Dear University Leaver
Showcasing the very latest in design, photography, art, and interiors, Art Below is dedicated to providing the very best in UK student talent with access to billboard space in underground stations across London throughout June, July, August and September 2010.
We have display space available in stations including Angel, Bond Street, London Bridge, and Old Street. We hold campaigns every 2 weeks and our next one starts on the 7th June.
To secure a chance to display your work on billboard space to thousands of people everyday for 2 weeks this June please send your proposed image/s as low res jpeg/s to submissions@artbelow.org.uk before 28th May.
Please note: We are offering students a special 15% discount.
if your application is succesful there is an exhibition fee of £389 (£330.65 for students) + VAT paybale to Art Below.
What does this include?
- Print Artwork Collation, Layout, Repro & Administration, Copy Approval Process, Amendments
- Printing of your 1 meter x 1.5 meter poster
- Poster Installation in your chosen station
- You are emailed digital photos of your poster in situ taken by our photographer.
- Complimentary Lambda Print (worth £76) of each piece of work you feature sent to your home address
- Your artbelow profile page and on-line promotion including newsletter coverage
Go Here to view the Art Below 'Universe-city' gallery of student talent who have displayed their work on the tube.
'Directional art with an unorthodox backdrop lend Art Below its fresh, original edge that's currently causing a creative awakening amongst commuters and the Damien Hirst's of tomorrow' THE GUARDIAN
Art Below Launch Gallery Space in Hoxton
For a long time now the first floor of the Macbeth has been not much more than a pathway to the smokers terrace, and a spot for Kirstie’s stalkers and fans to skulk.
We decided that it was worth much more than this, and an opportunity was being missed. A makeover was due, but this wasn’t going to be some sub-changing rooms style lame lick of paint, no this is the Macbeth, and a makeover is a chance to try something new.
So with this ethos in mind we decided to bring in the unparalleled talents of renowned graffiti writer and just artist in his own right Mike Ballard.
With a free reign on the space he decided to create what could be described as The Macbeths own contemporary Sistine Chapel. It really is something to behold.
To celebrate the unveiling of the Art Below Gallery, we held a private view of Mikes work and the work of
Art Wars, with DJs Pierre Hangover (Real Gold), Ruby Doobey, and Mellé Modé and a free BBQ followed by an after party till 1am.
Click here to see pictures from the unforgettable night
Charles Bronson does Art Below
Over the last four years Art Below has displayed work by some of the world's finest artists in some of London's most iconic underground stations. This April we decided to display the work of a notorious British criminal in Angel Station. His name is Charles Bronson and is often referred to in the British press as the "most violent prisoner in Britain" In 1974 he was sentenced to 7 years in prison for the robbery of a post office. Bronson has spent a total of just four months and nine days out of custody since 1974 and has served time in over 120 different prisons.
During that time he has developed an extensive protfolio of hand drawn pictures that depict his life and mental state within the confines of his solitary existence. See an exclusive interview with a close friend of his, David Taylor and discover how his artwork coupled with his physical training were his key to staying 'unbroken' by the prison system. www.artbelow.org.uk/artists/charlesbronson
BBC News came down to Angel Station to do a television interview. Click Here to view |
Art Below and Hospital Club competition: First winner announced. Last Call for Entries for 'Gravity' competition

Hannah Biscombe is the winner of the first of a series of themed competitions by Art Below and the Hospital club and her work has been on display in an illuminated light box on the central line platform in Bond Street station since 26th April. The theme was 'escape' and we recieved an enourmous response and have compiled a beautiful selection of entires which can be viewed here.
We are currently challenging artists to produce work based on the theme of 'gravity' and the deadline is yesterday!, but dont panic we are giving Art Below readers an extended deadline of Monday 10th May.
To find out how you can take part click here.

Art Below and the Soveriegn Art Prize.
Art Below have selected Nicolas Ruston’s ‘Brave New World’ from this year’s Sovereign European Art Prize finalists to present at Bond Street tube station.
Ruston’s ‘Brave New World’ silicone painting will be reproduced as a poster, and on display at Bond Street tube station from the 7-21st June 2010. This will coincide with the 2009-10 Sovereign European Art Prize finalists’ exhibition, where the actual piece and the rest of the finalists’ works can be seen at the Barbican Centre from the 9-20th June 2010.
Soraia Almeida will be displaying her work with Art Below from the 24th May until the 7th June at London Bridge Station. Soraia has been selected to exhibit within the London Elephant Parade 2010, reported to be capital's largest ever public art exhibition. Elephant Parade is an innovative fundraising and public awareness campaign for the endangered Asian elephant and it embraces all that is excellent about London and highlights every green initiative of the capital's top businesses.
The design of Soraia’s elephant is based around her work ‘I am patchwork’ which is made up of highly detailed squares superimposed upon eachother. Soraia’s elephant will be on view in Berkely Square in Mayfair from the 3rd of May until the 23rd of June, this summer. The elephants will then be auctioned off and a supporting book will be sold in Selfridges where the proceeds will go to Elephant Parade
If you have any news, events, listings or opportunities that you would like us to consider publishing in our next newsletter please email your entries to newsletter@artbelow.org.uk
Art Below continue to run internships for students and graduates. To apply please contact jobs@artbelow.org.uk with covering letter and CV

News Just In..
Art Below have just recieved reports that London grafiti artist DON has done a giant mural in central London depicting the 3 party leaders hanging off tears of her majesty the queen.
We are waiting to recieve pictures of the said piece.
Art Below brings you the latest into some up and coming art events in London town this May
JEF AEROSOL - expo perso / solo exhibition - Signal Gallery (London) : "girls, girls, girls"
Open: 7th – 22nd May
Signal Gallery, 96 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3AA, England
Signal Gallery is delighted to be presenting the second solo show in London, by legendary French street artist Jef Aerosol. Jef is well known to London audiences, having appeared in a large number of group shows and in other venues for many years. Jef is a household name in his native land. He has been in the vanguard of the vibrant French stencil art scene. His distinctive and elegant artworks have graced streets in France since 1982.
20 Hoxton Square May 14th to May 27th
Concrete and Glass is a unique music and art event that showcases innovative talent in both music and contemporary art. The festival provides a platform for both new and established artists – the result is a fertile mix of high impact installations and performances.
This year sees a new and exciting assortment of up-and-coming artists and musicians, including works commissioned specially for Concrete and Glass, and with a strong emphasis on performance.
You, Me and Everybody Else 7-26 May 2010
theprintspace ,74 Kingsland Road, London E2 8DL
Photographs by
Charlotte Player Linda Brownlee Annie Collinge Tara Darby Anna Leader Jo Metson Scott
Theprintspace gallery presents You, Me and Everybody Else, an exhibition exploring the concept of the extended portrait by six contemporary London photographers and artists. The relationship between photographer and subject is complex, and the exhibition shows the camera’s ability to capture both physical and psychological aspects. This is reflected in the portraits exhibited, which range from intimate and accessible to distant and mysterious. It is left to the viewer to intuit the psychology of the subject and the photographer’s intentions.
The Berlin show...
We are currently in Berlin working on the second show which will feature 25 Berlin based artists from varying levels in their careers. Each artist will show one piece of work and visitors will be able to offer anything for the artworks except for money by filling out small barter forms.
Dates: 24th - 27th June 2010
FLESH @ The Brick Lane Gallery OPENING 12th May 6–8pm 11th – 17th May, 1 to 6pm
The Brick Lane Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition
by Hamish Broadbent
‘Flesh’, examines human activity under opposed conditions of confined and unconfined space.
In the first case - on tubes, trains and airplanes – the constraint is imposed by the mode of
travel and subjects are photographed close up, according to their confined state.
In the second, the constraint is self-imposed - choosing to occupy the same public park at
the same time each morning - and the subjects are photographed in isolation according to
the condition of their choice and the routine they have developed.
In both cases the closed circuit of activity is centred on the body and its cycle of repetition.
The two series featured within the exhibition correspond to these two
outcomes - the style of the first deriving from Bosch’s ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’ with
that of the second providing its counterpoint.
Images from ‘Flesh’ by Hamish Broadbent
196 Brick Lane | London | E1 6SA
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Art Below Ltd. Registered in England No.05697608. Registered Office: Stanley Davis Group Limited, 41 Charlton Street, London, NW1 1JD