Information from Warringah Pittwater Fire Control on the bushfire situation in the West Head Peninsula.

This information has been provided by the RFS for all residents of the Pittwater Offshore Communities


Little Pittwater Bay Fire Update- 1730 Wednesday 3 October 2007

Posted 3/10/2007 at 1800


The current fire in the West Head Peninsula started on the morning of Monday 1st October 2007 in the vicinity of Little Pittwater Beach. Under the influence of a north-west wind it crossed West Head Road at approximately 1330hrs.


Containment lines on the southern edge (from The Basin in the east to Little Pittwater Bay in the west) have held today under lighter than predicted north westerly winds.


There has been some spotting activity on the northern boundary around Flint and Steel Point. There were three separate spot-overs with 2 being contained by ground crews and the third contained by aerial support.


Fire crews will continue to work through the night blacking out remaining hot spots. Planned activities for tomorrow include mopping up by ground crews with aerial support and locking in existing containment lines.


Fire crews will continue to monitor for any remaining fire activity in the Mackerel Beach area due to the expected southerly wind change overnight.  


A separate fire at Spicer’s Road extensively damaged a shipping container, with minor damage reported to a nearby structure. This fire has been contained, although surrounding residents may still be affected by lingering smoke.


Local residence of the West Head Peninsula particularly Mackerel Beach, Currawong Beach, Coasters Retreat, Towlers Bay (Morning Bay), Lovett Bay, Elvina Bay and Scotland Island are asked to remain vigilant in monitoring for any fire spotting activity.


Residents are reminded to keep their properties prepared at all times and to ensure they are aware of any current fire situation. For more information on preparing your property visit the NSW RFS website,, or phone 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737).


 If you see a fire without a fire truck in attendance, you should call triple zero (000) immediately.


The Pittwater and roads in the area may continue to be impacted by drift smoke, which could reduce visibility and drivers are urged to proceed with caution. For road closure updates please call the Roads and traffic information line on 131700 or 132 701 or visit