December 2019
Back issues of WOWW! are archived at WOWW! Archives
To keep your email provider from shelving this newsletter as spam, place wadehayesnews@comcast.net
in your address file.
 * Appearances  - For Details including times, tickets and address/map/directions go to http://wadehayes-woww.com/wadehayestour.html
Dec 14 Elk City, OK - A Cowboy Christmas
Dec 31 Melbourne, FL - 2020 New Years Eve Street Party (free)
Who Saved Who  - Wade's latest album - to be released December 13
In Case You Missed It
Talking with Wade
Updates to News page at  wadehayes-WOWW.com site
About those Wade imposters
Be Kind 

Wade's new album - Who Saved Who - will be released December 13
You can order the album at Wade's official site. https://store.wadehayes.com/
You can purchase a download at Amazon.com, iTunes or other sites that have mp3 downloads available.
You can see the video of the title song at either Wade's official site or on YouTube.
Talking with Wade includes comments about writing the album.

In Case You Missed It - On the Net
Click on the underlined words to access the articles
  • Want a chuckle or a big laugh to brighten the holidays. In one of Randy' Lanham's infamous skits, Wade (in red flannels) portrays Uncle Bud reading a Redneck the Night Before Christmas to his assembled "children." The skit begins at 8:25 of the video.
  • Monty and Kimo recap the Cash Creek Club "Live" #5. Includes live performance clips by Wade Hayes, RT Johnson, The Rollers, Tim Pardee, James Philip and Cash Creek. (10 minutes, Wade is about halfway through).
    This is a morning after reprise of the show at Music City Bar and Grill.
  • Wade's recent Opry appearances:
    • Friday November 29 - 7:05  and 9:35
    • Sat November 30 - 7:35 and 10:05
  • Wade appeared on the Hallmark Channel - Home and Family Show
    Home and Family Show
  • In an interview by  Bobbie Jean Sawyer for Wide Open Country, Wade Hayes Talks New Song 'Who Saved Who' and Shares How His Rescue Dog Changed His Life
    Wide Open Country Interview

Talking with Wade
Helen: I’m very excited about this newest album. The title track, “Who Saved Who,”  tells the story of Jack, your rescue dog and that’s a beautiful story.
Wade: Thank you.  Every word of it is true. 
Helen: This is a well put together album.  Talk to me about your connection with Roger Springer. Four of the tracks are co-writes with him. (Ex Factor, Beautiful Mess, Honky Tonk in Texas, Better with my Baby)
Wade: Roger and I have known each other since I was about 12  or 13 years old.  We used to play this little Opry show together in Oklahoma. When we ran into each other we figured out that we had known each other before. Anyway, he’s one if the most naturally gifted singer songwriters that I have ever met. He’s a lot better than what he’s ever been given credit for.  That guy is also a great country music singer. He had a band called Springer. They had a record deal on MCA years ago.  He never really got the chance to excel like he could.  He’s just an amazing talent
Helen: Roger lives in Oklahoma. Where do you write?
Wade: We usually go up to his house in Hendersonville. He has a room specifically for that. He brings young artists that he’s working with and we try and write with them. One in particular, a guy named Jake Worthington, which we wrote “Better With My Baby” with.  It helps when we hear the guy’s voice and you try to tailor make something for them. Jake, whom I expect we’ll hear something from him in the future, is a very good voice. I would love to do some more with him at some time. That’s a song that Roger had the title for, we listened to this kid’s voice and I just started a chord progression and he and I were off to the races. That’s all it takes. I usually start picking something and Roger will sing something and the next thing you know we have a song written. Its weird. 
Helen: Several of the cuts are heart-lifting.  We can tell there’s joy in your life.
Wade: Things are better. I actually tried to take Dr. Berlin’s advice when he told me to “Go live your life.” He told me I needed to be doing this stuff.  I never thought in a million years I’d get married again, but lo and behold, it happened. And I’m glad about it! She’s a good lady and we get along pretty good. She’s very funny and very smart. 
Helen: Sounds like the song on the album, “She Made it Look Easy.”
Wade: Ward Davis is another fellow I like to write with.  I had the title and I had part of the song written and I played it for him, and he kind of moved the melody around a little bit and we went in a totally different direction and that song came out pretty quick. Ward is a very good singer as well. 
Helen: “Ask That Girl to Dance” is like another anthem to go live your life. You don’t have a co-writer on that one.
Wade: I’m constantly reminded and then I forget and am reminded again from something else, this life is flying by and I hate it that all of this new found knowledge is wasted on me being older and sore all the time. (chuckle) I wish when I was a young man that I know what I know now.
Helen: There’s a quote about that - “Youth is wasted on the young.”
Wade: That’s exactly right!  I think about all the things I could have accomplished if I’d had a little self-confidence. I just never did and I came to realize that, as I’ve gotten older, that I wasn’t as big a train-wreck as I thought I was. As a kid you always feel so awkward and just out of place.  I always did anyway. Just zero self-confidence.  Then you get older and look back on those years and think, “Gosh, I wasn’t really as bad as I thought I was. The song is kind of about that, you know “Fortune favors the bold.” That’s a true statement and something I never realized until I was older. What’s the worse that somebody’s going to do- say no. Give it a shot and that goes for anything. It’s an analogy obviously for any situation. 
Helen: Did that realization come after the cancer?
Wade: Yes, definitely. You’re going to wake up and be 50 years old one of these days. When I was 25 years old and had my first record album, I never thought in a million years that things would be like they are now. I hate to repeat my self, but this life is flying by.  It seems like yesterday. Don’t be so afraid of everything and try and take a chance every now and then.
Helen: “Honky Tonk in Texas” has got to have you dancing!
Wade: I love swing music.  In Texas it’s pretty well known we don’t care what anybody else is doing, we do our own thing.  I kind of get it down there and play down there a lot. A lot of places are still into my kind of music.  A lot of them are mentioned in that song. I’m sure there are a lot of places in the United States that are that way, but I not more than Texas. Asleep at the Wheel and Johnny Lee still plays down there a whole lot.  I mention him and Ray in the song. That’s what the song is about.  I love swing music, I love to pick it. I’d like to gravitate more toward that style of music. The older I get, the more I’m interested in it. 
Helen: “Ex Factor” - tell us what that’s about.
Wade: That was an idea I had many years ago and tried to write it before. I still have the piece of paper from about 10-12 years ago where I started writing that in a hotel room. I always had that in the back of my mind. I was sitting around with Roger and I said, “Hey, man, what do you think of this?” I played him what I originally had on it. The next thing we have a song written. That one came out pretty quick. 
Helen: We’re all excited that this album is coming out.
Wade: I am, too! It comes out December 13th.
About those Wade imposters on Facebook and Twitter
Wade fans - Heads up - Recognize those who are imitating Wade on Facebook and TWITTER.  Wade doesn’t reach out personally to anyone from his official facebook page. He doesn’t ask for money for any reason. It seems when one pretender is taken down, another pops up. Their copycat sites look real.  They copy pictures from his official page. Beware. Look for the number of followers. If it doesn't have over 140,000, it's a fake. Notify facebook and Wade’s management team if someone is trying to scam you. Wade's official Twitter account name is @wadehayes1.  Any variation on that is an illegal copycat. Don't be fooled. Lately, they've also been imitating his mother, Trisha Hayes.

Be Kind!
I’ve been asked to remind the members of this group that Private lives are PRIVATE, including Wade’s and anyone else’s. Persistent questioning of someone about private issues amounts to harassment. I’m asking those who feel they are being targeted with out of order questions and comments to send me names.

Wade's Official Web Site - includes a merchandise store
You can check out past events that included Wade on the Links page.

Wade and any other knowledgeable person will testify that Wade has some of the best, most supportive fans in the music industry. Your support of him and his music has lifted his Facebook Fan page to the stratosphere of over 145,800 likes. Way to Go! 
As Wade enters a new and exciting phase of his career, his management team wants to thank you for your past and your future support. You’ve been positive and respectful in your online comments and you’ve posted many great pictures. It is of immense help to Wade when you post your best pictures - without red-eye and without blurring. As you look at the pictures you plan to post, please eliminate any pictures that could be considered unflattering. They may well remind you of a special time, but think of them from the artist’s viewpoint. Wade is at his best now. Show him off, proudly!
Ask one of your local venues to book him. Get others to ask also. Talent buyers can email his manager, Mike Robertson, at mike@mrmmusic.com.  That email is for talent buyers, not fans. If you have questions, I'll try to get the answers. Reach me at wadehayesnews@comcast.net. 
GUIDELINES FOR USE OF HIS MATERIAL - pic, name, logo, signature
We need to call this issue to the attention of fans. Any item for sale that looks like official merchandise - that is - contains the Wade Hayes name, logo, picture or signature must have written approval from his management. All of those emblems of Wade are owned by him as part of his business. Even if they are being sold to benefit a charity, the design must be submitted to and approved by management in writing.

Social Media - 
Official Site
WOWW! Site  - Fan Club Site
Wade's Facebook Music Page 
Wade's Facebook Fan Club Page
Wade's Twitter Account

The Links page is your source for finding pics, videos, reviews on other sites.
WadeHayes-WOWW.com Links Page

Refer talent buyers to Wade's management
Mike Robertson Management
Phone: 615-329-4199
Fax: 615-329-3923
E-mail: mike@mrmmusic.com
If you want to see Wade in your local area, ask your favorite venues to seek booking information.
WOWW!, an e-mail newsletter to Wade Hayes fans, began in December, 1997. Subscribers reside in FIFTY (50) states as well as -
Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Scotland, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, New Zealand, Hong Kong.
Mailing Address:
WOWW! News / Helen Neal
P O Box 148274
Nashville, TN 37214
Messages for Wade can be sent to the same address. Mark ATTN: Wade Hayes
Wade has requested, "No presents, please."