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November 2016 - In This Issue
  •  Ten tried-and-true tips for you to think about when creating and delivering your stories
  •  Thanks District 48...enjoyed speaking at your conference
  •  Reminder below that my book is also in Mp3 format (listen to the audio format of my book by 1999 WCPS Craig Valentine)
                 Punta Gorda, Florida November 2016
Quotations of the month:
   “The story, yours and mine- it’s what we all carry with us on this trip we take, and we owe it to each other to respect our stories and learn from them.” 
 - William Carlos  Williams
  “In the end all we have are stories and methods of finding and using those stories.”  - Roger C. Shank, from ‘Tell Me A Story’ 
Ten Tried-and-True Tips for your stories!
Patricia Fripp says: “Wisdom comes from reflection.” Here are questions for you to reflect upon, when creating and delivering your stories. Are you aware of and/or use any of these tips?
- Take away message: Do I have a clear, concise message/point/lesson to make from my story? After all, this is the reason for telling this specific story.  
Truthful: Is this my own true story? If I'm using a 3rd party story, am I giving credit to the original source?
- Trigger: Do I trigger curiosity, interest, mental involvement at the start of a story by asking a question, using a quotation or making a profound statement
- Tension: Do I introduce the conflict in my story early and build the tension to hold my audience’s interest, having them anxious to hear the resolution 
- Timely pauses: Are they timed appropriately giving them time to ponder a point or laugh at something funny? Or do I trample on their thoughts and laughs by never pausing?
- Tone: Is my tone of voice in sync with the words I speak, my facial expressions, my body language?
- Touch base: Do I create moments to touch base with the audience through rhetorical questions?
- Touch hearts: Do I realize that people are moved to action,  both intellectually and emotionally and therefore discuss the change or emotional shift that took place in the character after the resolution of the problem?
- Take, don’t tell:  Do I use many of the above techniques to bring them into my story and thereby take them with me throughout the story?
- Tangible technique: Do I offer an example of a technique they can readily use to act upon your message? 
Join me next month when we look at another speaking skill to enhance your own!
Until then,
Successful Speaking! Cool  ( sending this from sunny Florida!)
“Speeches That Will Leave Them Speechless”
is in MP3 format also!

Discover and apply many proven speaking tips, tools and techniques
so you will enhance your speaking skills and
be the speaker you want to be!
Download the MP3 audiobook right now for only $19.95
Individual Speech Coaching or Group Instruction
  • if you're a toastmaster wanting a competitive edge over average speakers
  • if you wish your group to be more effective presenters to successfully sell their services, products or ideas and increase profit margin
  • if you're in business and need to confidently address a group with a powerful, professional presentation but don't know how to create and deliver it
call 416 489 6603 (Toronto) or 239 206 0697 (Florida)Leave a message with phone number; I'll respond within 48 hours
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Let's first discuss your needs or those of your group
 (no fee for consultation) 

Canadian Association of
Professional Speakers
Kathryn MacKenzie, M.Ed. DTM 
Presentation Skills Instructor | Keynote Speaker | Author

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