Issue 575
  23 Mar 2024
To: Firstname Lastname
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Hello, Firstname
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What's in this issue:
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Wednesday 27 March
Next week is the final round of the 2023-24 Projected Image Competition. The originally scheduled judge has had to pull out through ill health, but our highly esteemed Chairman, Ralph Snook has stepped into the breach at short notice to save the day. This is the evening when the year's overall champions will be named, so an evening not to be missed.
The prescribed topic for this round is "in the kitchen", so it will be interesting to see which members actually managed to find that room!
Login details:
  • Wednesday 27 March @ 19.30hrs
  • Log in: Click HERE
  • Meeting ID: 846 0481 7571
  • Password: 782985
Advanced Warning - Print Competition Round 4
This is advanced warning of the closing date for Round 4 of the 2023-24 Print Competition. It is Wednesday 10 April and the prescribed theme will be Light & Shadow. The judge for this final round of the competition is Martin Cooper LRPS and you can get some idea as to the sort of photography that he likes by looking at his website:
Questions or queries to David Alderson, Print Competition Secretary:

Phone Photography - Last Week's Talk
During last week's talk on phone photography, the speaker promised to send us some notes based on her talk, these are reproduced below:
1. Snapseed (editing). This is the app I use to edit my photos. There are lots of other ones out there - and if you are happy with using one already, then great.  If you are looking for a good - free - app for phone editing, then I can totally recommend Snapseed. I have attached some notes re what Snapseed can do which I hope will be helpful. Within Snapseed itself, there are also some short tutorials which are well worth looking at (three little dots in the top right-hand corner when in Snapseed).  The downside of Snapseed is the very basic cloning.  If I want something a bit more precise, I use Retouch, as mentioned below. 
2. In case anyone is interested, here is the link to the stick on mirrors I mentioned - just in case anyone wants to get creative: mirrors These ones are quite small, but you can get bigger ones too.  
3. Selfie sticks (used as a tripod) are great, and I have attached a screenshot below of the various selfie sticks/tripods that you can get from Amazon. This isn’t an up-to-date list, but to be honest they are all pretty much of a muchness. Just make sure is has the detachable Bluetooth remote. 
4. Tiny people - These guys are pretty good for small people - or Google ’model train set figures’ and lots come up.  Lego figures work just as well too.  
5. With regard the Apps I use, these are:
Snapseed - editing 
Retouch - much better for cloning and deleting objects than Snapseed although I think it is around the £7.99 price (but worth it!!!) 
Image size - great for resizing images (dpi, cm, mm, inches).
Logolicious - great if you want to put your logo on things - absolutely rubbish name!!!
Erase bg - great if you need to remove the background for something (cut out) - Use to upscale your images and keep the detail. 
Clos - iPhone - iPhone/iPad remote shooting
The Shutter App - android remote shooting (controlled by your laptop)
Slow shutter - (iPhone only) long exposure app for when I want more than the iPhone’s inbuilt 2 second ‘live’ long exposure, ICM or light painting.  
I have attached a screenshot of these below so you can see what they look like.  
I have no affiliation at all with any of these products - they are just what I use. 
6. You may also be interested in this short article and video about how Nick Knight used AI in his Roses from my Garden Exhibition - (I wouldn’t be able to do this justice talking about it, so I let Nick talk this through himself and this covers how it was achieved!!!).  
7. This is the link to the Petapixel video about the ’Shot on iPhone’ advertising campaigns.  Bearing in mind this was recorded in 2017, a lot has changed in the smartphone camera world since then!!!  
8. Lastly, if anyone would like a clip on lens set (macro, wide angle and fish eye), you can get them here (£10 +P&P) and also the wrist straps too (£5 +P&P). Please note that, if anyone has an older phone where the camera lenses go down the middle as opposed to the side, then these aren’t suitable, and they will need one with a longer ‘arm’. If you also have an exceptionally chunky case, you may need to take it off when using it to avoid light leaks. There are, of course, plenty of them on Amazon too. The wrist straps attach onto your phone case, and just needs a small hole along either the bottom or the side for it to slip through.  
Here are also a few tips and tricks as mentioned in the talk.
1. Turning your phone upside down gives you a totally different perspective.  
2. Don’t forget to switch lenses (if you can) as opposed to zooming in. 
3. Under-expose to keep the textures and tones. This is especially important at night-time.  
4. To get to the top of a building, under a flower or tree for example, put the camera on to selfie mode.
5. For straight lines and your Rule of Thirds, use the grid.
6. For portraits use portrait mode and (iPhone) either change the F number before (top right), or afterwards (edit, then go to the F number), or on (most) Androids, change the ‘blur’ either before or afterwards (change background effect). Don’t forget Portrait only kicks in when you are a certain distance away, otherwise it’s just a normal lens.  
7. (iPhone) For Long Exposure shoot on ‘Live’ and keep very still for the 2 seconds the word “Live” is visible. Then go to your photo and go to the down arrow (top left), and go to Long Exposure. If you have a Samsung, go to the Pro setting, set your ISO as low as it will go and shutter speed to 1 second. As mentioned last night, it seems you can only use this at nighttime, but you can get some amazing shots.  
8. For reflections, turn your phone upside down and use a puddle (don’t forget the Lego brick), glass table, or anything reflective. You can also get a vertical reflection by using a window too.  
Unfortunately I don’t have any Associates running Smartphone Safaris near you at the moment, however if anyone is interested in running them, do pass my details on (I actively have retired and semi-retired people running safaris for me).
If you have any questions that are not answered above, you can contact Jeanette directly at

Sad News
It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of Lance Allen. Lance joined BPS in 2019 along with his then partner Suzanne, they married in the summer of 2020.
Recently, Lance had joined the small band of members who were helping Matt with projection and Zoom duties and was in fact due to stand in for Matt this week. Lance's name appeared regularly in the list of winners in the Projected Image competitions, and he very recently gained his Licentiateship of the Royal Photographic Society.
Sadly, Lance succumbed very quickly (48 hours) to a bout of Strep type A influenza last week - our thoughts and sympathies go to Suzanne.
Competition To Enter
I have received the following form The Forest of Avon Trust:
I was hoping you might share with your members, the details of the Ancient Tree Photography Competition that we’re running with the Forest of Avon Trust and Woodland Trust.
We’re looking for great photography of ancient trees in the West of England. There’s plenty of scope to get creative and a wonderful opportunity to get outside and “meet” some of the natural wonders of our region.
The competition has several categories of photographic interest and the winners will have the chance to plant a tree in the Great Avon Wood as well as to have their work featured, and fully credited, across all our media channels and those of our partners, and in a digital photo exhibition. Our reach, and that of our partners who include the Woodland Trust, DEFRA and the Forestry Commission, is significant and could boost visibility for a budding nature photographer. The competition entry details can be found at
Claire Byers
Exhibitions To Enter
Neath & District 2024 Salon (BPE)
Open - Now
Cheltenham International 2024 (PSA, FIAP, PAGB, GPU)
Open - Now
Midland Salon
A message from our Chairman:
The Midland Salon is now open for entries. They have both print and digital classes, and we offered the opportunity to forward prints from our Bristol Salon to the Midland, thus avoiding the cost of postage.  10 members asked for this to be done, but since then some have withdrawn that request.
I had thought that we would make a group entry and gain a 20% discount, however the Midland do not seem to be offering group entry this time.  I returned the prints to members (or at least put them in the box on the stage) 2 weeks ago, including those requested to be forwarded.
Given there is no group entry then I can/will forward prints as originally planned, of course if you took your prints from the box you will need to get them back to me.
I will be taking the prints to Smethwick on 20 April, everything needs to be with me by 17 April.
Some thoughts:
  • I can send the unmounted prints you entered into the Bristol Salon.
  • You can substitute different prints if you wish, as long as you give me the titles so I can inform the Midland.
  • If you want to mount your prints you can, although if you want them back they need to be in a box, or packaging suitable for posting (and you will need to pay to get them back)
  • If you did not ask your prints to be forwarded, but want to enter the Midland Salon then, if you get the prints to me by 17th I will take them to Smethwick.  I will need the titles beforehand.
  • In all of the above cases you need to enter the Midland in the normal manner and make sure that the images/titles you enter match the prints.
The members whose prints are marked for forwarding are:
Mike Bews
Carol Browne
Ramesh Chauhan
Gerald Gill
David Grierson
Richard Kay
Paul Moran
Derwood Pamphilon
Over to you
FIAP Nature Biennial - Last Call
Click on flyer for more information
NEW - Download Issue 352 PAGB eNews HERE.
NEW - Download Issue 114 of Photography News  HERE.
BPS Programme
Members can download a pdf copy of the upcoming BPS programme by clicking on this link
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
Well done to Steve Field on gaining his Associate Distinction of the Irish Photographic Federation - all hail Steve Field AIPF

Salon acceptances: Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:  
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE