Scotland Island Community
Vehicle - Christmas Services
The Northern Beaches
Independent Assessment Panel - North refused the DA for the Pasadena in
its assessment published today. Please find the full text of the
determination below:
Refurbishment, BCA upgrade
and fitout of the existing building in order to achieve a licensed
restaurant and motel accommodation and the construction and use of a
new day spa
CHURCH POINT NSW 2105 (Lot 142 DP 752046)
That the development application be refused
for the following reasons:-
1. The panel considered the issue of existing use rights for the
purposes of Part 4, Division 10 of the Environmental Planning &
Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) and concluded that the subject land does not
enjoy the benefits of “existing use rights”.
2. The proposed motel use is prohibited within the B1 Neighbourhood
Centre Zone under PLEP 2014.
3. The application is unsatisfactory in that the parking demands are
not met on the site having regard to the shortfall in existing and
future parking demand in the Church Point Locality, and particularly in
peak demand periods.
4. The application is unsatisfactory in that it has not adequately
addressed the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment
Regulation 2000, as submitted information has not provided information
that specifies the maximum number of persons proposed to operate the
development as a whole.
5. The application is unsatisfactory in having regard to Section 79C
(1)(c),(d) submissions made in accordance with the Act or the
regulations and (e) the public interest.
1. This determination was taken under delegated authority on behalf of
the elected Council pursuant to Section 377 of the Local Government Act
2. An applicant may under Section 82A of the Act, apply to council to
review this determination.
3. Section 97 of the Act confers on the applicant who is dissatisfied
with the determination of a consent authority a right of appeal to the
Land & Environment Court exercisable within 6 months after receipt
of this notice.
4. Any person who contravenes this notice of determination of the
above mentioned development application shall be guilty of a breach of
the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979, and shall be
liable to a monetary penalty and for a restraining order which may be
imposed by the Land and Environment Court.
Council today confirmed to the SIRA Executive in a meeting that the
Traffic Committee adopted the final recommendation for the changes to
parking arrangements (Stage 1), and that these, including those in the
current (old) car park, will be in place by Christmas.
This will mean that the Church Point Parking Permit exclusive parking
in one row of the car park will be in force from 6 pm to 6 am every
day. This should create some relief for us during the busy holiday
period. The parking conditions for the other rows in the car park will
remain unchanged until the new car park is ready for use.
Changes to parking in the Church Point Streets will also be introduced,
however roadworks will be required to complete all changes, which means
these changes will take longer to be introduced.
Not long ago SIRA submitted a grant application with the NSW government
for the restoration of middle Elsie Street Track. A grant of $15,000
has been awarded! We owe our gratitude to Bill Gye for making the
application as one of his last actions while he was SIRA President.
The committee will form a project group to manage the project and will
welcome input and help from residents to make this a success.
Eastview Road - upgrade works Sunday 18 December
Please be advised that
upgrade works will take place on Eastview Road between number 7 and
Quarter Sessions Road over two days commencing on Sunday 18 December
2016 between 7am-5pm.
These works are part of Stage One – Church Point Parking Demand
Management Strategy and consist if road widening works followed
by road markings to provide a white edge line and No Stopping.
All vehicles are to be
removed from Eastview Road in this area (both sides) to allow for works
to commence.
I am sorry for the disruption and understand the timing of these works
but this the only available time that our contractor can carry out the
works. The next available date would be early February 2017.
Residents who may park in this area and advise them to seek other
parking arrangements to allow the work to commence without disruption.
As it is a weekend, we understand that the area will be extremely
busy and we will manage the situation to provide advance notice through
letter box drop, social media, VMS signs and traffic
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Michelle Carter
Active Travel Officer
Transport & Urban
Northern Beaches Council
P: 02 9970 1196
Commuter Wharf access restrictions – 20 December 2016
Dear offshore resident
Please note that the work on the commuter wharf access ramp originally scheduled for Monday 19 December has been
delayed due to the wet weather and will now be carried out on Tuesday
20 December (refer to email sent on 13 December).
The works will include the installation of the permanent seawall
components under the current relocated ramp/gangway on to the commuter
9am to 4pm on Tuesday, there will be no access to the existing
ramp/gangway. Between these hours, Wards (the Contractor) will provide
a small boat to transport people from the wharf to the shore.
If at all possible, please avoid using the commuter wharf between 9am
to 4pm that day. Outside of these times, the commuter wharf will be
accessible as usual.
Boats tied up at the commuter wharf will be not be affected by the work
to the gangway.
As always we appreciate your ongoing patience during the construction
If you have any further questions regarding the proposed upcoming works
please feel free to contact me on 0466 513 567.
Further project information and updates can be viewed at our web page:
Grant Tighe
Project Manager Church Point
Northern Beaches Council
M: 0466 513 567
PO Box 882 Mona Vale NSW 1660
Church Point Parking Demand
Management Strategy - Update
Dear Residents,I would like to advise you all that the Church Point
Parking Demand Management Strategy was supported at Council on 8
November 2016 and at Traffic Committee on 6 December 2016.
We are working to implement Stage One of the strategy prior to
These works will consist of:
- No
Parking and No Stopping in certain areas in Baroona Road, Eastview Road
and Quarter Sessions Road
- Road
widening in certain areas in Eastview Road
- Church
Point Reserve car park, Row 1:
- 12P 6am – 6pm, CPP excepted
- No Parking 6pm – 6am, CPP only
Michelle Carter
Active Travel Officer
Transport & Urban Northern Beaches Council
P: 02 9970 1196
Church Point Car Park
Update - Quick Poll
Council are seeking your
feedback on the preferred car park bay widths
of the new
carpark. This will not
affect the design of the disabled
(DDA) car spaces.
are seeking your feedback on the preferred car park bay widths of the
new carpark. This will not affect the design of the disabled (DDA) car
The options are
Option 1:
- The carpark bay widths at 2.6m (status quo)
- This will provide easier vehicle manoeuvering and
access and will comply to a ‘Class 3’ carpark under Australian Standards
- This is the current design specification and produces
the original amount of design spaces (120 number in total)
Option 2:
- The carpark bay widths at 2.5m
- This will make vehicle manoeuvering and access more
difficult and will comply to a ‘Class 2’ carpark under Australian
- The smaller bay widths will allow for a minimum 2
extra spots per level (so minimum 4 extra spots in total) in the new
carpark. There is an opportunity in further detailed design to
potentially have an extra 2 spaces in total with this option (so
possibly 6 extra spots in total).
Share your thoughts with us in a quick poll visit;
Fireworks across the beaches for New Year’s Eve
Fireworks are on across the Northern Beaches this New Year’s Eve, with
fireworks displays over Pittwater, Dee Why Beach and Manly Cove.
Some of the best vantage points will be our beaches, foreshores and
reserves – come early and get a picnic spot to bring in New Year’s Eve
with a spectacular fireworks display.
Fireworks are on at:
Rowland Reserve, Bayview, with vantage points around the area, at 9pm
& 12pm
Dee Why Beach, 9pm
Manly Cove, 9pm.
With fireworks displays available locally our local families can enjoy
New Year festivities without having to travel into the city to watch
them on Sydney Harbour, and all displays are free of charge.
There is an
alcohol prohibited zone in place at Rowland Reserve, Bayview from 6am
on 31 December until 6am on 1 January 2017.
For Sale
We still have a few items to sell before we leave this
Monday. Please feel free to make an offer.
- Large coffee table 130cm x 70cm
- Small 21 inch Samsung TV
- Small bike
- Small oil heater
- Carpet cleaner
- Buddha Heads
- Photo frame 100cms x 38cms
Call Kirsty 0405 110 564
Trampoline for Sale
Perfect Xmas pressie
Never used Premier Spring Trampoline in excellent condition
10 FT with ladder, safety nets and basketball hoop, worth $420 new take
a look at for all the info
If you would like a look just give Claire a call on: 0479 072 200
Pine dbl bed frame with slatted timber base, in good condition and with
all parts, available free to anyone who can use.
Located near Bells Wharf. Call Christine if interested 0418 968 033.
Handyman Services Required
Handyman required for electrical and locksmith works at our property on
the island ASAP.
My number is 0422 358 939.
Sam Jacobson
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
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Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)