History Corner
When Rosa Barnet, the architect's
daughter, laid the foundation stone for the Barrenjoey Lighthouse on
that sunny July day in 1880, a Sydney Morning Herald reporter was
there. He reported that " Miss Barnet was presented with a solid
silver trowel with an ivory handle to lay the foundation stone and a
mallet of tulip wood was also used for the ceremony. Bottles
containing the official scroll, papers, coins, and a medallion of
Queen Victoria were placed under the stone."

One of the party, a Mr. Grenville, waxed almost lyrical to Miss
Barnet. "With a few light touches of this pretty piece of metal and
a few taps of the mallet you will lay the first stone of a tower
which will be the guide and safeguard of many future voyages," he
orated. "Above the spot on which you stand there will rise a noble
beacon -- the silent sentinel of the storm-tossed mariner, the
shining monitor, warning those who brave the perils of the deep to
shun the more obdurate dangers of these callous rocks!"
In the construction work that followed, two workmen died. Frederick
Stark, a blacksmith was killed in an accident, and another, George
Cobb, drowned. When completed, the three storey tower was was 39
feet or not quite 13 metres from its octagonal base to the lantern
floor with a total cost of thirteen thousand four hundred pounds.
The Barrenjoey Lighthouse was first lit on the 1st of August, 1881,
by the lighthouse keeper, George Mulhall. Local legend says that
four years later the old lighthouse keeper, aged 71, was struck and
killed by lightning. It was claimed his body was burned almost to a
cinder. But another early historian refutes this colourful tale and
claims that. Mulhall's death certificate reveals he died of a stroke
after a short illness. His remains were buried in a small enclosure
close to the light and, next year, his wife, Mary , was buried
beside him. His epitaph read:
All ye that come my grave to see
Prepare in time to follow me.
Repent at once without delay
For I, in haste, was called away.
Today, the summit of the Barrenjoey headland, where Mulhall"s grave
lies, is named Gledhill Lookout after Percy Gledhill, the founder
and, for many years, the President of the Manly Warringah and
Pittwater Historical Society and an indefatigable worker in the
field of local history.
(Next Month) Of cattle, customs, and Chinamen
Leicester Warburton
Anyone for Tennis – The Secession
Secession Plot Succeeds
nothing like an Island Review to spice up life on the Island!
Borthwick-Bolton and
Bob Bolton’s splendid review Anyone for Tennis once again
demonstrated that we have so many great performers with an enormous
talent for acting, singing and dancing. With choreography by Denise
McConnell this review kept the audience rolling in the aisles
including those who were (very gently) being sent up!

Nettie Lodge once more showed her wondrous talent with her skit “The
Coup” aided and abetted by Beth Jessup and Lisa Atkins and the Tilly
Devine “girls” showed that and a bit more(!) to the delight of many
in the audience! John Travers also stood out as did Bill Lee with
his beautiful singing. Toby Jay showed that he was able to keep up
with any comments from the audience and made a wonderful compere.
As well Claire Atkins,
Blackwood, Lizzie Brand, Shayne Chamen-Kraal, Gordon Floyd, Shar
Jones, Phil Meek, Tracey Smith, Giles Westley, Paul Burchall, Robert
Dale, Issy Moodie, Lally Tapnell, Sandy Bartlett, Matt
Bowden, Graeme Catt, Kim Fitzgerald, Annette Ritchie and the
marvellous production team made this a review to remember!
Preserve those old photographs & 35mm slides
Are those old photographs and
35mm slides sitting in a cupboard gathering dust and
mould? If so, why not move them to the next
generation of preservation by having them scanned
and captured to a CD or DVD. Example: wedding photos
- holidays - family history.
Capturing old images to a CD will
enable you to view the images on a computer monitor
where as capturing to a DVD will enable you to view
the images in a slide show through a TV set with a
DVD player attached.
For further information contact
Evan Starling at 0402362280 or email
Car Share Scheme
Are Any Off-Shore Residents
Interested in a Car Share Scheme?
Last month Karl Mallon of Scotland Island had his van pinched
from the car park by joy riders and then written off in Terry
Hills. Rather than replace this vehicle which was only used very
occasionally, Karl has approached the GoGet company who run
Newtown Car Share to see if they would be interested in setting
up business for Pittwater off-shore residents.

Members of a car share have continuous access to one or more
vehicles which would be parked at church point, and can book
on-line or with a quick phone call. There is a membership fee
and then the use of the car is charged by the hour/kilometre.
For people who only need a car now and then it's a lot cheaper
and much less hassle. GoGet would take care of parking,
insurance, maintenance and keeping it clean and tidy.
As a result of Karl's enquiry GoGet have approached Pittwater
council to see if they would set aside one or two parking places
at the point for an Off Shore Residents Car Share vehicle and
they are now in dialogue with the mayor.
If anyone is interested in the idea either now, in the future or
if they think they would like to test the scheme for a few
weeks, please have a look at the brochure and contact Karl
Mallon and Ruth Tedder
Prevention Competition for Children

Pittwater school children are encouraged to enter the Crime
Prevention Competition, hosted by Pittwater Council. The
competition is open to children aged 6 to 10 years and will run
from Wednesday 15 June to Friday 15 July.
Children are encouraged to enlist the assistance of a parent or
guardian with the competition, when they talk to each other
about how they can prevent crime in Pittwater. Participants
should also ask their parent or guardian to make a pledge, in
which they promise to keep valuables such as mobile phones,
money, tools, bikes and wallets out of sight and secure. This
reduces the opportunity for them to be stolen.
Children entering the competition can win a $30 gift voucher for
Warriewood Shopping Centre. Parents signing the pledge will
receive a certificate, as well as an entry into the draw to win
a gourmet food hamper.
Entry forms are available from Mona Vale and Avalon Libraries
and local primary schools, or can be downloaded from the
Pittwater website
(Community Services, Community Safety).
Charity Book Sale
Another charity book sale is to be
held at GEEPS (waterfront a few south of Tennis) Bring along
unwanted books anytime before July 21st. The sale will only be
held on Sat 21st. Last year we charged 50cents per book and
raised over $300 for the Garvin Institute which conducts
research into cancer. It’s a fun day where you can read and talk
about books with whoever drops in. Bring a plate a food and
something to drink and take the afternoon to drift through the
literary off casts of your friends.
This year we will be raising funds
to buy a wheelchair for a needy teenager. More about that later.
Cheers Tracy Smith
Scotland Island AGM Report
Many thousands (well, a small
number) attended the Scotland Island AGM, held on Sunday 19th
June in the community hall. SIRA committee members reported on
all of the SIRA activities for the year and the new committee
was elected, after a vote was taken. If you wish to bring
something that matters to you, to the attention of the
associations, email them at
Missing Person
My name is Carolyn Darragh and I live in Avalon.
I am looking for a girl I went to primary school with in South
Turramurra, who moved to Scotland Island in the early 1980's.

The family name was Harvey. Her name is Rachel and her older
sister was called Lucy and her younger one was Emma. Her father
was a pilot for East West Airlines. Is there anyone on the
island that has any idea of where Rachel or any of her family
has moved to or if they are still living there.
Please let me know. My email address is
Thanks Carolyn
Anne Palmer on
Life, Stress and Yoga
Life is 10% what happens
to you, and 90% how you handle it.
Life throws all sorts of
things at us and we all get stressed from time to
Stress is a natural
response, and in small doses it's fantastic: it gets
us motivated and inspired!
However, when the
stress just doesn't go away, it starts to drag us
down: our performance, health and relationships
start to deteriorate.
Do you want to know how
to handle stress?
Are you interested in
learning some simple 30-second exercises that can
help you cope?
Anne Palmer works with
Corporations and Multinationals all over Australia,
teaching employees how to manage stress at work.
Anne also lives on the
island and runs local yoga classes here - she'd love
to help us all cope with the stresses of the boats,
the wharfs, the water, the carrying, the commuting
and so on.
This will be an
interactive session. Audience participation is
When: Saturday July 9th 8pm
Where: Di &
Duncan Watts home, Robertson Rd, on water West of
Catherine Park
Judy Parrott
will be attending as part of her project to link
Scotland Island with an Island in Scotland.
Please keep the
next Island Thinking free (Saturday 13th
August) - Leicester Warburton will be speaking about
Island History - an event NOT TO BE MISSED!
Did You Know?
That Tuesday 21st June is the shortest day in the
year for those of us living in the southern
The scientific explanation is that winter solstice
is when, because of the earth's tilt, your
hemisphere is leaning farthest away from the sun,
and therefore: the daylight is the shortest, and the
sun has its lowest arc in the sky.
This day has been important to mankind for thousands
of years. Traditionally the fear was that the
daylight wouldn't get longer without rituals and
ceremonies to see the change in. In the northern
hemisphere many of the old ceremonies have been
absorbed into the Christmas and winter traditions.
In Romania they mark the day with apple wassailing.
In Iran, there is the observance of Yalda, in which
families keep vigil through the night and fires burn
brightly to help the sun (and Goodness) battle
darkness (i.e. evil). Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival
of Lights occurs around this time every year too. It
begins on the 25th of Kislev, three days before the
new moon closest to the Winter Solstice, and
although it commemorates an historic event it is
also a symbolic celebration of growing light. In
many cultures it is considered bad luck for the year
ahead to let the candles or fire go out around this
time. So keep that fire burning at home!
(thanks to zenatwork)
The local
Local Real
Estate Agents:
Government Organisations:
Local Pittwater
Studies Website: http://www.pittlink.net/ls/index.html
Emergency Contact
- NSW Police:
000, general information 9281 0000
- Broken Bay
Water Police 9979 4944 or 0412 162 093
- NSW Fire
Service: 000, general information 9265
- NSW Ambulance
Service: 000, general information 9320
- Rural Fire
Service: 000, general information 9450
- State
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater
SES: 9486 3399
- National
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000,
general information 9457 9322
- Dept of
Community Services: general information
9977 6011
- Sydney Water:
132 090
- Energy
Australia: 131 388, (ah) 131 909
Emergency Scotland
Island Water Contacts:
click here for information (while online)
Airlines, Buses and
Join SIRA You can now join the Scotland
Island Residents Association by clicking here. Please print the page you see and
return the completed form to SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point 2105.
Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at
sirapittwater@hotmail.com |
Join WPCA To join the Western
Pittwater Community Association, contact Larry at
larrye@aftrs.edu.au or click here or phone 02-9979-5026 for more
information. |
Archived Newsletters A complete set of past electronic
newsletters since May 2000 can be found and read at http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/newsletters/archive.html or by clicking here or by visiting
the Mona Vale Library. The Scotland Island website is at
The future of this newsletter is in
your hands. More than 700 residents and friends read this
electronic newsletter monthly. Please tell your friends
and neighbours to subscribe. If you are particularly
literate in matters computing, you might like to help
them follow the very simple path to subscription. It is
easy to join. Simply click here to
join, leave or change options or go to following address:

If you would like to contribute to
this newsletter it's easy!. Send an e-mail to the
editor by clicking here.
Type your
short contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming
it is of general interest to the community, does not
include matter of a political nature and is not offensive
to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off this newsletter,
or to change your options, - click here or
got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
The views expressed in this newsletter are
not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island
Residents Association (SIRA), or any of the associated Pittwater
Offshore Resident's Committees