Greetings & Blessings to all
Welcome to our August newsletter.
Here is August living up to the usual expectations. It has been very hot and dry. Oh, I’ve had a few short thunderstorms but they do so little to water my garden they almost don’t count. So, I still have to water my roses everyday. Now is the time to work on house repairs. I have shutters on the front windows and over the years the frames have warped and spread. Of course, this means some of the slats have come out of one edge and dropped; it doesn’t make them look very good. I have to push them into place and apply glue (I use gorilla glue) and then clamp them with pipe clamps that squeeze the frames back and hold them fast. The problem is: I need more hands then I have. I’d ask for help from my sons or a neighbor but I have to be on a ladder and there isn’t enough room for two people on the ladder. What I really need is four hands, I imagine a lot of you have been faced with needing four hands. It’s too bad we can’t rent them when we need them. I’ll figure it all out somehow; wish me luck. I also need to paint the whole house but I’ll wait until I have the repairs done. I’ll hope none of you have similar issues but I’ll bet some of you do. I’ll wish you the best of luck in return for your best wishes.
Anyway, onwards.
Again my thanks for the contributions. Please keep them coming. I would like appropriate news or other links and jokes more than anything.
We’re all in this together let’s make it as good as we can. Stay with me everybody.
Enough of the blather...
Is this your first edition? Many thanks for joining us and if you like our musings and meanderings please feel free to share them with your family and friends. And do encourage them to sign up. The more of us, the merrier! And for all of our readers, we hope this issue finds you in good health, good spirits and good company.
On with the update...
The Weather
Up to the minute forecasts provided by Ireland's official source for all weather-related news. Please click Met Eireann.
Basic Irish
Quips, Quotes, Proverbs & Toasts
A Bit of the Wit
Joke of The Month
Did You Know
The week That Is
Leave 'em Laughing
Last Words
Basic Irish
Back to School.
It is that time of the year once more. When the parents are eager for school to begin and the children would rather not, thank you very much.
Word: Education
Irish: Oideachas
Pronunciation: Eh-djeh-khuss
Word: School
Irish: Scoil
Pronunciation: Skull
1. EVERYONE KNOWS Ireland is home to the best whiskey in the world, but now it’s official.
An Irish whiskey has just been awarded one of the highest honours at the annual International Wine and Spirit Competition.
The World Whisky Trophy isn’t something handed out to any old distillery either.
It’s for the best of the best, which makes Ireland’s success all the more impressive.
I really like RedBreast, my son thinks it tastes ‘grassy’ — Russ
2. A tour of Ireland’s stridently miserable placenames
Field of lepers? Deceitful strand? Town of thieves? Our ancestors clearly didn’t want visitors
Funny —Russ
3.New system of awarding exemptions for study of Irish
School principals to decide on basis of standardised tests
A new system of awarding exemptions for the study of Irish in primary and secondary schools looks set to relax rules for many pupils.
At present, Irish is compulsory in the education system, though opt-outs are available on the basis of special needs, learning disabilities or if a child has spent a long period outside the State.
This seems sad to me—Russ
4. Ireland among ‘most respected’ nations, Eamon Gilmore claims
Former tánaiste says world admires Irish values, peace process and overseas aid
Ireland is one of the “most respected countries in the world” with an influence disproportionate to its size, the EU special representative for human rights Eamon Gilmore has said.
A justifiable compliment—Russ
5. Kerry v Tyrone score recap from the All-Ireland Football Championship semi-final
The winner's of the senior game will face Dublin in the decider on September 1 after their very impressive win over Mayo on Saturday.
6. Leaving Cert results out earlier under ‘fast-tracked’ changes
Students who appeal grades set to receive results three weeks earlier than normal
More than 55,000 Leaving Cert students are set to receive their exam results on Tuesday under a new fast-tracked process which will see college applicants receive their offers before the end of this week.
The changes also mean students who appeal their exam grades will receive their results three weeks earlier thannormal.
7. British always treated Irish with contempt say top Irish ex-ambassadors
As concerns grow of a no-deal Brexit, an Irish ex-diplomat has said issues Britain would normally take seriously are “disregarded if it comes with an Irish label.”
I thought the prejudice was gone—Russ
8. Norwegian cans flights to Ireland
Norwegian Air is scrapping its services to Ireland from North America. The continued grounding of the Boeing 737 Max aircraft is being cited as a primary reason for the decision.
I live again the days and evenings of my long career. I dream at night of operas and concerts in which I have had my share of success. Now like the old Irish minstrel, I have hung up my harp because my songs are all sung.
John McCormack
June 1884 – September 1945
Ireland remains a deeply religious country, with the two main denominations being "us" and "them". In the unlikely event you are asked which group you belong to, the correct answer is: "I'm an atheist, thank God".
A farmer finally decided to buy a TV. The store assured him that they would install the antenna and TV the next day.The next evening the farmer turned on his new TV and found only political adverts on every channel. The next morning he turned the TV on and found only political dverts again. When he came in to eat dinner he tried the TV again but still only found political adverts. The next day when he still found only political adverts he called the store to complain. The owner said that it was impossible for every channel to only have political adverts, but agreed to send their repairman to check the TV. When the TV repairman turned on the TV he found that the farmer was right. After looking at the TV for a while he went outside to check the antenna. In a few minutes he returned and told the farmer he had found the problem. The antenna had been installed on top of the windmill and grounded to the manure spreader.
- George Bernard Shaw bequeathed one third of his estate to the National Gallery in Dublin, claiming that he received his education there?
- St. James's Gate Brewery is built on the site where, since medieval times, Dubliners held an annual drinking festival every 25th July to celebrate the feastday of St. James?
3. If someone's glass is described as flathúil - flahool - it means overflowing? The literal translation is "chieftainlike" and has evolved to mean generous or liberal.

I’m my own Sponsor again this month.
Announcing the Irish Culture and Customs Book of Jokes
This is the collection of our Jokes. It was built up over many years and, now, is gathered here for your enjoyment. With this in your hand, whenever the day is dull or dreary you can open it up and have a good laugh, you'll feel better.
Available on Amazon. Use this Link:,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch
1.Article:Lughnasa - Celebrating the Harvest
2.Article: Haymaking in Ireland long ago
3. Article: The Galway Races - Enough Raw Material for A Trilogy of Novels
4. Article: The Galway Races - A Winning Bet Every Time!
5. Article: Irish Linen - The Cloth of Kings
6. Article: Who was Behind The Doors of Dublin?
6. Article: Driving in Ireland Part One
7. Article: Driving In Ireland Part Two
8. The Irish Kitchen: Sleabhac: Manna from the Seashore
9. Basic Irish: Summertime
10. Kids’ Ireland: Little Red Bird
So there you have it until we write again - sometime in September.
If you are planning on getting married between now and then or tied the knot in the month of August, here is your special verse:
Whoever wed in August be,
Many a change are sure to see.
And, if you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other special event between now and our next edition, we hope it's an occasion filled with joy and happiness.
We’ll take our leave with this blessing:
From the orchards of Armagh
to the fields of Wicklow,
May God bless the farmer’s work
and help his crops to grow.
And St. Swithin intercede for him
that weather rain or shine
his labors are rewarded
this coming harvest time.
All the best & God Bless,
Get down on your knees and thank God you’re still on your feet.
Téigh ar do ghlúine is bí buíoch le Dia go bhfuil tú fós ar do chosa.
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The Book
Potion, pope and perfidy
The second and final version is complete and available on Amazon.
Don’t order through ‘Marketplace’ or you’ll get the first version which is incomplete. Use this link:
If any of you bought and read the first version, I don’t want you to pay the higher price for the second. So, send me an E-Mail at the address below and I’ll buy one for you at my author’s price and mail it to you (and, yes, I’ll sign it). Even with the postage it will save you a bit of money.
Bless you all,
Russ Haggerty
I got this from the ‘Good clean funnies list’ and it was too interesting not to share with you.
–Almonds are a member of the peach family.
–An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
–Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.
–February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.
–In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
–If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
–If you are an average American, in your whole life, you will spend an average of 6 months waiting at red lights.
–Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
–On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament building is an American flag.
A nurse noticed a golfer pacing up and down outside the operating room where another golfer who had a golf ball driven down his throat was bring treated.
"Is he a relative of yours?" she asked.
"No," said the golfer. "It's my ball."
I assume he had to take a stroke—Russ
Last Words
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