Thursday, July 6, 2006
Genesis 1 Then God said, "Let there be . . ."
When we go through each of the six days of creation, light and dark, firmament, waters and land, sun, moon, stars, fish and birds, plants, trees, land animals, creeping things, great beasts, and humanity, we are awed by what God created.
If we take a deeper look into the things that God created we are even more amazed. Do a computer search on "light" and see what you find. It was astounding to me what makes light, the colors -- and that is just the basics. While science claims to have discovered these things about light, the fact is, that these things were already in existence and mankind only recently finally figured it out -- some 5 or 6 thousand years after the fact!
Even if you simply consider the stars and planets of the sky in their orbits it is an amazing thing. Yes, science knows why they stay there, but science did not create gravity, God did.
How many pages could we not write on each of the things which God brought into existence by the power of His word there in the beginning! Even then the depth of our knowledge and the depth of our understanding of the world in which we live would be only touching the surface of it.
In the beginning, God said, "Let there be" -- and there it was in full -- complete and perfect.
I only wish the things that I do after hours of writing could be half as perfect as what God has made and has done.