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Ah yes! 
Thanksgiving, the holiest of holidays. Untouched, untainted, and impossible to monetize! Haha! Yea ya’ll, I looove Thanksgiving! Mostly because I love to eat! And of course all i need to do is sit here and in a split second come up with all the things I’m thankful for...again, mostly food :)
Anyhow, thought I’d take a moment to send my last legit newsletter of the year before i settle into ridiculous amounts of turkey-eating. movie-watching, and a last minute trip to Nigeria...just because! 
Come join me at one of these final shows. Dec 8-10 I’ll be doing a weekend stint with my dear friend and brother from another mother, JD Eicher! The Pittsburgh and Youngstown shows will be with both our bands and we can’t wait! The Philly(ish) show on the 8th will be an intimate acoustic night with a couple duets and Christmas tunes worked in together. Yes!
Dec 3: Ephrata, PA - The Green Room House Concert Series [facebook]
Dec 8: Newtown Square, PA - Burlap & Bean [tickets][facebook]
Dec 9: Pittsburgh, PA - The Pittsburgh Winery [tickets][facebook]
Dec 10: Youngstown, OH - The Soap Gallery [tickets][facebook]
calendar + details:
food for...EVERYONE!
So there's this rumor that the more you have the more you give. I don't actually believe this anymore. Over and over again I find that the most generous people usually don't have alot, yet they still give freely of themselves.  While working the Food for the Hungry table at Johnny Swim's concert over the weekend, I was floored by the generosity of one woman who decided to sponsor a 6th kid, and a 22-yr old guy who couldn't decide between 3 different boys, so he sponsored all 3.  
If there is one thing I could wish for during this season, it would be for more of you to join me in supporting the work Food for the Hungry is doing across the world by empowering different people groups through agricultural and health, and grade school education. While Ive shared so much about them on countless occasions, here is a video I made when i was in the Dominican with them last year.
Last but not least, the Christmas store is back up and running now through the end of December!! CDs and bundles are 50% off and Tshirts are $10!
Any orders placed before the 11th will ship out before Christmas. Any other orders will ship out afterwards! If you do end up sponsoring a child through FH, please let me know and I will send over an item of your choosing. 
I'm so thankful for you and your support. 
Have a beautiful Thanksgiving with your family and friends!
-Joy <3