To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello, Firstname |
Newsletter Copy - Please! |
A big thankyou to the members who rallied to the call for articles to fill the newsletter and so enable me to keep it going through these troubled times - these last few issues of have existed to a great extent because of their contributions. I have now run out of articles, so I am going to need more contributions if the newsletter is to keep going.
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as special on-line events or exhibitions, photographic hints, tips and tricks, etc., or just your experiences of lockdown, please let me know at the usual address:
Next week we welcome Roy Carr AWPF, who will present his talk called Roy's Outdoor Life. This is a digital presentation which features the adventures of Bedlinog based photographer Roy It includes his solo cycle ride from Cardiff to the south of Morocco, a journey of 4,500 miles together with stories about walking, climbing and sailing. It is illustrated by a host of landscape and seascape photographs and helped along by lots of tall tales.
Address: Click here
Meeting ID: 550-706-814
Password: bsp-1234
The links to all meetings can be found in the Members' Area of the BPS website, details at the foot of this newsletter. If anyone would like to dial in via a landline/mobile for voice only then email asking for details and they will be provided - this applies to all Zoom meetings, including the DI Group. |
Thanks to Sue O'Connell for this. |
Annual Projected Image Competition |
Part 2 of the Annual Projected Image Competition was held this week (on-line) and was judged by Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS. The results are shown below:
Sue O'Connell |
Caro Woman and Child |
1st |
Kevin James |
Looking Thru' the Window |
2nd |
Mike Hall |
Feather and Seeds |
3rd |
David Alderson |
Severn Sky |
HC |
Carole Brown |
Mountain Road Tenerife |
HC |
Ashwin Chauhan |
Steam Punk 1 |
HC |
Jason Eastham |
Flat Out |
HC |
Steve Field |
Attacking Arctic Terns |
HC |
Steve Field |
Stay |
HC |
Rob Gillet |
Desert Grasses |
HC |
Mike Hall |
Porthcawl Storm |
HC |
Jeff Hargreaves |
Simona She Means It |
HC |
John Hudson |
Nutcracker-'Together' |
HC |
Kevin James |
Punk with Attitude |
HC |
Mike Martin |
Grounded |
HC |
Mike Martin |
Palace of light |
HC |
Peter McCloskey |
Concentration |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Last Look Back |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Madame Magritte |
HC |
Sue O'Connell |
Mursi Woman with Lip Plate |
HC |
Sue O'Connell |
Safe |
HC |
Steve Taylor |
Monday Morning Blues |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Cheltenham 2-10 Sire du Berlais |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Dhaka Dynamite |
HC |
Jeff Hargreaves |
Simona She Means It |
Best Action |
Mike Hall |
Porthcawl Storm |
Best Landscape |
Kevin James |
Looking Thru' the Window |
Best People |
Andrew Wood |
Cheltenham 2-10 Sire du Berlais |
Best Mono |
Sue O'Connell |
Caro Woman and Child |
Best Travel |
Sue O'Connell |
Caro Woman and Child |
Best Overall |
Best in Section
Best Overall
Best Travel
Caro Woman and Child
Sue O'Connell
2nd in Section
Best People
Looking Thru' the Window
Kevin James
3rd in Section
Feather and Seeds
Mike Hall
Best Action
Simona She Means It
Jeff Hargreaves
Best Landscape
Porthcawl Storm
Mike Hall
Best Monochrome
Cheltenham 2-10 Sire du Berlais
Andrew Wood
Last Saturday was the hosting of this as a PDI competition rather than the usual Print Competition. 24 clubs did battle, (96 images) with Rhondda winning on a tie break ahead of Monmouth. Unfortunately, BPS ended mid table in equal 12th – although we did beat our near neighbours, Kingswood, who tied with Dorchester for joint 17th. Some of the scores were a little odd/inconsistent, but I guess that comes with all competitions....
- Well done Keith Wood scoring 19 for his image “Defeated”
- Unfortunately the judge didn’t appear to appreciate the creativity of Barry Mead with his “Zebra Dance” scoring only 17. She seemed to want to lose the Zebra completely or have it in the middle of the dancing figures...
- Steve Field matched Barry’s score with his “Sorrow”, the judge speculating what Steve had done/said to induce the tears in this “nice” image.
- Mike Martin completed our entry scoring a paltry 15 for his image “Alive” criticised for having nothing in focus with the judge adding “if it’s your first effort at trying things like this, keep going, you’re nearly there”
.... that’s me told then. Thanks again to everyone who provided images for the selection. Till the next competition......
Mike Martin
BPS Website - Important Information |
Don't forget, following the upgrade to the BPS website, the way you log into the members' section (Members' Portal) of the website has changed. There will no longer be a default username and password for all, you will have your own individual password.
If you can't remember your Membership Number, it can be found at the head of this (and every) newsletter.
Would members who receive reminders to pay their BPS subscription fee please make the payment through PayPal, this will save the Treasurer having to make an unnecessary trip to the bank to pay in cheques, which in these strange times isn't something to be relished.
To make your payment, you just need to click on the link in the invoice sent to you, this will take you directly to our PayPal page, from here you can pay one of two ways:
- Use your own PayPal account to make the payment
- Pay using a current debit or credit card. You do not need a PayPal account, it's just like making any other on-line payment (eg Amazon, Tesco's) and all you need to do is enter the card details as requested.
That's all there is to it. simple!
David Grierson has sent the following link which will take you to a very interesting article on light painting by his brother in-law who lives in the States. To read the article, please click on this link.
Guess Who's Been To Venice! |
Barry Mead has been beavering away at his computer (so what's new!) during lock-down producing images based on his trip to Venice earlier this year. Below are a few of those.
View Framing Gizmo - Cheapskates Version! |
Following this last week's item on a view framing gizmo for use when out in the field. I did some thinking and realised that many of you might well have old slide mounts lurking at the the back of a drawer somewhere. So, if you're too mean to shell out £5.99 for the real McCoy, but still fancy the idea of the gizmo, just dig out one of the mounts, take out the glass and hey presto, one cheap view framimg gizmo.
The following link may be of interest to club members:
The following offer may also be of interest
The Royal Photographic Society has a special offer for new members with a 20% reduction of fees! Anyone who was considering applying for their distinctions joining could very much benefit from the online presentations and coaching and the monthly Journal is especially interesting. Special Interest Groups as well as Regions are offering many online work shops and presentations. If joining please mention my name.
Suzanne Johnson
Regional Organiser, Western Region
The booking system for Unit 13 has changed slightly.
To book the Studio:
For any other clubroom bookings:
To download issue 258 of the PAGB eNews, please click here.
I've received the following from John Hudson:
I had some great news yesterday - Golden Peacock Photo Circuit - have awarded one of my images the PhotoVivo - Gold Medal.
This is the first international (other than the capped award Bristol Salon) I have entered in three years, so it was particularly ‘special’.
Overall I had 5 acceptances out of 12, which was lower than I may have hoped … but…. What is it about bats? All the golds I have won so far have been with different images of bats!
Well done John.
Salon acceptances: BPS photographers are now achieving large numbers of salon acceptances and constraints on time and space mean we can't include them all. So please only advise of awards or other milestones.
Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Make Money For BPS Every Time You Shop On Amazon! |
Now, if you so wish, each and every one of you can support BPS with every purchase you make on Amazon by using Amazon Smile. Click on the link below – then it’s self-explanatory.
It must be easy, even I managed it!
If you have anything to sell, or you're looking for something to buy, just let me know and I'll include it here. Please bear in mind, we only advertise items for BPS members.
Would all members please note that before you plan your shoot and book your model, you should check whether the studio/clubroom will be free. This can be done easily and at any time by viewing the Clubroom Bookings calendar in the Members' Portal of the BPS Website.
Log in details to the Members' Portal are at the end of this newsletter.
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter. If they are wrong, please visit the Members' Area of the BPS website where you can register any changes using the on-line form provided; this form can also be used for change of address, email etc.
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to download the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in" |
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE