Another reading:Melody Gee & Jennifer Sweeney, along with Barbara Ras, read in the Collected Poets Series at Mocha Maya's Cafe (47 Bridge St.) in Shelburne Falls, MA on Thursday, Nov. 4 at 7:00 PM. Details here.
30 POEMS: Help support literacy through the Center for New Americans by writing 30 poems in November, one poem every day. This is
a great way to boost your writing while raising money for a superb cause. (Last year's project raised $12,000!) Gather sponsors and get more information here.
Submission Period Now Open!
Perugia Press Prize for a First or Second Book by a Woman
Prize: $1000 and publication
Entry must be postmarked between August 1 and November 15, 2010.
Personal Manuscript Reviews by Perugia Press Editor Susan Kan.
“You provided some very productive criticism and a healthy dose of positive strokes along with it. Most everything you said I think I knew intuitively or subconsciously, but you put words to it and made it real for me.” —Cynthia Veach