Will you consider making a donation
to our nonprofit press on #GIVINGTUESDAY?
 We're kicking off our year-end fundraising today, #GivingTuesday,
 and we'd love you to be part of the team that makes our mission
of publishing first and second books by emerging women poets possible. Give today, or anyday, on our website through our secure
Donorbox link. You can choose a one-time gift or make a monthly
sustaining pledge. Any amount helps us publish and promote
women's voices in print and beyond. Thank you for being part
of our small press, nonprofit, feminist publishing community!

Submissions for the Perugia Press Prize closed on November 15, and we send our thanks to all the women who sent their work
our way. We’ll have results by March, and we look forward to
a wonderful winter of reading your poetry and choosing
the 2023 winner. As we think of what we are grateful
for this season, you all top the list!


* American Sycamore Launch Reading: December 8 *
We're hosting a virtual launch celebration for Lisbeth White's
Perugia Press book American Sycamore on Thursday, December 8,
from 7:00-8:30pm EDT. The event will feature readings from
Lisbeth White, Amber Flora Thomas, and Tamiko Beyer.
Hope you can join us! Click here for registration link.

* Perugia Poets in CLMP Spotlights *
Rebecca Pelky's Through a Red Place

Melanie Braverman's Red
and Carol Edelstein's The Disappearing Letters

Emerging BIWOC Poet Spotlight

November 2022 Poet: Marie Tozier

She Even Used a Ruler

Grandmother left me her prized possessions.
Kuspuk patterns she used to outfit herself
and her daughters in custom-made tops.

Her patterns were cut from a windbreaker,
deep maroon and old. I’ve made the pattern
pieces my own, traced them onto brown paper.

She told me how the front piece flatters a woman,
even if she’s fat. She showed me how to measure
the hood, how to press the fabric without an iron.

Her sharp eye drawn to minor flaws,
she reminded me to be precise.
Use a ruler to be exact,
                                      like her.
from Open the Dark (Boreal Books)

To read more about this poet and her work, check out our blog.

Perugia poet Gail Thomas is celebrating two news books at a reading in Northampton, MA at Broadside Books on Wednesday, 11/30 at 7:00pm (and it will be livestreamed on Facebook).


Perugia poet Rebecca Pelky co-translated (with Jake Young)
a book of sonnets by Chilean poet Matilde Ladrón de Guevara into English. The book, Desnuda / Naked is out now
with Red Hawk PublicationsPelky also has
three new poems up at Slant: A Journal of Poetry.
Two are in Mohegan, with English translations. 

Tamiko Beyer featured Perugia poet Lisbeth White 

"Drought" in Split Rock Review. A taste: "thunder clouds so dry / we can’t hear the moon, our fingertips // touch the silver edges of night / like the lingering taste of peppermint..." 🍥

"A Box of Oranges" in Sixth FinchA segment:
"I want the promise of some ripe elsewhere..." 🍊
with her poem “hardwoods”. An excerpt:
"Sweet tree, unpacking your blue red leaves. /
Sweet tree, gathering ink." 💙❤️
Listen to the latest installment of the podcast "Poems on Air,"
a weekly reading of poetry by Los Angeles Poet Laureate
Shonda Buchanan's poem "Black Indian".
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062