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In This Issue:
Upcoming meetings and events.
What's Coming:
Town Planning Commission meeting...
August 23, 2012, 2012
Next Town Council Meeting...
August 23, 2012.
Police Report Statistics... Click here
Huntsville Newsletter:
Huntsville Marathon Saturday - FLY YOUR FLAG
The first annual Huntsville Utah Marathon will take place this Saturday.  Runners will depart the Huntsville Park at 8 am via bus enroute to the starting lines at Monte Cristo.  

The race will start at 10 am with the first of 1400 runners arriving in town at about 11:30 am.  The course winds down Highway 39 along the South Fork river, turns south to the Monastery, then winds back to 500 South, which will be the home stretch, entering Huntsville near the Post Office.
At 7500 East, runners will turn North and the finish line is near the tennis courts in the Huntsville Park.

The course has been certified as a Boston Qualifier, and we expect it to be one of the fastest marathon courses in the state.  Runners worldwide are attending with hopes of qualifying for Boston.

There will be considerable impact on our residents and many of the roads surrounding the park will be closed, so please plan your trips accordingly.  The upside, in addition to hosting a world class event, is that the town stands to make money - a lot of it.
We urge you to support and embrace the race by cheering on the runners.  Also, please show your pride in our town and patriotism by flying your flags on race day.  We will have many flags flying around the park and it will be nice to see the streets lined in red, white and blue.  Please share with your neighbors who may not be on this email list.

There will be booths and food available in the park and awards will be presented at 12:45 PM for the half marathon, and 2:30 PM for the full marathon.  There will be many winners as runners will be beating their personal records, so be there to cheer them on.

Train rides will also be given throughout the day.
New Hours for Green Waste Facility (The Dump)
The Green Waste Facility will continue to be open on Saturday's from 10 am - 2 PM, weather permitting.  However, it will no longer be open on Wednesday evenings. 
That's All For Now - Have a nice week,
Richard L. Sorensen
Huntsville Town Council
Huntsville Town, PO Box 267, Huntsville, Utah 84317