Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am   
January 2015
 The Minyan Monthly
From the Rosh
Our Governing Charter calls for an annual meeting, which we plan to schedule soon. At our recent Steering Committee meeting, we decided to try an online survey of LM members, and present the results at the annual meeting as a basis for further discussion.
If you have a question you'd like included in this survey, please let me know. Look for the survey in your email later this month, and take a few minutes to reply.
— Carl Sunshine
DPL News
Our fifth annual Shabbat potluck dinners in Geographically Dispersed Locations will be taking place on January 9, shortly after this issue of the Minyan Monthly appears. In advance, we thank hosts for opening their homes, and guests for being flexible and open to possibilities. 
An Evening of Fun For All
The Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am invites everyone in the Temple Beth Am community to the annual Ice Cream Social Melaveh Malkah, on Saturday February 14, 2015 at 7:30 pm, with Entertainment, Desserts & Friendly Faces.
Got Talent? Know someone with talent? Please contact us at
— Rebecca Friedman & Dafna Taryle
Social Action: Daniel Schrager Gets into the Giving Spirit
The Giving Spirit is an incredible organization which helps thousands of Los Angeles’s homeless every year. Giving Spirit volunteers assemble duffel bags full of over 70 items, including food, toiletries and other necessities, and distribute them to people all over the city.
For the past two years, I volunteered to help pass out duffel bags to homeless people on Skid Row. It was heartbreaking to see the hundreds of people lined up for blocks outside of soup kitchens and food drives. As we passed out the bags, it was inspiring to see how thankful and hopeful these people were even though they had so little. Seeing how happy these people were with the small amount that they had made me so grateful for everything that I have. However, it was also distressing to see such kind people living such hard lives. Everyone had their own unique story, each just as sad as the others.
These people need help and The Giving Spirit helps them.  It helps them survive and inspires them to try to work their way into better circumstances, one duffel bag at a time.

—Daniel Schrager
NOTE: Temple Beth Am congregants volunteeed for three of these projects in early December, first assembling and then distributing the homeless survival kits.  They did this in cooperatation with congregation B’nai David-Judea.  You can learn more about The Giving Spirit at their excellent website: There will be a similar opportunity for TBA members to help the homeless in early March as part of Operation PB&J-The Mitzvah of Purim, funded with a ChangeMaker Challenge Grant from The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and sponsored by various synagogues, individuals and organizations. For more information contact Albie Cohen of B'nai David-Judea or our own Dianne Shershow at
Coordinators' Corner: Haftarah
We have found it satisfying to be Haftarah Co-ordinators. Minyan members have been quite accommodating, and we in turn try to accommodate those who have special requests (birthdays, anniversary of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, etc.).
It is especially gratifying for us when someone new to Haftarah chanting takes up the challenge.  And it is undoubtedly fulfilling for the individual to rise to the challenge of learning the trop and conveying the prophetic reading to the kahal.
Arranging for this important part of the service is our way of giving back to the Library Minyan for its many benefits to us.
—Fran & Bob Malina

Lecture Series
Three more lectures remain in our Monthly Shabbat After-Kiddush Lecture Series. On January 17, Rabbi Gordon Bernat-Kunin will speak on "The Art of Caring Criticism", using Arachin 16b as his primary text. 
On February 14, Rabbi Ari Lucas will teach, and Rabbi Hilary Chorny will finish our series on March 21. 
We look forward to all these presentations. Please plan to spend some time with us after Kiddush on all of those days.
—Rachel Green
Ritual Committee Meeting
There will be an open meeting of the Library Minyan Ritual Committee on January 18, 2015 at 4pm, with the location to be confirmed in the coming weeks. On the agenda will be a review of services on the High Holidays, Sukkot and Simhat Torah, and planning for Pesach. If you would like to add anything to the agenda, email Bob Braun at
— Bob Braun
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035
The Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am, 1039 S. La Cienega Blvd 90035