We are now in the final stages of our EU debates and the exhibition of the pillar of shame in front of the EU Parliament. It has been eventful days with alarming information about the situation in both Hong Kong and China.
China has been furious and has attacked the EU Parliament twice, calling for the exhibition to be shut down – a request they have of course denied.
Yesterday we had the last good debate about art censorship. (see debate)
We had invited all auction houses and Art Basel to the EU meeting to give them the opportunity to participate in our discussions on art censorship in Hong Kong. I have been quite surprised that most have not even responded, despite repeated reminders from members of the European Parliament. This meeting has support from a significant majority in Parliament.
However, I am grateful that Art Basel has initiated a dialogue. A debate where both sides participate is important to avoid bias.
I believe that art companies are not living up to defending the Western world's view of art in Hong Kong, despite their dominant influence on the art market. However, I have been surprised that Art Basel has almost aggressively defended that there is no censorship of art in Hong Kong at all - this is quite unusual. Read their statement, see link
Everyone is aware that China has introduced a National Security Law in Hong Kong and this week a new Article 23, which clearly states that they will have full control over freedom of speech in Hong Kong. These laws have resulted in more than 250.000 activists, artists, and democracy advocates being imprisoned or fleeing from Hong Kong.
Furthermore, it seems even more incomprehensible when reading the two very bombastic and almost threatening statements from the Chinese government about our art and debate exhibition in the EU Parliament. It is clear that they will not accept art critical of China in Hong Kong.
I can hardly understand how Basel can make a statement like the one we have read at our meeting in the EU. It seems as if Art Basel is not aware of the role and especially the responsibility they have as a dominant firm in the global art scene.
Art Basel, and leading figures from the Western art world, are involved in a major conference on art and culture on March 24-26, sponsored by the Chinese government. Chinas goal is clearly to use Hong Kongs art scene and the western art companies participation to 'normalise' its takeover of Hong Kong, pretending the market and art sales can continue as before. When in reality, even possession of art that may be offensive can land you in prison and dissappearence in mainland China.
This conference is likely being used to Artwash their activities in Hong Kong by combining art and culture. This may explain why Art Basel almost unconditionally and uncritically supports Hong Kong's handling of the art and cultural scene in the city.
It has been almost impossible to find even one critical comment about art censorship in Hong Kong from the entire Western financial art world. This is very unusual and places them all, so far, on the wrong side of history - where they support the totalitarian Chinese view of art and the suppression of artistic freedom.
If you want to contact me in the EU, you can call me on my mobile +45 40447058 or +45 61703083 - I'm available now
Bellow is Press Kit, background info etc.
Best regards,
Jens Galschiøt
MORE:  Webpage with all info: (missing anything - whatsapp Lasse on +45 61703083 for swift response)
Participants: Moderator: Samuel Chu (President of The Campaign for Hong Kong). Eric Wear (Zoom-International Association of Art Critics (AICA)). Nik Williams (Index on Censorship), Jens Galschiøt Artist DK, Lumli Lumlong (exiled Hong Kong artist-painter duo).