Ron Paul- the Next President of the USA, we're going to put him in office regardless of what the shadow government wants!
Vote in Sunshine: How You Can Help Take Back America by Stopping the Rigging of August 11th Iowa Straw Poll (Which is this coming Saturday in Ames Iowa)
IAHF List:
I feel inspired by this mssg from Fred Smart in Chicago about the highly organized campaign being run by Jim Condit of Citizens for a Fair Vote Count and others to counteract the IOWA GOPs despicable efforts to rig the upcoming August 11th Iowa Straw Poll using Diebold Machines as they seek to burn Ron Paul.
We CAN stop “Virtual Government” from being imposed on us here in America, it will take some effort, and it won’t happen if you sit on your hands, even just a $5. donation to Citizens for a fair vote count can help with this grass roots effort so read on!
But if you join with me in assisting Jim Condit director of Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, we can DEFINITLY read the RIOT ACT to the IOWA GOP so that they won’t be ABLE to burn Ron Paul the way they’re trying to do.
An ARMY of Ron Paul volunteers will be in Ames to conduct exit polls in order to hold the IOWA GOPs feet to the fire, and if they FAIL to listen to the We the People Foundation’s DETAILED DEMAND for transparency they WILL BE SUED by the We the People Foundation!
Your donations are needed for yellow T-shirts to be worn by the Ron Paul Volunteers at Ames which will help them to recognize each other and coordinate the Exit polling. A minimum donation of $5. is suggested. Donations are also needed for the buying of tents, the purchase of clear plastic ballot boxes, and the renting of tables and chairs to help with the exit polling. Also needed are clipboards and pens. As you can see, they have planned a meeting for volunteers at a Holiday Inn in Ames, so this is for real folks. We’re actually TAKING OUR COUNTRY BACK! Use the paypal link at the left side of: and see additional details below:
To: Subject: [ronpaul-72] Detailed Plans From Fred Smart and Jim Condit on Monkeywrenching the Iowa GOPs Nefarious Vote Rigging Plans: Lets All Help Fred and Jim!!! |
Dear Friends of Freedom:
If you live in the Chicago area and support Ron Paul I would like to urge
you to come to a meeting tomorrow in Evanston at Pick A Cup Coffeehouse
1813 Dempster Street beginning at 6:30 pm.
Bernard von NotHaus, architect and
Founder of The Liberty Dollar will be in town and we hope he can be there
to speak about his plans to support Ron Paul by distributing the Ron Paul
Dollar. Tom Webber, the local RCO for the Liberty Dollar will
also be there with Ron Paul Silver Liberty Dollars to show and share, etc.
Dwayne Rogers from Covenant Concepts will be making a brief presentation
about his work educating people about the law and their rights while
building up trust ministries all across America. Tim Wingate,
Founder of Seize will be
there to talk about our work building up a local Chicago Chapter of
Freedom Force International - he was the the lead organizer of this
chapter and now serves as President.
I will be speaking about our plans to aggressively send a message to the
Iowa GOP that we will NOT tolerate their recent decision (3+ weeks ago) to
"Vote In Darkness" using 60 new Diebold Machines in the upcoming
Iowa Straw Poll on August 11th. We're going to need hundreds of
volunteers on the ground in Ames to pull off this parallel election using
thousands of notarized affidavits. We have over 40,000 pamphlets to
pass out and will have 300+ "Vote In Sunshine" t-shirts for
volunteers to wear.
I will be traveling to Ames later in the week. We need to
arrange/coordinate carpools and lodging for everyone planning to attend
from the Chicago area.
I know this message may appear to be "last minute" but just know
that we've been in communication with hundreds of people all across the
country via email and conference calls for the past 3-4+ weeks in
preparation for this coming BIG weekend in Ames to support Ron Paul and
the cause of freedom and liberty in America.
If your planning to go to Ames and help out we need for lots of folks to
bring boom boxes that can plat that famous Beatles song "Here Comes
The Sun" throughout this weekend. If you own a digital video
camera we need your help for we're planning to interview hundreds of
individuals at the Iowa Straw Poll about the necessity to "Vote In
Sunshine" - which means a complete/total return to the "old
fashioned" use of paper ballots. Period! And while you at
it be sure to bring a BIG Mexican sombrero to wear as you walk around the
straw poll sending this message about all this "SUNSHINE" that's
kicking in all around us. And be sure to have fun! Bring some
sunflowers! Stick them in your hat or on your head somewhere.
We The People need to put a BIG foot down that says "WE'RE GOING TO
OUR VOTES!!" etc.
We must ensure fair and accurate elections and we have proof that these
machines are being used to steal our votes all across America. 49
1/2 states are using these machines - only 1/2 of the "Live Free Or
Die" state of New Hampshire still use paper ballots
Jim Condit, Jr., founder of Citizens For A Fair Vote Count - - has
been instrumental in guiding this "Vote In Sunshine" initiative
and we are so thankful so many other people from all across the country -
including many other oganizations - have signed on to help out.
Jim Palmisano, a key AFTF and We The People Congress coordinator is a key
player in this initiative. Jim set up a National Meet-up group
that's going to be used to facilitate the organization of the Ames Iowa
parallel election-event and which could be used for other similar events
all across the country. If you'd like to be part of this process in
Iowa this weekend and, potentially in other areas of our country be sure
to sign up at Americans for
Verifiable Elections -
We still need close to $2500 to pull this
off. Jim Condit Jr. provided an update on this as follows:
from "Jim Condit Jr."
hide details 7:52 pm (2½ hours ago)
date Aug 5, 2007 7:52
subject [electionreform-165]
Update on our Ames "check the vote" efforts for Dr. Paul and all
other candidates!
Dear Friends --
The Granny Warriors gas fund to get to and back from the Iowa Straw Poll
-- is basically taken care of.
We now are most in need of about $2500 more dollars to pay for all the
necessary expenses to put on the "Citizens Exit Poll" to make
sure they don't steal this eleciton from Ron Paul or anyone else.
Here are expenses we cannot avoid: $1400 for 300 yellow "Vote in
Sunshine" t-shirts so people can find our workers to vote in the
Citizens' Exit Poll.
30,000 brochures, affidavits for exit poll voters, affidavit pledge cards,
and other printing: $500 (printer is donating his time -- this is just the
cost of the paper).
Ballot boxes 130 clear ballot boxes: $730.
Headquarters at Holiday Inn for the training session the night before, and
for a base to work from on Saturday Aug 11 during the Straw Poll: $300
Renting of tables, chairs, and buying of tents: $850 -- and these are just
some of the expenses, also needed are clip boards, pens, etc.
So, if you can donate, -- anything helps, even $5 --- it would be nice if
25 or 30 people who could afford it would donate $100 each to make up the
current deficit we are facing. If you can't donate now, please pray we
reach the right people. Use the paypal link at the left side of: on the home page. Many thanks.
Jim Condit Jr.
Citizens for a Fair Vote Count
Remember, if you are planning to go to Ames - or if you weren't planning
to go but after reading this email are inspired to help us out - please
note that we will be meeting on Friday:
Friday, Aug 10, 2007, 5:00 PM 20070810T220000Z
Holiday Inn Conference Center
Charolais Room 2609 Elwood Drive
Ames, IA 50010
20 members have said Yes
Here's a request message from Jim Palmisano
which will give you more of an idea of what our needs are as follows:
When: Saturday, August 11, 2007, 7:00 AM 20070811T120000Z Where: Iowa
State Center Lincoln Way & Elwood Drive Ames , IA 50010Info/Map
1) Iowa Straw Poll "parallel election" to be held in Ames, Iowa
on August 11th.
2) All Volunteers make sure you sign up as a member and "put in your
comments" what you want to do. Also please contact the Group Leader
in charge of your area of interest.
3) The Group Leaders and their contact information are listed below. We
have more positions that need Volunteers to fill. Please contact Jim
4) Volunteers' organizational meeting will be held Friday, Aug 10th, at 5
pm and Saturday morning at 8am at our Headquarters: Holiday Inn Conference
2609 Elwood Drive (1 mile South of the Straw Poll location)
Ames, Iowa
HQ will be available for Organizers and Volunteers use from 5-12pm, Fri.,
August 10th, and all day on August 11th.
Jim Condit, Jr.
Walter Reddy - Printing Ballots, brochures, and T-shirts
Greg Goyer - Camera crews and Volunteer enlistment
Bonnie Brokaw - Ballot handout and booth procedures to collect ballots
Melinda -
Jim Palmisano - Headquarters; Friday night Volunteer meeting 5-10pm; Set-
up/Take-down tents, tables, chairs
In addition to helping this "Vote In Sunshine" initiative I will
be helping to organize 150-200 Ron Paul supporters for the "Mosh
Pit" on August 11th inside the Hilton Coliseum. This is when we
really, really amp up the energy and chants in support of Ron Paul.
We're going to need the VERY BEST OF THE BEST and most animated Ron Paul
supporters. We have to be respectful, but we need to be LOUD!!
Let's be sure to let the world know what the American Voice of Freedom and
Liberty sounds like. If you want to get a little taste of what this
sounds like be sure to revisit the voices of freedom and liberty that came
together in Des Moines in support of Ron Paul on June 30th at this link:
I hope you can make tomorrow evening's
meeting here in Evanston at Pick A Cup
Coffehouse in Evanston - `1813
Dempster Street which is just east of Dodge Avenue - beginning at 6:30
Thanks again!
Peace and God Bless,
Fred Smart
The Freedom Fellowship
312-602-2568 w
847-878-8090 c
PS. We have a weekly National Ron Paul Meetup Conference call that
takes place every Thursday beginning at 8 pm central - call 605-475-8500
PIN 5092984. If you'd like to receive updates about this call please
send an email with "subscribe" in the subject line to
We have a national text chat during this call over on
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