John in the IAHF office, All of us on the Edge of the Cliff, All of us fighting back with everything we have!!
IAHF List:
Sorry for last minute alert, but Glen Beck on Fox will be discussing Food Safety bills at end of his 2-3 pm Pacific time show today (toward 3 Pacific, 6 Eastern).
While HR 875 (DeLauro's bill) has been the primary target of oppostion via the blogosphere thus far, close scrutiny reveals that HR 759 is even MORE dangerous to small farmers, but HR 875 is still very dangerous, although its apparently only a placeholder bill. The danger in it is that it removes Food from FDA purview putting it under a new Food Agency separate from FDA, while LEAVING dietary supplements AT FDA (as if they are drugs which is how FDA has always thought of them.
This could turn DSHEA on its head.
Dingell's bill, HR 759 is called the  Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act of 2009 (Introduced in House)
Dingell has been our arch enemy for years.
See  While theres far more scrutiny I'd like to provide, I have to quickly get this out RIGHT NOW since its so timely with Glen Beck going to be on the air in the next few minutes.
Please tune in! All of us need to awaken others around us to fight these bad bill.
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