Monday, December 13, 2004
Isaiah 40:5b For the mouth of the LORD has spoken it.
A student came into the classroom one morning and declared to the teacher, "There will be no school tomorrow!"
"Who says so?" the teacher asked.
"I just called it that way," he answered.
"Well, if you're the one who says it, it doesn't count," chimed in another.
A week later the principal walked into the room and said, "There will be no school tomorrow because of emergency maintenance on one of the buildings." Then all the children clapped and cheered. A student's word didn't carry much authority, but when the head of the school announced that classes were canceled, everyone knew it was really so. Sometimes it matters who says it.
A Savior is coming. It is Jesus, the Christ. He shares in your humanity. He feels your temptations, your hurt, and your pain. He takes away your sorrow by offering His very life on Calvary's cross, forgiving your sins, and opening heaven's gates. He promises to be with you even to the end of the world. He invites you to pray to Him; to lean on Him for every needed blessing.
Who says so? The LORD says. So you can be sure that it is really true.