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Hello Lancaster :)
I just want to send you a brief email to ask you to mark your calendars for July 10 @ 6:30.
I'll be in town for the evening at "Mosaic Presents"...Lancaster's newest venue.
I was in town briefly last week and had a chance to meet up with Nick Francis, the visionary behind the project...and I am very excited for this evening. Excited for a space that cares about the artists heart, creating a memorable, worthwhile experience for the audience, and sharing the love of Christ and creativity of God through art. 
I'll be be playing some songs (of course), talking a bit with the audience, and some of Mosaic's crew will be choreographing a few dances to a few of my songs.
This will be FREE and I hope you can make it.
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I hope you are healthly, I hope you are not lonely, and I hope you are hopeful.