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Issue 618
  30 Jan 2025
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:  
Hello, Firstname
What's in this issue:
Click the link to be taken to article.
Wednesday 5 February
Next Wednesday we welcome husband & wife team, Adrian & Jane Lines to BPS, when they will be presenting their talk: Folie à deux. 
Adrian & Jane hail from Wigan and are members of Chorley CC. Both have been very successful photographers in their own rights, each having gained a long list of photographic distinctions: Adrian is MPAGB FBPE EFIAP SPSA AWPF and Jane LRPS CPAGB DPAGB MPAGB BPE5*.
Adrian describes their talk as follows:
Folie à deux (French for 'madness of two'), also called shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a rare psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief are "transmitted" from one individual to another.
Basically, the talk comprises 16 images/prints from Adrian, and 16 images/prints from Jane.
They will show the build ups from raw to finished image. The talk will be a digital presentation but prints will also be on display.
Below are two composite images showing what we can expect on the night.
You can see more about these two prolific photographers by visiting their websites:
Login details:
  • Wednesday 5 February @ 19.30hrs
  • Log in: Click HERE   
  • Meeting ID: 883 9742 0321
  • Password:  220923
Future Dates
Date Speaker Subject
5 Feb Adrian & Jane Lines Folie a Deux
10 Feb DI Meeting
12 Feb Barry Mead Creative Photography (ZOOM)
19 Feb Print Comp R3 Judge - Roger Creber
26 Feb Jonathan Génevaux Landscapes
DI Group
The next Digital Imaging Group Meeting will be on Monday 10 February at 7.30pm.
Meetings are informal and take place at the clubrooms and via zoom.
These meetings are a great opportunity for all members to share images outside the competition environment. The aim of these evenings is to share knowledge, projects, expertise, ideas and to obtain feedback and inspiration. So, think about what techniques or tips you can share for the benefit of others, or what you might want help/feedback on.
DIG is the perfect environment for newer and less experienced members to pick up hints and tips or receive specific feedback to improve their photography and editing skills. BPS has many experienced members with diverse interests and styles who would be happy to help. If you are unsure whom to approach, just ask and someone will help or point you in the right direction.
We were treated to a wide variety of images at the December meeting, see below a snapshot of what we enjoyed, many thanks to all those that contributed including all those that took up Ashwin’s challenge and came up with some creative and innovative edits.
If you would like to share your images at the February meeting, please send them to me at by 5.00pm on Friday 7 February. Please number your images in the order you would like them to be viewed and resize to the usual competition size, not essential but it helps to keep the files to a manageable size. If you could please restrict the number of images to a maximum of 30 this will ensure that we enjoy a wide variety of subjects
If preferred, you are welcome to bring images along on the night on a memory stick but please ensure they are in .jpeg format and we can view them if time permits.
If you have a more detailed topic/technique to share, then let me know and we can schedule a longer more focused session, or feature this on one of the intervening practical evenings.
I look forward to seeing you.
Rachel Domleo. 
Projected Image Competition - Round 3
Wednesday saw Round 3 of the Projected Image Competition, which was judged by our own Simon Caplan LRPS. The results were as below:
Sian Jones Manes Of White Horses 1st
Simon Jones Home With The Catch 2nd
Sian Jones The Reflective Stranger 3rd
Susan Bater Red Squirrel HC
Stephanie Clancy Durdle Door HC
Simon Jones Fishing For Gossip HC
Jonathon Schofield Max Effort HC
Paul Moran Porter! 1st
Ramesh Chauhan Heron In Fog 2nd
Ramesh Chauhan Bringing The Smile 3rd
Jon Richer I Have My Eyes On You HC
Paul Moran Erica By Window Light HC
Tim Barker Sulphur Tufts HC
Pam Sherren Conflicting Energy 1st
Rachel Domleo Natures Energy 2nd
John Hudson Russian Dance 'Nutcracker' BRB 3rd
Steve Field Stormy Porthcawl HC
Ralph Snook Humming Bird Challenge 1st
Barry Mead Valentines Day 2nd
John Hudson Together 'Nutcracker' BRB 3rd
John Chamberlin Out Ploughing HC
John Chamberlin Roller With Lizard HC
Ken Clarke Ice Sheet Pattern HC
Colin Dixon Walking In The Shadows HC
Richard Kay Young Female Blue Morph Arctic Fox In Winter HC
Christine Mallett Flying Through HC
Christine Mallett Leopard Staring Match HC
Derwood Pamphilon Best Friends HC
Derwood Pamphilon Dreaming Of Stardom HC
Mary Pears Dog Fox With Cub In The Long Grass HC
Pam Sherren Curves HC
Ralph Snook The Outcast HC
The Winners
1st - Manes Of White Horses by Sian Jones
Home With The Catch
Simon Jones
The Reflective Stranger
Sian Jones
1st - Porter! by Paul Moran
Heron In Fog
Ramesh Chauhan
Bringing The Smile
Ramesh Chauhan
1st - Conflicting Energy by Pam Sherren
Natures Energy
Rachel Domleo
Russian Dance 'Nutcracker' BRB
John Hudson
1st - Humming Bird Challenge by Ralph Snook
Valentines Day
Barry Mead
Together 'Nutcracker' BRB
John Hudson
League Table
Scoring: First = 4, Second = 3, Third = 2, HC = 1
Name PDI Round 1 PDI Round 2 PDI Round 3 Grand Total
Sian Jones 8 4 6 18
Simon Jones 3 1 4 8
Jonathon Schofield 4 1 5
Ibrahim Gitteh Massiah 0 2 0 2
Susan Bater 0 1 1
Stephanie Clancy 1 1
Ramesh Chauhan 0 5 5 10
Sue Swift 5 1 0 6
Paul Moran 5 5
Jon Richer 2 2 1 5
Matt de-Beger 0 4 0 4
Jenny Leavett Cooke 3 3
Tim Barker 0 1 1 2
Paul MacLeod 1 0 1
John Chamberlin 3 3 2 8
Derwood Pamphilon 2 3 2 7
Sue Pearmain 2 5 0 7
Barry Mead 1 1 3 5
Ralph Snook 0 5 5
Steve Taylor 4 0 0 4
Christine Mallett 1 2 3
Colin Dixon 0 1 1 2
Steve Field 1 1 0 2
John Hudson 0 0 2 2
Richard Kay 1 0 1 2
Mary Pears 0 1 1 2
David Alderson 0 1 0 1
Simon Caplan 0 1 1
Margaret Chambers 1 0 0 1
Ken Clarke 0 0 1 1
Sandie Cox 1 0 1
Ann Mead 1 0 1
Pam Sherren 0 0 1 1
Simon Caplan 3 4 7
Allan Jones 2 2 0 4
Mike Martin 4 0 0 4
Pam Sherren 0 0 4 4
Ashwin Chauhan 0 3 0 3
Rachel Domleo 0 0 3 3
John Hudson 2 2
Margaret Chambers 1 1
Steve Field 0 0 1 1
Max Pickering 1 1
Steve Taylor 0 1 0 1
Distinctions Advisory Evening
To all members - a date for your diary.
The next meeting of the Distinctions Advisory Group will be held at the Clubrooms at 7.30pm on Monday 17 February, when advice will be given by Pete McCloskey FRPS, Andrew Marker FRPS and Ralph Snook ARPS to anyone wishing to, or in the process of, applying for photographic distinctions. 
These evenings are primarily targeted at those aiming for RPS or PAGB distinctions, but anyone aiming for a photographic distinction is welcome. However, the panel can give advice on printing if members want general advice on their work.
If you are already well on the way down your chosen path or just thinking about dipping your toe in the murky waters of photo distinctions, you are welcome. Bring along your pictures (PDI or prints) and you can receive suggestions and advice about your next step forward.
If you require further details, please contact one of the panel directly:
Andrew Marker:
Studio Group
Following last week’s studio group portrait shoot with the fabulous Tegan, Mike is busy planning the next portrait session for Monday 24 February. Mike is also trying to organise a shoot on Sunday 23 February for those who work during the week and cannot attend the regular Monday slots. Watch for details.
Monday 3 February – we shall be revisiting lightboxes, to build upon the ideas from the last session – so bring your lightboxes and any bits and pieces.
Mike Martin
Bristol Light Festival
The Bristol Light Festival is returns to Bristol for 10 days of dazzling light-based artworks starting this weekend and running until 9 February. Full details can be found on their website:
Exhibitions To Enter
Bristol Salon 2025
Closing - 31 January - LAST CHANCE TO ENTER
3 PDI Sections:
Open Colour, Monochrome, Nature
3 Print Sections:
Open Colour, Monochrome, Nature 
Entry is free to BPS members*
* Not available to distance members, temporary members or photography course members.  
Full details can be found on the Salon website
Southampton International Exhibition
Closing - 2 February
3 PDI Sections
 Open Colour, Monochrome, Nature 
3 Print Sections:
Open Colour, Monochrome, Nature
Closing - 30 March
5 PDI Sections
 Open Colour, Open Mono, Creative, Nature, Scapes
Neath Salon 2025 (BPE)

Entries open 1st Feb and close 20th
4 PDI Sections
Open Colour
Open Monochrome

Basingstoke Camera Club
National Open Photography Exhibition
Closing date: 9 March
6 PDI Sections 

NEW - Download Issue 372 PAGB eNews HERE
NEW - Download Issue 119 of Photography News HERE.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
Salon acceptances: Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to   
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!  
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following: Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you  
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Portal, please contact Matt by email:
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE