Thursday, January 19, 2017

1 Peter 1:18-19 ... you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.


Jesus' death appeased God's wrath forever, for only the Body and Blood of the Son of God could truly atone for sins.

So why then aren't all men saved?

Well, because many don't think that they need a Savior. They have swallowed the lie of Satan that if they just try to be good (by their own or society's definition of "good") they will be saved. Our human pride wants to receive some of the credit for eternal life.

We have the same flaw in our human nature, but the Holy Spirit has overcome it and granted us the grace to recognize that we can in no way please or satisfy God apart from Christ. The blessings and benefit of Jesus' death became ours when the Holy Spirit called us to faith. We by grace believe that, in the matter of salvation, Jesus has done it all. We are flawed by nature, corrupt, but Jesus' gruesome death obtains for us true freedom-- freedom from sin, death and hell.

Jesus was (and is) flawless, perfect, and pure. Consequently, only the blood of the Son of God could appease God's wrath once and for all for every human being. Our good works add nothing to His perfect sacrifice. At best they are gifts of thanksgiving for His completed work.

God's Servant has set us free and confirms that fact to us each and every time that we come to His altar. He confirms to us individually that our sins stand forgiven and he reminds us why that is so (it wasn't something we did). He speaks to each believer's heart when He invites us:

"Take, eat; this is My body and Take, Drink ye all of it,
This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many."