
Farm Fresh News March 2012

In this issue:

We will gather in circle that every heart
may be opened, and every voice be heard.

Hi Friends,
The Farm exists because at a unique time in history, young people around the world found their hearts opened to spiritual revelations that were too profound to ignore. Transcending science and religion by applying laws of energy, the dynamics intrinsic to an intentional spiritual path continue to reveal the magnitude of each person's potential and our connection to the whole that is greater than any one of us.

This months spiritual retreat March 16-18 brings together a dynamic set of teachers who, with grace and humility, offer their gifts and knowledge to you who are called to come and share this time together.

Our Green Home Tour during the March 30 - April 1 Farm Experience Weekend continues to expand with several new homes now under construction, a unique opportunity to see up close and first hand many different techniques and approaches in one location. It's just one part of a multi-layered weekend that draws people from all over the world.


I hope to see you this spring!



Experience the Land April 20-22
In addition to our regular Experience Weekend activities and tours, on Saturday afternoon we'll hike to a waterfall in the 1475 acre Big Swan Headwaters Preserve. The Saturday night dinner and entertainment will be a fundraiser for Swan Conservation Trust.
The World Peace Diet Conference with
Dr Will Tuttle
May 3-6
Author of The World Peace Diet speaks and performs his music. Hands-on garden tour, vegan cooking classes plus lectures, workshops and with Will...more
The Farm School Family Fest
May 12 &13
Music, Tours, Hikes, Games, More!
Men's Retreat May 18-20
An opportunity to explore men's yang, creative energy, build our strength and better understand our place in the world. Building the bond between brother, fathers and sons....more
Community & Sustainability Conference May 25-27 Your opportunity to explore the connection between lifestyle and intention..
Women's Retreat
June 1-3 Sisters of all ages come together for very special gathering. Hosted by women of The Farm...more
Organic Gardening Intensive June 3-10 or 8-10 A week (or weekend) of hands-on gardening as well as garden tours on and 0ff-The Farm to visit Shiitake operations, a bamboo nursery and more...more

March 16-18 The Spiritual Path Retreat

A core principle that has been a cornerstone of The Farm Community since the beginning is the understanding that energy moves from the spiritual plane to the material plane. When you make your decisions, establish your direction and develop your relationships from a spiritual perspective, manifestations in the material world will emanate from a place of calm and clarity, the essence of the simple axioms, "go with the flow" rather than "swimming against the tide."

Join me for a weekend of healing and rejuvenation.

  • Yoga and Tai Chi
  • Mindfulness Meditation, Singing Bowl and Group Meditation
  • Healing with Energy - An Introduction to Healing Touch
  • Raising the Spiritual Energy through Music, Drumming and Song
  • The Sacred Fire Circle
  • Communion with Nature...and more!
The Mandala, symbol of centering and balance.

Introducing another of my friends and teachers here in the community.

Kathleen O'Connor, MA - Shamanic Perspectives

Farm member Kathleen O'Connor has spent the last two decades studying the intersection of mind, body and spirit. By guiding others to the non-ordinary experience of self-exploration and introspection, she seeks to empower a richer dynamic of joy and love that can be recognized and embraced by all.

Kathleen hosts a variety of workshops, including: Discovering the Sacred Self: Sneaking past ego gates to discover who we are under who we think we are supposed to be. Shamanic Healing Drumming: Ways to attach ourselves to Earth's healing and Sun's boost to reclaim soul bits and pieces lost along your path...and more. I am thrilled to have her participation in our upcoming weekend. March 16-18 The Spiritual Path Retreat
Kathleen O'Connor
Kathleen O'Connor, MA
For activities and events on The Farm, check out:  
The Farm Community Calendar Green Life Retreat Calendar
Friends of The Farm Community on Facebook Midwifery Workshops

Swan Trust: Volunteers needed for Tree Planting: March 10, 17, 24, 31

Swan Trust is in the midst of one of its most challenging endeavors, the management of a half-million dollar contract with the State of Tennessee.  Over 2500 feet of stream in the beautiful valley of Little Swan Creek is being restored to counteract massively eroded banks, excessive gravel bar formation, and storm water damage from development run-off in the city upstream.

We hope this project will help Swan Trust generate funds to pay down the note for Big Swan Headwaters Preserve.  One way you can help is to join us and other volunteers in March as we plant 3,000 trees along the restored banks of Little Swan Creek.  We will be assembling teams March 10, 17, 24 and 31. Drinks, snacks and food items will be on hand.

We will be meeting 9AM at The Farm Welcome Center, then car pooling to the site. Volunteers are encouraged to bring gloves, sturdy shoes, a sandwich and if possible a long bladed spade.
Contact me to sign up for a weekend. 931-964-2590
or contact Swan Trust 931-964-4402

Farm Experience: The Land and Big Swan Headwaters Day April 20-22

little swan creek
Tree planting along Lewis County Tennessee's Little Swan Creek, a stream bank restoration project.

Video: Vegan Cooking Retreat: What people say

Every retreat is a Farm experience. More than a collection or recipes and cooking demonstrations, the Vegan Cooking Retreat is about lifestyle, spirituality and a diet that is sustainable, for you and for the planet. But don't take my word for it. See what the people who attended the February retreat have to say.

The next Vegan Cooking Retreat: October 12 - 14, 2012

green crackers
"Green" Raw Nut Crackers with Tomatoes

Coconut Ginger Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut squash are an important winter food, the rich orange flesh delivering vital nutrients in a sweet and velvety goodness that can be utilized in a variety of ways.

I use a pressure cooker to quickly process the squash, enabling me to deliver a delicious dish literally in a matter of minutes. As soon as the pressure cooker comes up to pressure I remove the heat.

butternut squash in the pressure cooker
Butternut squash reaches the perfect softness in minutes when processed in a pressure cooker.
When the pieces are cool enough to handle, scoop the flesh out easily with a spoon. butternut squash removing the flesh

Blend the squash to the desired consistency, adding liquid remaining in the pressure cooker or water, 1/2 to 1 cup at a time.

Remember that most butternut squash soup (or pie) recipes call for additional liquid, such as any milk or creamer alternative, or in the recipe below, coconut milk.

Process the puree' until all lumps and texture have disappeared and the mixture is smooth and creamy.

butternut squash blender

6 cups butternut squash puree'

1 16 oz. can coconut milk

1 TBS minced ginger

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp garlic powder

1/4 - 1/2 onion

butternut squash soup

Saute' onion until clear.

Add to blended squash along with all other ingredients.

Heat and serve.

Option: Thinly slide 2 carrots and 2 stalks of celery and steam in a separate pot.
Add to soup. Garnish the bowl with a spring of cilantro.

You'll be amazed at the deliciousness of the coconut ginger combination with the rich flavor of the butternut squash. Enjoy!




Thank you for your time and attention! I look forward to hearing from you.

Read more about life on The Farm in
Voices from the Farm, available from The Farm Catalog

Sustainable Life Retreats
A division of Village Media Services
PO Box 259 / Summertown, TN 38483
931-964-2590 - office 931-626-4035 - cell