Editors Message
Missing Notices
Over the last couple of months a number of subscribers have reported
that they have missed out on having notices delivered. I have looked
into this and cannot see anything from the subscription services end,
to what might be happening.
We all know "newlsletters" often get thrown into SPAM or TRASH folder
by over-zealous email filtering mechanisms - either your own or the
service providers. That is the first thing you need to look at if you
think you have missed out on a notice !
Anyway to try to solve this issue I am going to use another
subscription service for those that
seem to be having repeated problems. So if you, or you know of
anyone who has missed out on any of our notices please let me know and
I'll add you/them to the alternative service. If
you would like to be added, just to be sure, please let me know too -
problem worst case you might get 2 notices instead of one !
Contact me at
PS - Remember you can always get the latest newsletter either from the
website OR from the PON archive here -

Over the next 12-18 months Northern Beaches Council is to conduct a commercial feasibility study into the
provision of water and wastewater
services on Scotland Island.
Representatives from a cross-section of the island community and
organisations are invited to nominate for a working group, which will
meet a number of times (around five) during the conduct of the
feasibility study. This is your chance to ensure that the views and
requirements of residents and key stakeholders are taken into
The Council is seeking nominations from island representatives of:
- bushcare and environmental interests
- an accommodation provider
- a business operated on the island
- the Rural Fire Service
- the Kindergarten
- as well as three residents.
SIRA is nominating Colin Haskell, who is the Team Leader of its Water
and Wastewater Working Group, as our representative.
Water and wastewater
issues are some of the most important that the
island faces. We encourage you to represent your community by
nominating to be part of the Council's working group.
To nominate, please complete the nomination form on Council’s Your Say
page at,
or contact Ruby Ardren on 9970 1311.
Nominations close on 5th June.
The SIRA Committee

Bells Wharf Pedestrian Bridge
As discussed Council is currently designing the reconstruction of
the pedestrian bridge over the drainage pipe at Bells Wharf. After
discussing with the engineer last week it will not be possible for us
to construct a ramped access which complies with the Building Code of
Australia due to the height of Bells Wharf compared to the drainage
As is the case with legacy non-compliances, when you replace a
structure you need to build it to the standards of the day meaning we
cannot simply rebuild the structure as it is. To
this end Council is recommending the structure be rebuild as a stair
access rather than a ramp which will have better slip resistance and
comply with the BCA.
Can you please forward this onto all the residents who use this bridge
before we finalise the design? We are in a position where we want to
rebuild the structure as soon as possible to restore access, whilst at
the same time making sure what we build meets the needs of the
community. If there is any feedback
or ideas from the users of the bridge which can be taken into account
in the detailed design now is the time to put them forward for
As always feel free to contact me to speak further if you need to.
David Munday
Senior Project Engineer
TCI Engineering & Delivery

Scotland Island Rural Fire
Extraordinary General
Meeting, 17 Jun 2018
Please note that an Extraordinary General Meeting will take place
at the Fire Station on Sunday 17th June 2018 commencing at 11:30am.
This is an important event because this is where we will consider and
vote on Brigade Rules related to the new constitution being implemented
on 1st July 2018.
We will also be voting on proposed Brigade Orders related to
implementing the new constitution:
- CFU members to be registered as Ordinary members with
full voting rights
- Administrative (non-operational) members to be
registered as Associates
Please click on the following link to a document outlining the proposed
rules and orders:
Brigade Rules & Orders Under New Constitution
For further background please refer to the following links:
Old Constitution (2008) New Constitution (2018) Brigade Management Handbook (2018)
All members are encouraged to attend and participate.
The meeting will be followed by drinks and a light lunch, provided by
the brigade.
If you have not logged or have forgotten your password you can reset
your password:
Kind Regards,
Geoff Bullock
Secretary, SIRFB
Beaches Update (excerpts)
Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2018/19
Council plans to invest $436.5 million next financial year to deliver
on the community’s vision for the Northern Beaches and shape our
future. It’s a balance of service delivery with investment in key
projects and infrastructure while continuing to integrate systems,
processes and people into the new Council. The focus is on supporting
the things that make the Northern Beaches an extraordinary place to
live, work and invest.
Our finances 2018/19
Council is working hard to ensure our strong financial position is
maintained. Amalgamation has enabled us to invest $9.4million of
savings in capital and operational projects and we have reduced debt by
$52 million. Less debt means less interest costs. Our draft budget
2018/19 will continue to maintain and protect our way of life on the
Northern Beaches for residents and visitors.
Our investment
Next financial year we will invest
$326.8million in valued services to the community and $109.7million on
exciting community infrastructure programs (click image below to
Where does the money come from?
Your rate payments are your
investment in services and infrastructure for the Northern Beaches
community and contribute around half of the total income to Council.
Over the coming years Council is forecasting further cost savings due
to the amalgamation and these can be invested in renewing and
developing community infrastructure, increasing service levels and
putting downward pressure on rates.
The State Government’s rates freeze until 2020 means your existing rate
path is frozen and you will pay no more in rates than you would have in
your pre-merger council area for those four years.
In 2018/19 your rates will increase 2.3% in line with the State’s rate
cap. This will ensure we can keep providing services to you at current
levels and keep up with increasing costs to Council like electricity
and water. The strong focus will continue to be on containing operating
For many residents their annual charges from Council will actually
decrease due to efficiencies Council has been able to generate in the
management of our waste collection services. For many residents this
will be more than $90 a year.
For more information about rates and charges check out our rates and charges explainer.
Explore the draft Delivery Program 2018-2021 and Budget 2018/19
to find out more and have your say by Sunday 27 May.
The fully Northern Beaches Update can be viewed HERE

Young and Young at
Heart Musicians’ Concert
Scotland Island Community
Sunday 17 June,
2018 2.00—5.00pm
Come and see 👀the future of Scotland Island music! Lots of
instruments, lots of styles and a few surprises.
This is our fourth concert and their popularity continues to
increase. Bring a small donation to help cover the hall hire and
refreshments to share in the break.
There’s still time to register as a performer if you’ve been hesitant!
This is your time to shine
Please advise David Richards ( or Robyn Iredale ( if
you wish to participate

‘Cold Feet’ on
Reprinted from Pittwater
Life - June 2018
by Nigel Wall
Northern Beaches Council staff have been set thetas of compiling a
wish list of local projects for the funding allocated to the
acquisition of the Pasadena site at Church Point, should the compulsory
purchase fall through.
It comes after Council’s legal advisors deemed recent improvements to
Pasadena “lawful”.
At the May Council meeting, councillors shifted their gaze from the
contentious development to other possible uses of the cash – although
they are aware they first need to negotiate with the State Government
who made its funding pledge based solely on buying Pasadena and
returning the area to the community.
Meanwhile, supporters of the Pasadena purchase plan say they are
surprised by Council’s new fallback position and the outcome of its
legal advice. They urged Council to push ahead with its original plan.
While acknowledging the resolution and process to acquire Pasadena
remained in place, Council resolved to set up a meeting with local MP
Rob Stokes to discuss any contingency plan for the State Government
funding tied to the acquisition of the Pasadena site in the event the
site doesn’t end up in Council’s hands.
Councillor Rory Amon said: “There is a risk that the acquisition of
Pasadena will not proceed given recent developments on site – we are
ensuring that Council is ready and has a contingency plan so we can
re-allocate state funds to other important local projects.”
Spokesmen for the West Pittwater Association, Church Point resident Rob
Jeffress and Scotland Island’s Nicholas Cowdery QC, said: “Council’s
resolution would appear to suggest that it is has cold feet and that it
is backtracking on its commitment made on 7 August 2017 to acquire the
Pasadena site for the benefit of the community and for public space.”
The pair said Council’s legal advice was at odds with theirs. “The lack
of a legal foundation for the current development works and intended
use of the site and adjoining Crown land lowers the value of the site
and makes Council acquisition a more viable prospect, ”they said. “We
strongly urge that the Pasadena site be acquired and that the
waterfront Crown lands be returned to the people."
“This is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for the Northern Beaches
Council and the NSW Government to showcase its vision for Pittwater.
This landmark site must be retained for the public benefit for all, and
not exclusively for individual commercial use."
Council’s Acting General Manager Environment and Infrastructure, Todd
Dickinson, said Council had investigated the validity of the works
currently being undertaken at the Pasadena in relation to the
construction certificate obtained by the owner in late 2017. “Council
considers works undertaken in accordance with the construction
certificate are lawful because the original approvals for a motel,
shops and restaurant granted in 1961 and 1963 remain in force,” he
He said Council’s intention to acquire the land had no bearing on the
lawfulness of the owner’s actions.
“Council will pay compensation to the owner for the acquired land as
assessed under the Just Terms Act.
“We have now engaged acquisition specialists and valuers to progress
the acquisition process and will soon be commencing formal negotiations
with the owner which will occur over a period of at least six months
(unless agreement is reached sooner).” – Nigel Wall

New Church Point Association Takes Pasadena to
and Environment Court
KDK Media Posted:
1 Jun 2018
A new Church Point community association will take action against the
developer of the Pasadena to prevent further work being done on the
site and to stop “unauthorised and unlawful use”.
Nicholas Cowdery AM QC said the decision by Church Point Community
Projects Inc (CPCP) follows “official inaction, lack of transparency,
continuing legal uncertainty over the Pasadena site, and the
development and use of the adjacent Crown land foreshore”.
As one of CPCP’s spokespeople, Mr Cowdery said the new Church Point
community association has been left with no option but to take the
Pasadena developer to court to protect the public interest.
“It has done so in response to continuing community concern about the
apparent failure of Northern Beaches Council (NBC) to enforce
compliance with the law relating to the site and its use. It has done
so to better enable NBC to acquire the site in accordance with its
resolution of 7 August 2017, and to return it to the community of
Pittwater to be used in a publicly-approved way for the benefit of
all,” he said.
CPCP spokesperson Rob Jeffress said the appropriation of the adjacent
Crown land had not followed due process. Mr Jeffress said there are
significant questions regarding how the new lease was awarded and the
absence of any development application (DA) approvals for the extensive
development and new uses of the Crown foreshore land.
“The Church Point foreshore and Crown land was not part of the $2.4m
purchase in 2012, nor is it part of the Private Certifier’s approval of
construction work. Yet the last of Church Point’s public green space
was fenced off for years without lease payments or compliance controls.
“It is now being developed as a venue for over 100 patrons without any
public consultation or environmental studies of the impact it will have
on the Church Point environment,” he said.
Mr Jeffress said the Pasadena site should be returned to the public so
the quality and character of the foreshore of Church Point is protected
and a whole-of-precinct Masterplan can be developed with public input.
“While CPCP regrets having to step in to ensure that the law relating
to these matters is enforced, there is no alternative other than to
take the matter to the Land and Environment Court for the independent
umpire’s decision.
“An independent legal decision will ensure a resolution to the many
concerns dividing the community. It will also provide certainty for all
stakeholders when it comes to planning laws not only at Church Point,
but in other areas in NSW,” Mr Jeffress said.

Winter Solstice Festival
Sunday June 24

"The Problem
with Plastics"
A Newport Public School Project
This term, Year 6 students from Newport Public School are investigating
“The Problem with Plastics” for their Project Based Learning unit.
Students are designing a large artwork made entirely out of plastic
bottle lids. This will not only reduce the amount of landfill we
create, it also re-uses the lids in a positive, colourful and creative
These can include:
- Milk bottle lids,
- Water bottle lids,
- Soft drink bottle lids,
- Juice bottle lids,
- Peanut butter lids,
- Vegemite lids,
- Nutella lids,
- Vitamin bottle lids etc.
We would be grateful if
you have any lids to contribute - that you
leave them next to your recycling bins and they can be picked up by the
students this Sunday afternoon.

Peninsula Music Club Concert
Sunday 3 June: John Field:
Inventing‘Night Music’
Tamara-Pianist Tamara-Anna returns to perform works by the Irish
pianist and composer John Field. He is best know as the instigator of
the nocturne which greatly influenced Chopin as well as many others of
the time.
Interspersed between Tamara performing these works, Richard O’Brian a
former Irish diplomat including Ambassador to Australia, who will give
an insight, into the life and times of John Field who travelled
extensively throughout his life.
We are holding our AGM at 1.50pm all financial Member as of the 31st
December 2017 are welcome the meeting will finish at 2pm the
doors will be open all ticket holders include a sparkling wine
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Casual tickets available at the door.

The Co-Op
Club Presents
June 2018
Church Point Cafe -
Artists play between 3:30 - 6:30pm
is every Sunday between 3.30 - 6.30pm
1860 Pittwater Rd Church Point – bookings 9999 2793

Wanted to Hire
I am looking for a portable chain saw milling set up on the island to
hire for a weekend in July with at least a 36" bar.
Please call or text Rick 0415 814 124

Polycraft for Sale -
Commuter Boat
- Electric Start, tilt and trim.
- 50 horsepower Tohatsu.
- Boat and motor 4-5 yrs old.
- Motor just serviced and bottom of boat cleaned and
- No trailer.
- Moored currently in Palm beach.
Please call to view.

Sewing Machine
for Sale 
Brother XT37 sewing machine - collection from Church Point.
$150 ONO.
Almost new sewing machine and basket of sewing needles, threads,
bobbins etc to go with.
37 different types of stitches.
Works beautifully.
Contact Kath on 0405 097 424

For Sale
Double sofa-bed with Slumberpaedic innerspring
- Excellent condition - as new.
- No tears, stains or scratches.
- Covered in grey woollen tweed.
- Cushions and head/arm covers in main photot included.
Price: $250.
Pick up from 2 Portions Lovett Bay (last house on north side before
Salvation Creek).

Northern Beaches Pressure
Cleaning coming to the Island
We have been residents of
the island for just over a year now and I own and operate Northern Beaches
Pressure Cleaning and Housewashing on the Mainland.
Northern Beaches Pressure
Cleaning and Housewashing
will be operating on the Island for a short period, so if you need your
roof, decks, tanks or paths etc high pressure cleaned or your house
softwashed, then give me a call for a friendly free quote.
We can also offer ongoing maintenance or periodic cleaning.
Ray 0412189793
Ray & Linda

Free Leather Lounge
Demir leather 3 piece lounge, 2 x recliner chairs and a 3 seater lounge.
Pickup in Little Lovett Bay.
Call Leisa

The Local Guide
Community Information
Scotland Island Web Site |
click to
go to the Calendar |
Scotland Island Residents Facebook Page |
click to go to Page |
Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 |
Number, Usage & Charges |
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 | |
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 | |
Photo Gallery |
gallery |
Scotland Island Residents
Association (SIRA) Membership details - click here for details
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) -
Island Emergency Non-potable Water
- Agreement for Sale of Non-potable Water
- SIRA Membership Application
- Emergency Non-potable Water Guidelines
- General Information, Map & Contacts
Island & Offshore Children's Services (SIOCS)
Long Day Care at The Island Kindy in Catherine Park
Days of operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Times: 8.00am - 6.00pm
Before & After School Care
8.00am until walked to school ferry - collected from school ferry until
Vacation Care, Casual Care and Playgroup on Fridays
Hire the Kindy for Birthday Parties
Please call 02 9979 7856 or
Website: |
Island Community Hall Bookings: Barbara
Labram M: 0473008339 or
Pittwater Online News -
Tick Fact Sheet |
Waitlist (Tennis User Group) - Application Form |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs & Accommodation
Island Traders - On-line shopping from your computer through -delivered to
your door Scotland Island by Scotland Island Traders - Graeme
Richmond - Mobile: 0419 460 331
of the Peace - Bob Mitchell (Mackerel Beach) - 0419 745 628 |
Justice of the Peace - Tony Hendel - 0419
242723 |
Justice of the Peace - Andy Derijk -
Elvina Bay 0418 613 890 |
Justice of the Peace - Lexie
Le Blang 0418399674 or
99992574 |
Justice of the Peace - Graham
Stenner - 0407216405 |
Justice of the Peace - Carolyn
Milani - 0409914699 |
Community Arts Inc. - Enquiries Lorrie Morgan 9997 8079 |
Music Club - enquiries Janice Tuynman - 99991937 - jt@swift
Point Yacht Club -
Prince Alfred Yacht Club - 02
9997 1022 |
Motor Yacht Club - 02 9997 5511 |
Island Lodge - Bed & Breakfast - 02 9979 3301 or |
Youth Hostel - (02) 9999 5748 (8-11 am and 5-8 pm)
Service - "No job too small" - Call Alan 0447 775 541 |
Wayne on Scotland Island 0418 229 277 - offshore community
sparky -
David Walsh - Graphic Design - Custom Made Sculpture - 0404 239
212 -
Dog Wash & Grooming - Call
Jenni: 0450 444 100 or Email:
Free Pump Outs for Boats - Council
with RMS installed a pump out at Careel Bay wharf |
Solicitor - Rachel
Carter - Carter O'Neill Legal - 0406 239 946
Blue Toro Mobile Mechanics Northern Beaches
- Ben (owner operator) on 0420 851 706 Vehicle servicing and
repairs by coming to you... |
Building Design and
Drafting Services - Samuela Madej – Murphy ph.
0450331573 email:
Island Classes (Fitness, Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0406 483 036
Art Classes- drawing and painting in oils,
acrylics and mixed media- Marion 0431 457 431 |
Yoga - Tuesday 9.00 to 10.30 Tuesday morning - Phone Katya on
0414 187 916 |
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins on 0405
330 781 |
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS - email
Park Bush Care Group, 2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @
9997 6017 |
Thinking Group - Roy Baker, 9999 6891,
Government Organisations
Airlines, Buses and Railways
Weather Scotland
Island Tides, Moon phases, Sun rise & set Local
Weather Forecast Radar weather
for Sydney (128k circle)

Emergency Contact Numbers
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Police Assistance Line
& Information |
13 1444 or 9281 0000 |
Broken Bay Water Police |
9910 7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Rescue Broken Bay - Weekend |
9999 3554 - (02) 8411 1121 |
Rescue Broken Bay - VHF Radio channel |
Radio Channel: VHF 16
27MHz Radio Channel: 86 or 88 |
Scotland Island Rural Fire
Service |
9999 4404 |
Bay Rural Fire Service |
3795 |
Bay Rural Fire Service |
1612 |
Beach Rural Fire Service |
1162 |
Fire Service Headquarters Terrey Hills |
3000 |
NSW Fire Service General
Information 9265 2999 |
9265 2999 |
Rural Fire Service General
information |
9450 3000 |
State Emergency Service,
Warringah/Pittwater SES |
13 25 00 9486 3399 |
National Parks & Wildlife
Service: 000, general information |
9457 9322 |
Dept of Community Services:
general information |
9977 6011 |
Sydney Water |
132 090 |
Energy Australia |
131 388, (ah) 131 909 |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at or
by clicking
here or by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at

To Contribute
If you
would like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor ( or by clicking
here. Type your contribution (100 words or so
would be fine) and assuming it is of general interest to the community,
does not include matter of a political nature and is not offensive,
it will appear next month.
Subscription Information
To get on and off this newsletter, click here or got to:
. To change your address, click the
'modify' link at the bottom of this newsletter or send an email to the
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The Editor
and the publisher disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or
property resulting from any ideas, articles or products referred to in
this publication. Further, the views
expressed in this newsletter
are not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island Residents
Association (SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community Association