. Cook over medium heat, continuing to whisk or stir until it thickens and bubbles.
Tip: When you cook and a pot or saucepan, use a spoon to reach the dry ingredients stuck in the corner of the pot, between the vertical sides and horizontal bottom of the saucepan. A whisk simply won’t reach them.
Once the sauce starts become thick and starts bubbling, cook 30 seconds more, then remove it from the heat. Whisk in the butter/Earth Balance and mustard.
The Nut Yeast Cheese Sauce will continue to thicken as it cools. Pour the cheese sauce directly from the saucepan on top of your lasagna while it still hot so that it flows easily. If you wait too long and the sauce gets too thick, you'll end up spooning out large clumps and it will be difficult to spread evenly over the surface. It also won't give your lasagna the same eye appeal.

Variation: for a richer, stretchier sauce that's good on pizza, substitute the flour with 1/4 cup cornstarch and 2 tablespoons of flour. Instead of butter, whip in one half cup of oil after it cooks. I also use various alternative flours if I want to go gluten free. You'll want to experiement here to see what works best for you.

Pouring the finished Nut Yeast Cheese Sauce over lasgna
The Farm Experience Weekend Dates for 2017 – Register Now!
October 20-22

 Meet your host at GreenLife Retreats: Douglas Stevenson
A big thanks to everyone who has become a patron of Farm Fresh!
When you become a subscriber, your contribution helps spread the word about the work at Standing Rock and other important projects and causes. Take this one small step to be part of the solution!

Click here to make a one time donation.

Click here to take the survey.    I look forward to hearing from you.

I hope you'll make the effort to take a firsthand look at The Farm during one of my GreenLife Retreat Weekends, and that it will inspire you to pursue your dreams and find your chosen path!
Speaking Engagements
At the same time, I recognize that I can reach a lot more people if I go outside the community.
One of my goals for 2017 is to speak around the country, especially at colleges and universities where I can speak to young people about Right Livelihood, Service, and Finding Sanity in an Insane World. This is a time when people need to hear an uplifting message of hope.
If you are part of an organization, event, or school (or you just want to learn more about my life's work), I invite you to visit my web site, where you'll find information on my lecture topics and how to bring me to speak in your area.
 "With our love, we can change the world!"
The 2017 GreenLife Retreats Calendar
March 24-26  Farm Experience Weekend 
Inspiration is a key element of personal transformation. Farm Experience Weekends open you up to new possibilities and give you the courage to take the next step in living your life to the fullest! This weekend gives you the best overview of life in community, exploring green building and solar technology, organic gardening, midwifery, alternative education, starting a small business, and so much more. Learn how community can leverage your ability to live true to your ideals and make a difference in the world. Watch the video. / Farm Experience in Photos
Surviving a Trump Presidency: The Conference on Community and Sustainability May 26-28
Co-sponsored by the Fellowship of Intentional Communities (FIC), this weekend is an immersion in all things community and achieving a lifestyle in line with the values of sustainability. This is one of our most popular events that promises this year to be even greater !
I like to give each conference a theme or point of focus, and as I had to personally come to terms with how a Trump presidency would affect our future, I found inspiration in the many voices of resistance coming from all corners of our country. 
It was important for me to acknowledge with a definite sense of gratitude that those of us living in community are in many ways better prepared and able to maintain a buffer of sanity inside our bubble. The Farm was born during Nixon, survived Reaganomics, and endured through Bush 1 and Bush 2. We will keep on keepin' on and remain true to our path and recognize that our ability to maintain a sense of joy in the midst of turmoil is because of our life together in community.
Folks here and there started saying to me, "You should call your Community and Sustainability: Surviving the Trump Presidency.
It made sense to me. This May 26-28
 we will plot a strategy for the years ahead.
In a bit of astounding synchronicity, I am in contact with a group of students and faculty from a class called "Sustainability and the Apocalypse" who are making plans to come the week before.
Let's work together to make this a truly dynamic event! I hope to see you here!

Out to Change the World and The Farm Then and Now
Order both for just $33 including shipping!
Order both and save!
An Incredible NEW BOOK!
Following 7 years of research, Farm Community member Thomas Hupp uncovers the subtle forces that presently affect Politics, Economics and Your Health.
  • There is Economic Warfare going on and You are the target!
  • This Assault is being waged by a Power we cannot see.
  • Tracking Mr. Global educates citizens about  how the world is presently being controlled.
Only $15 plus $5 for shipping!
June 8-11 The Organic Gardening Intensive 
4 Days of hands-on gardening and immersion in Permaculture, as well as garden tours on and off-The Farm to visit Permaculture Homesteads, a bamboo nursery, the nearby Amish community, and more.
organic gardening intensive
Oct 20-22 Farm Experience Weekend
Fall Colors and a Fire Circle: Always a jam packed weekend. A time of reflection and introspection.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - the Web Site
www.awakening - The Podcast 
Our new birth resource web site is up. The Awakening Birth podcast is now available on iTunes.
Please spread the word to anyone in your circle who is thinking of having a baby, expecting, your favorite midwife, or care provider.
Please like us and give us a good review on iTunes. It helps!
Midwifery Workshops:
Swan Trust Activities & Hikes   Contact:
Permaculture Apprenticeships: Learn straw, cob, earthbag, turf roofs, bamboo, thatch, clay plaster, adobe, alis, and food self-reliance at The Farm Community.

Spiral Ridge Permaculture - Workshops and Classes at a Permaculture Homestead down the road
Green Life Retreats
A division of Village Media Services
PO Box 259Summertown, TN 38483
931-964-2590 - office 931-626-4035 cell