“A federal law based on the Ruddock recommendation would give new life to old prejudices.”
- Rodney Croome
Equality advocates say Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, has mislead the nation by saying the Ruddock Inquiry recommendations go no further than “existing law”.
Just.equal spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,
“The existing law in Tasmania prohibits discrimination by religious schools on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.”
“We call on Scott Morrison to rule out any potential override of the Tasmanian law, and any attempt to stop the other states from moving up to the standard set in Tasmania.”
Mr Croome said that even if a potential federal law reflects existing exemptions in the mainland states, it will encourage discrimination.
“A federal law based on the Ruddock recommendation would give new life to old prejudices.”
“There would be an upsurge in LGBTI students being excluded and teachers fired.”
“Mr Morrison has mislead the nation by suggesting nothing will change.”
"Last year Australians voted overwhelmingly to support equality, despite the No campaign's fearmongering about schools and religious freedom."
"Any sensible politician seeing that result would back away from attempts to allow further discrimination."
For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.