Art Below presents an exhibition of 20 artists representations of the Passion of Christ in
London's St.Marylebone's Parish Church for 40 days, in support of the Missing Tom Fund.
The works are also be on display to the public on billboard space across major
London Underground Stations.
6th March - 17th April 2014
St. Marylebone Parish Church Marylebone Road
London, NW1 5LT
For sales enquiries please contact
The following text is extracts taken from the first sermon of lent by Rector Stephen Evans of St.Marylebone Parish Church.
'On Thursday evening, we welcomed more than 400 people into our parish church for the Opening of the exhibition which hangs not only all around you but which is displayed in major Underground stations across London.
These 400 representatives, of the media and the contemporary art world, were brought face to face with these images which will be displayed here until Holy Week.'
STATION 1: Jesus is Condemned to Death
Antony Micallef
'Kill Your Idol', 2014
Oil on Linen
100 x 150 cm
The first Station in this exhibition, Kill your Idol, by Antony Micallef, raises important contemporary questions about the fickleness and shallowness of fame and celebrity, success and failure. About who has the power to say just who is going to be a ‘hit’ and who a ‘miss’.
Photo credit Bran Symondson 2014
Johan Andersson
'STATION 1', 2014
Oil on Canvas
111 x 122 cm
'I wanted to show the reality of what happened - the grit, the sweat, the fear'.... this is by far the most emotional experience i have ever had with a painting' Johan Andersson
On display at Earls Court and Marble Arch Underground Stations. For many centuries the area of Marble Arch known as Tyburn was synonymous with capital punishment it having been the principal place for execution of London criminals and convicted traitors, including many religious martyrs.
STATION 2: Jesus Carries the Cross
Ben Moore
'As it was in the beginning', 2014
Oil on Canvas
100 x 150 cm
On display at Charing Cross and Kings Cross Underground Stations
STATION 3: Jesus falls for the first time
Sebastian Horsley
'The Crucifixion', 2000
Film Still, Framed. Edition of 3.
Courtesy of Ashley Horsley.
In 2000 Sebastian Horsley was nailed to a cross in the Filipino village of San Pedro Cutud in order to gain an insight into crucifixion for a series of paintings on the subject. In doing so, he passed out with pain and then fell from the cross, taking the nails with him when the straps holding his arms broke. But far from being euphoric or enlightened by the experience, he was dejected and wrote in his diary that God had punished him and had thrown him off the cross 'for impersonating his son'.
The Full 30 minute video filmed by Sarah Lucas is viewable at St.Marylebone Parish Church until 17th April, Courtesy of Sadie Coles Gallery. (Not For Sale)
STATION 4: Jesus Meets his Mother
Bran Symondson
'Phat Jesus' "My Kingdom was this World", 2014
Edition 1 of 7 Printed on archival paper
30.7 x 45.3 in
Bran Symondson’s Phat Jesus My Kingdom was this World along with his Crucified by Green is a truly potent exploration of the place of money in religion; the two pieces bringing into very sharp focus a critique of televangelism, the proclamation of a ‘Prosperity Gospel’ in Africa and in the Americas, as well as forcefully reminding us that Jesus was sold by Judas for thirty pieces of silver.
STATION 5 – Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross
Nancy Fouts
'Ecce Homo', 2014
Oil on canvas, twine
84.3 x 74.2 cm
'My piece reminds us of the fragility of Jesus. The string holding the painting is about to break, just in the same way Jesus was pushed to breaking point in his crucifixion.' Nancy Fouts
On display at Euston and Holland Park Underground Stations.
STATION 6: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
MC Llamas
'Creator of All', 2014
Mild metal and bronze
100 x 150 cm
I wanted to show the fragility of the Christ surrounded by a metallic spiky structure reminiscent of his crown of thorns. The artist said that this encourages us to look at his crown of thorns not as the cruel act that was intended but as a form of protection and security. MC Llamas
STATION 7: Jesus Falls for the second time
Dr.Viktor Schroeder
The Fragility of Goodness', 2014
Resin, Steel and wood
242 x 198 x 100 cm
'Victor Schroeder’s, The Fragility of Goodness, strips the human figure of Jesus, literally, to the bare bones of his humanity. Here is no painted plaster-cast Jesus, or a Jesus beautifully rendered in oil paint. Here is Jesus, bone of our bone, flesh of our flesh, blood of our blood, born of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit and crucified under Pontius Pilate.'
STATION 8: Jesus Meets the women of Jerusalem
Harry Cardross
'Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem', 2014
Stained glass cartoon; pencil and ink on paper
80 x 200 cm
'We’re designed to want a structure, we’re pattern-seeking animals. We’re very good at spotting symmetry, we’re looking for patterns all the time; in lottery numbers, in constellations' Harry Cardross
On Display at Queensway and Marylebone Stations.
STATION 9: Jesus Falls for the third time
Nancy Fouts
'Exit Jesus', 2014
Photography in Lightbox
25 x 40 cm
STATION 10: Jesus' is stripped of his garments
Zavier Ellis
'The Covenant', 2014
House paint, spray paint, pencil on board
275 x 200 cm
'The Covenant is an investigation into the occult and religion. The colour codes, text and measurements are designed to specifically correspond to research on the subjects, and the painting represents a bridge between occult orientated work and religious orientated work. The Jerusalem Cross, or Five-fold Cross, is known for its use by the Christian Crusaders and one of its many meanings is to symbolise the five wounds of Christ.' Zavier Ellis
STATION 11: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Ricardo Cinalli
'The Grand Crucifixion, (The Tree)' 2014
Pastel on tissue-papers layers
2 x parts: 150 x 180 cm each
£7,000.00 each (£13,000.00 for both)
Ricardo Cinalli, working in his Spitalfields studio, creates spirited and passionate paintings that are Baroque in their emotionalism and Surrealist in their imaginative extravagance. Over a career spanning more than thirty years, he has become internationally renowned for his works on canvas and his huge pastel drawings.
On Display at Regent's Park Underground Station.
STATION 12: Jesus dies on the Cross
Alison Jackson
'Lady on Cross in White', 1995 Edition of 5
Black and white on aluminium mount
150 x 100 cm
James Vaulkhard
'Christus Victor', 2014
Plaster Christ, wooden Cross, rope, swan wings
200 x 200 cm
'When I first made a life size crucifix in Kenya, I experienced a very special moment on completion where the sunshine formed a radiant glowing orbital above the artwork as if God was giving it his 'thumbs up'. I think this was a major inspiration behind wanting to revisit the work and do it again but in London' James Vaulkhard

STATION 13: Jesus is taken down from the cross.
Wolfe Lenkiewicz
'Intervention of The Sabine Women', 2013
Pencil On Japanese Restoration Paper
360 x 540 cm
On Display at St.Paul's Underground Station
Chris Clack
'Dascent', 2012
Diasec Print (acrylic, rag paper, aluminium support, perspex facemount)
184 x 110 cm
It shows the descent from the Cross as set on the moon. Such juxtapositions are Christopher Clack’s stock-in-trade. Tyrannosaurus rex and crucifix, cemetery and prism, head formed by the moon, pieta with astronaut - these are just some of the disparate images brought together in his work.
Paul Fryer
'Black Pieta', 2009
Wax, glass eyes, human hair, oil paint, wood, steel, epoxy resin, fibreglass, thorns, silk fabric, dye
119 x 72 x 78 cm
Paul Fryer says that if Jesus had been sentenced today, he would have to reckon with the electric chair or other barbaric methods of execution. 'Scandalous is therefore not Jesus in the electric chair, but the indifference to his crucifixion'
STATION 14: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
Gavin Nolan
'Where There is Darkness', 2014
Oil on canvas
185 x 155 cm
On Display at Kennington and Pimlico Underground Stations
Mat Collishaw
'Last Meal on Death Row, Texas (Rudy Esquivel)', 2011
C-type photogprahic print Frame: Red Grandis timber, rubbed back with black lacquer finish.
Edition 5 of 5 + 1 AP
83.5 x 65.4 x 6.5 cm
'Last Meal on Death Row' is a series of works by Mat Collishaw who recreated and photographed the menus requested by men condemned to die.
On Display at Warren Street and Tower Hill Underground Stations. Tower Hill was once a place of public execution.
Alex Gene Morrison
'Arise', 2014
Oil and Acrylic on canvas
215 x 155 cm
On Display at Kilburn Park and Borough Underground Stations
Polly Morgan
'Still Birth', 2010
Taxidermy Quail chick, resin-cast balloon, wire, glass, wood
Edition of 150
25 x 12 cm (diameter)
On Display at Oxford Circus Undeground Station
Hugo Dalton
'Crown of Thorns', 2014
Edition of 3
Glass Gobo, Projection Lamp, Tripod
'Stations of the Cross' is the second exhibition to be curated by Art Below founder Ben Moore to raise proceeds for the Missing Tom Fund.
The first exhibition highlighting the Missing Tom Fund was the hugely acclaimed ‘Art Wars’, which was held at the Saatchi Gallery in October 2013 and featured artists including Damien Hirst, David Bailey, Yinka Shonibare and Jake and Dinos Chapman.
Ben Moore says: “The proceeds from Art Wars have enabled us to reignite the search for my brother and also to draw attention to the excellent work of the Missing People Charity. Tom was very interested in religion and, as such, Stations of the Cross seems a natural fit for us. We hope that the project will offer further help in continuing our search for Tom.”
With the support of his family and the Missing People Charity, Moore set up the Missing Tom Fund in 2013 to raise money for the search for his older brother Tom who has been missing for 10 years.
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