Issue 496
  28 July 2022
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Wednesday 3 August
Next Wednesday we welcome Andrea Hargreaves FIPF AWPF MPAGB EFIAP/b BPE4* PSA4* (so, she's no slouch!) back to BPS, she will be presenting her talk Art of Metamorphosis Part II
Andrea is a National & International award winning Photographer and Digital Artist based in North Yorkshire, England, UK.   
Her success has culminated in achieving Fellowship of the Irish Photographic Federation and Associateship of the Welsh Photographic Federation in 2021, Master Photographic Alliance of Great Britain awarded in 2018 along with Excellence FIAP/bronze, British Photographic Exhibitions 4 crowns and Photographic Society of America 4 star currently being held.
Andrea’s artistic vision enables her to construct a novel complex pictorial scenario in her mind just from her creative analysis of the poses and features of the models in her photographs from the outset. 
A self-taught photographer and digital artist, Andrea gives us an insight into how she built her photoshop skills from self-imposed challenges to overcome with each series, sharing the knowledge she has learned along the way. Andrea's successful artwork is composed entirely from photographs she has taken, including the textures she uses as overlays in her work and talks frankly about why some images were more successful than others.
"The Art of Metamorphosis II” continues to follow Andrea's creative journey as she explains how the Valkyrie series came life and how they inspired her to create Morghanna and the Raven Queens and further still to her new series of Dragon Watchers presented as panels for her Fellowship and Associateship distinctions. 
In this presentation, Andrea shows us how she built her favourite characters and shows us why some images don't make the cut - but it's only a minor blip as Andrea shows us with a little thought and imagination, how they can be reinvented to be given a new lease of life.
Visit her website at
Login details:
  • Wednesday 3 August @ 19:30hrs
  • Log in: Click HERE       
  • Meeting ID: 868 7693 6218
  • Password:  430271
It is with great sadness that I have to report the death of Margaret Collis, she had been ill for a little while with pancreatic cancer and died early last week. In true Margaret style she had written her own obituary to (as she said) make sure people got the details correct - can't you just hear her saying that! I have reproduced that obituary below, with a few BPS detail additions by me.
Funeral arrangements have not been made yet, but it is expected that it will be in September, I will keep members notified.   

Margaret, seen here in 2016 at the opening of the new BPS clubrooms, with her late partner, Gordon Thomas.

Margaret Collis ARPS HonEFIAP DPAGB AFIAP APAGB: 1934-2022

Margaret first became interested in photography as a teenager, developing films under the stairs and printing them in a frame in the garden by sunlight.
She joined her first club, Kingswood Photographic Society, in 1973. From taking mainly slides, she subsequently adopted Cibachrome printing in its very early days, which led her to experiment with derivative techniques such as solarisation and lith printing in black and white.
Margaret joined the Western Counties Photographic Federation executive in 1984 serving as exhibition secretary for what might be a record 7 years. In 1992 Margaret gained her ARPS with a set of colour prints. In those days submissions were meant to show a range of work and her panel included moody landscapes (her first love) and some graphic shots.
In 1993 Margaret was elected WCPF President and their representative on the PAGB. It was while President that she started the WCPF landscape weekends – the first one being held at Two Bridges on Dartmoor, to be followed by many more.
In 1997 Margaret joined Bristol Photographic Society and it was not very long before she began to take on important roles within the Society, the pinnacle being her tenure as Chairman:
  • Slide Competition Secretary: 2001-2002
  • Programme Secretary: 2002-2005 & 2009-2011
  • Print Competition Secretary: 2006-2009 & 2014-2015
  • Deputy Chairman: 2001-2003
  • Chairman: 2003-2005 
She edited the PAGB Handbook for 3 editions and was involved in the first FIAP biennial organised by the PAGB and this led to her joining Images sans Frontieres, where she enjoyed the symposiums held in France and met many European colleagues. Her fluent French and German were an obvious asset and helped bring the UK closer to the international photographic community. It was at this time her love of travel and people were added to her enduring love of landscape photography. Through these contacts she was invited to join the FIAP Directory Board.  She became President of the PAGB in 2007 - 2009.
Following her discovery of the far east at the FIAP conference in Chengdu in China, in her 80’s Margaret visited numerous countries, including taking a river trip down the Mekong River, and particularly enjoyed the way that photography brings people together and creates lasting friendships.
Spam Warning
As always, we need to be vigilant about spam and phishing emails. There is one doing the rounds at present, which suggests that you look at some photos and purports to come from a fellow BPS member. a couple of typical ones are:
Feels like I probably should have sent them way earlier - here these photographs http://www.tjyqr.tnc  
I thought you would want to see them - pics # 5 and 9 especially http://tdtvh.rrersii. com/
The last part of the addresses have been separated from the rest of it to make them safe, do not try to open these links. 
If you get an email like this, DELETE it. 
Print Competitions
As most entrants to BPS print competitions will be aware, you are required to upload jpeg versions of your submitted prints when completing your entry. Up until now the link for doing this has been a bit complicated and not easy to remember, however, Matt has now come up with a simple URL for future competitions:

Please copy this and save it somewhere safe so that you can upload your jpegs when required and to make your print entry valid.

Kingswood Salver
Kingswood Salver 2022.

Following our win last year and second place the year before, we’ve got a hard act to follow.

Mike Martin has been going through our entries into competitions and salons over the last few years to see if there are any themes that we can pull together a panel of five images each from a separate author. Mike is keen to consider/include images from a wider pool of members hence this call for entries. 

Members are asked to send any new or potentially un-seen images to him at in the following categories: Initially, a small PDI (1600x1200) may suffice but bear in mind the competition this year will be for prints so if selected Mike will need a high resolution copy to print our panel.
a)    Bird disputes. Nature images don’t always do well and with this year’s judges being Adrian and Jane Lines, the standard would have to be exceptional. Below are three images Mike considers that fall into that category – does anyone have another two that match both in subject, composition and colour?
b)    British Mammals. As with the Birds, these need to be exceptional – however, that’s not enough, they would have to work together as a panel.
c)    Men with Beards. This may be our final entry as it’s easier to get these to match especially if converted to Mono. Mike has identified 5 images that could make a panel with a little tweaking, but would welcome any additional head shots of people with beards, preferably on a dark background, possibly in a studio setting, although a diffused out of focus background may work.
Anything else!!!! OK this is a difficult one, Mike’s library of BPS members' work extends to several thousand images, so if you have any top-notch images, they may open up other possibilities to produce a panel of five Smile

PSA Interclub Competition
Following our success in the 2021-22 PSA PID Open Interclub Competition, we have now received the following certificate:
It would appear that there is also a "gong" in the post, but this could take a little while to reach us.
Well done to all concerned.
NEW - Download Issue 312 of PAGB eNews HERE This edition contains the full results from Warwick and much more.   

Download the latest issue, 100, of Photography News HERE This is a double sized issue as it's the 100th.

Photography Show
The Photography Show Registration Now Open
As the destination for anyone whose business is photography, video or content production, The Photography Show & The Video Show, from the 17 – 20 September, will offer four days packed with kit, inspiration and creativity.
You can register here.
Further details here.
PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit - Once again the PAGB will have a team at the Show to help you with your potential submission for an Award for Photographic Merit, CPAGB, DPAGB or MPAGB. Bring along your Prints or PDI for expert advice which can greatly increase your chances of success! For more information and to book an appointment -
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
Salon acceptances: 
Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue
Items For Sale
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:  
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE