ANZAC DAY, Wednesday
Church Point
- Community ANZAC Day Service
- Church Point Reserve 11 a.m.
Pittwater RSL
- Followed by a breakfast available for purchase in the
Pittwater RSL Club’s Lower Cenotaph - 82 Mona Vale Road, Mona Vale
Ph: 9997 3833
Avalon Beach RSL
- 5.30am dawn service at the Cenotaph
- 11am march through Avalon village to Club
- 11.20am commemorative service
Avalon Beach RSL Club - Bowling Green Lane, Avalon Beach.
Ph: 9918 2201
Club Palm Beach
- 10.45am Pittwater Park (near Palm Beach Ferry Wharf)
march to club
Club Palm Beach - 1087 Barrenjoey Rd, Palm Beach
Ph: 9974 5566
Anzac Day Centenary
Council Services
Commemorate Anzac Day at a Northern Beaches Council
Dawn Services:
- 4.25am Manly War
- 5.30am Manly Dam
- 5.30am Dee Why Beach
Commemoration Service:

Northern Beaches Council Notice
Pasadena Acquisition
Pasadena site has generated much community interest and we have
provided the following Frequently Asked Questions to address many of
these enquiries.
We will continue to update this page as further information becomes
available. Should you have any questions please email
Is Council going to acquire the Pasadena?
The Pasadena lay derelict, run down and unused for many years, creating
an eyesore on the waterfront at Church Point.
In August last year, with the backing of the state government, the
Council resolved to acquire the land so this beautiful section of
foreshore could be returned to the community.
The Council resolved to negotiate with the owner and to purchase the
land and to acquire it compulsorily if negotiations were unsuccessful.
How much negotiation has occurred already?
Council has had a number of meetings and interactions with the owner.
We have now engaged acquisition specialists and valuers to progress the
process, and will soon be commencing formal negotiations with the owner
which will occur over a period of at least 6 months (unless agreement
is reached sooner).
Why would the owner have spent all this money on the
property if he thought you were going to acquire it?
We can’t speak for the owner. We have made our intentions very clear to
the owner and the community since the Council resolution last August,
however the owner is entitled to lawfully use and develop the land
until such time as the land is acquired.
Won’t it cost you more now it had been redeveloped?
Council will pay compensation to the owner for the acquired land as
assessed under the Just Terms Act. Council is not in a position
to know whether the current works will impact upon the compensation
payable, as there has not yet been an assessment of the owner’s
entitlement to compensation under the Just Terms Act. We have now
engaged acquisition specialists and valuers to progress the process and
they will advise on the costs.
What is Council’s plan for it?
Once acquired, Council will develop a masterplan for the site in
consultation with the local community.
How did the owners get approval for the works if
Council were going to buy it?
The owner claims the current works occurring on site are reliant on a
1963 Approval for which a recent Construction Certificate has been
obtained by a Private Certifier. Council is currently
investigating the lawfulness of the works presently being undertaken
and the investigation is ongoing.
Of importance, Council’s intention to acquire the land has no bearing
on the lawfulness of the owner’s actions.
Has the developer complied with the conditions of the
approval? The community are concerned they are well outside the
footprint of their approval – and taking up public land they are not
entitled to with their outside awnings and seating.
Council is currently investigating the lawfulness of the works
presently being undertaken and the investigation is ongoing.
What are the Council’s next steps?
We have now engaged acquisition specialists and valuers to progress the
acquisition process, and will soon be commencing formal negotiations
with the owner which will occur over a period of at least 6 months
(unless agreement is reached sooner).
Would the Council change its mind given the Pasadena is
now redeveloped?
Council has a resolution to acquire the property and return it to the
community. At this stage we have engaged acquisition specialists and
valuers to progress the acquisition process and have no plans to change
The link to this notice on Councils webite is HERE
By now many of you may be aware of Keoride. For those who aren't please
see below. Keoride is on trial till September 2018. The fee for a
Keoride from Mona Vale to Church Point is $3.10.
Bookings can be made online
or by phoning 18005367433
Northern Beaches – Book Now [1]
- Contact us [2]
- About us [3]
- Survey [4]
Macquarie Park – Book Now [5]
Northern Beaches
The Northern Beaches on demand service provides a fast, reliable and
personalised travel experience.
Customers are in control of their transport journeys, and can book a
vehicle to pick them up from their home, designated pick up point or
nearest bus stop and take them directly to the closest B-Line transport
The Northern Beaches catchment area is split into two operational on
demand zones:
- Zone 1 - North Narrabeen to Mona Vale
- Zone 2 - Mona Vale to Palm Beach
The on demand service operates during the following timeframes:
- Weekdays 6am – 10pm
- Saturday 7am – 7pm
- Sunday 7am – 5pm
Kath Anderson Massage
Holistic Therapeutic Remedial
full body treatments with focus on the
Marma Points of Ayurveda.
Minimum time frame is 1.5 hours for a truly thorough treatment.
In a cosy and tranquil space in Lovett Bay.
Any day or evening.
Call Kath on 0405097424
Casual work wanted
I am staying on Scotland island with friends for 4 months and over this
time I am looking for casual work - dog walking, house cleaning,
gardening, babysitting (I have raised 5 boys!) etc.
My hourly rate is $20/hr.
If I can help with anything please call Helen on 0432607803 or email
Church Point Parking Needs Before Wants Campaign
Hi all
I have created the following Facebook page
in order to urge Council to review their current Church Point Parking
Demand Management Plan (which at the moment will result in a net loss
of weekend parking spaces to the offshore community).
If you agree, please like the page to show your support.
Iza Foster
Jetdock for Sale 
View at Englesea, $5000
Pls phone Peter 0432635566
For Sale 
Raeline 2010 180E Bowrider For Sale
4.3L 220HP Mercruiser.
100 hrs use. Serviced regularly.
Lots of extras.
Kept on drydock.
Pls Phone Peter 0432635566
Erratum Notice
In our previous publication (Aprl 15 2018) we published the article "Rogue development':
Re-opening of a Sydney landmark divides community" with Handles
as "@WestPittwater @NSWPlanning
@SMH_Andrew Taylor @SMH @theheraldsun".
This should have read "Handles @WestPittwater @NSWPlanning @SMH_Andrew
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at or
by clicking
here or by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at

To Contribute
If you would like to contribute to
this newsletter it's easy!. Send an e-mail to the editor
( or by clicking here. Type your contribution (100 words or so would be fine)
and assuming it is of general interest to the community, does not
include matter of a political nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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. To change your address, click the
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The Editor
and the publisher disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or
property resulting from any ideas, articles or products referred to in
this publication. Further, the views
expressed in this newsletter
are not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island Residents
Association (SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community Association