Farm Fresh News - February 2023
In this issue:

Rising Appalachia is coming!
Dear Friends,
Spring is coming on with a charge this year here on The Farm!
On March 2 at 1:30 PM Central Time, I will be conducting a virtual tour of The Farm for the Fellowship of Intentional Communities. The presentation will be about 10 minutes, with 5 minutes for Q&A. Two other communities will also do presentations as part of the program. Register now to join the Zoom event. Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities March 2023 (
We are so excited to be hosting the first Sanctuary Summit, an event that goes beyond festival with an astounding music lineup and daytime workshops that speak to how community can provide solutions for the future.

The Farm Market Day continues to grow, with more and more vendors, food trucks, and a great variety of live music. Now moving to the second Saturday of each month.
If you're interested in vending, playing music, teaching a workshop, volunteering, or participating in another way you can contact us at
Then April 13-16, people will once again becoming to The Farm from far and wide to attend my Dance Weekend, Polishing the Heart. I will be celebrating my transition to Certified Dance Leader in this spiritual practice that can heal the soul and uplift the spirit!

Here is a little write-up I did about The Farm for the Fellowship of Intentional Communities to promote the FIC Virtual Tour:

The Farm Community is unique in so many ways:
· We are one of the largest intentional communities.
   A. 225+ people
   B. 1750 acres, protected by a Trust, with an additional 1400 acres owned by one of our nonprofits as a nature preserve
· Our longevity, over 50 years
· We have evolved into a true ecovillage, with our own businesses, school, store, water system, 10 miles of roads, and approximately 100 homes.
The Farm is cooperatively governed by a democratically elected board of directors, along with committees to manage membership, land use, housing, and more.
But probably what stands out the most is our dedication to family and long-term relationships.
The community is in transition as the founding members enter retirement and its younger members, many of whom were born on the land, delivered by The Farm’s midwives, take over positions of responsibility.
Becoming part of such a close-knit group can be challenging to new members and it can take significant effort to establish relationships, best accomplished through participation and actively working to build friendships.
Through this effort comes its ultimate reward: deep, life-long connections and the tremendous opportunity to make a difference in the world.

Hippie Ideals have gone Mainstream - A new article in the press  - truths, exaggerations and fact-checking

Racing ahead - How The Farm's early visions are manifest in today's times.  -  photo by Clifford Chappell

I started handling the press as a volunteer for The Farm Community back in 1991 when USA TODAY approached us about writing an article. I could relate to the journalists and their needs since I was also working as a writer for several national newsstand magazines. It was a natural fit.

One of the reasons our group left San Francisco and moved to Tennessee was to have a better opportunity to speak to and influence the wider culture, and the mass media offered the best microphone to get that message out. Each article in press like National Geographic and People Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and appearances on television shows like 20/20 and 60 Minutes brought new members to our community and put things like vegan diets and tofu into mainstream consciousness.
You can find copies of many of the press writings from 1971 to the present here, including this most recent one from an online magazine called Ethos.

One thing I got to see in doing dozens of interviews and helping writers and producers get their stories was that the press never gets everything 100% right. You would think they might do some fact checking, or have us review the piece before it goes to print or on the air to insure accuracy, but that almost never happens.

So it is with both appreciation and some amusement that I share this recent article from Ethos, an online "magazine." The overall message is great and has many truths, giving us credit for a number of ways The Farm has had an influence on mainstream culture, from natural childbirth to "off-grid" alternative lifestyles. They never did reach out to me, and appear to have gotten all their information and some of the pictures from an article that appeared in Vanity Fair Magazine Online a few years ago.

So rather than send you directly to the original article, I have added it to our web site, with my corrections between paragraphs in italics.
Here is a link to the original article with pictures, which are not all attributed to the correct source. 

Sanctuary Summit - Envisioning the Future

From their web page:
Let’s explore what it takes to have resilience in Community, whether in Urban, Rural or suburban environments. Join us in one of the country's oldest and largest intentional communities for the Sanctuary Summit, an intimate event combining Global Musical talents, Engaging Presentations, and Hands-on Learning Opportunities. There will only be 200 weekend tickets available for the Sanctuary Summit so that we can create a strong container of learning, celebration, and healing.

We will have a special focus on the cycles of life from birth through death and talk through some of the barriers that exist to developing the skills and understandings necessary to take immaculate care of one another at each stage of life.


Biko Casini - the creator and visionary of Sanctuary Summit
  • Global Song - with Leah Song
  • Permaculture - with Sizwe Herring and Raven Larson
  • Community Supported Lifecare - with Aditi Sethi
  • Music is Medicine - with Porangui
  • Natural Design Building - with Biko Casini and Pete "Rock" Broderick
  • Community Birthwork - with Abdulah Umm Saalamah Abdullah-Zaimah

Sisters Leah and Chloe Smith of Rising Appalachia

The music of HuDost and Porangui

When it comes to locations for a Dance circle, The Farm is different than any other. It goes beyond retreat center, or state park. You can feel the vibe of 50 years of spiritual intention as soon as you pass through the gate.
I have been a musician pretty much all my life. By far the most fulfilling music I have ever played comes from leading group singing, chanting and dancing. It empowers each person to find their voice and link our spirits in a shared vibration. The group singing and chanting moves to a new level with the added movements known as the Dances of Universal Peace. The synchronicity of movement creates unity and builds community, and fills the space in our hearts with joy and love, so needed in today’s world.

We are so happy to welcome Murshid Allaudin Ottinger, one of America’s best-loved leaders of the Dances of Universal Peace, as our dance leader for the weekend, his third visit to The Farm. A senior teacher in the Sufi Ruhaniat International, Allaudin inspires one and all with his humility, clarity, and inclusive nature, raising the energy to a state of profound joy.
  • A Weekend of Dance, Music and Celebration
  • Guided Nature Walk
  • Farm Community Tour
  • All Vegetarian Meals Provided
  • Click here to learn more
I believe you will find The Farm to be a unique place in the world. I look forward to dancing with you on liberated land, and sharing with you the vibrational space created by our life in community.
I hope to see you in the circle!
Thank you for your time and attention!
A big thanks to everyone who has become a patron of Farm Fresh!
When you become a subscriber, your contribution helps spread the word about community-based alternatives and the spiritual path.
Take this one small step to be part of the solution!
Speaking Engagements
At the same time, I recognize that I can reach a lot more people if I go outside the community. One of my goals is to speak at colleges and universities where I can talk to young people about Right Livelihood, Service, and Finding Sanity in an Insane World. This is a time when people need to hear an uplifting message of hope.
If you are part of an organization, event, or school (or you just want to learn more about my life's work), I invite you to visit my website, where you'll find information on my lecture topics and how to bring me to speak in your area.
 Thank you for your interest, and your support. I hope to see you down the road.
My wife Deborah has retired from practicing midwifery on The Farm but continues to teach midwifery workshops and classes at the Farm's College of Traditional Midwifery. If you, a friend, or family member are considering a midwifery-assisted birth, I encourage you to visit The Farm Midwifery Center's website and make an appointment with one of the midwives currently taking on clients.  
Deborah's birth resource web sites for families seeking guidance on subjects such as
  • Choosing a Care Provider.
  • Health and Diet
  • Challenges and Complications
  • and much more!
  • The Awakening Birth podcast is available on iTunes or at
www.awakening - The Podcast 
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