The One Command is Coming to Singapore!
The One Command community is growing worldwide and you have the opportunity to be at the ground floor of a career with unlimited earning potential.
In just three days of The One Command certification class, I learned more truly useful coaching techniques than I learned in a couple of years worth of coach training from other programs. TOC is so powerful, I can use it for all my coaching needs. I am exceedingly grateful for the TOC course!
Claire Timberlake
The attitude of The One Command Practitioner is to be aligned with the greatness that is right within each person and to KNOW that greatness-to hold that idea within yourself and the for other person as you go through the process.
"Thank You Kathryn! This was the most engaging and informative class I have ever attended of this kind and I have been to several courses over the years so trust me when I tell you THE ONE COMMAND ROCKS and the combination of your warmth, compassion and lively teaching brought about truly powerful change in my life.
Thank you - Thank you -Thank you!"
Steven J.

There is a powerful secret that once uncovered changes everything within you - changes your ability to solve problems, reduce and eliminate stress, improve joy and confidence, restore health, and even make changes within your DNA itself. This secret of the One Command® is so profound that those applying the simple process are getting results that some call miraculous: unexpected money showing up, reversal of devastating financial loss, restoration of love in relationships, and turning health hardships, into health vibrancy to mention a few.

You know that everyone who has really prospered or reached an exceptional level of success has one thing in common, they have broken the bondage of their limitations. And that is what makes successful people so indestructible - no matter what happens to them or around them they still land on top. 

The One Command® Practitioner Certification Program has been developed so you can apply this secret power that is yours - a system of change that quickly and easily improves the quality of your life in a completely new way of living - one you have often hoped to have that lands you on top.

You see you don't have to go anywhere to realize your hopes, wishes, dreams and desires - you only have to become aware of your power - the power of change that is designed right in your biology and your DNA. You have an amazing brain and physical body that is your vessel for change. Change that can propel you into success - that can destruct your limitations - even under hardships such as what we are facing in the world right now - and it can be yours by learning what Asara Lovejoy discovered and shares in her best selling book, The One Command - that there is a power within you so great that is yours!

We are celebrating our huge success with the
Nightingale-Conant Program  The One Command- Your Success DNA. They said we were the most
successful program launch in the history of the company! 

Now The One Command is going to be published by a major publisher and we couldn't be more excited!
This will mean the demand for local One Command Coaches and Practitioners will skyrocket and this means O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y for those who are ready!

Commanding Wealth Seminar
November 18,19,20
Practitioner Certification Course Level 1
November 24,25,26 2011
Host Contact Information
Natalie Wilkinson  
+65 91089201
Skype: innergizing

Choose Your Option

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If this is the case for you simply click this link and this page will open in another window allowing you to complete your registration.


Discover the one great secret that is changing thousands of lives for the better Right Now!  

Finally,  the missing piece to all the prosperity, self-help and personal growth programs you have been looking for. 

Are you wealthy? Wealth is not about the green stuff or credit scores or plastic cards.
It's about freedom, relationships, good health and having a positive effect in the world.
So let me ask again, are you wealthy?
What would it be like to be happy and relaxed about your finances?
What would your relationships be like?
What kind of environment would you live in?
What kind of choices would you be free to make?
I ask because when I share with people about the Commanding Wealth Seminars
I get some interesting reactions.

Many of course are immediately intrigued and curious.

Some think they know what it is a prosperity- feel good- pie in the sky pep rally;
        which it is not.  This is the missing peice of information that you have been

The most interesting reaction comes from people who have a vision of working for themselves yet are afraid to charge for their services, afraid to market their business or afraid to leave a dead-end job.

They say "Oh, I know why I'm broke I just have to work harder, or it's the economy or fill-in the blank on the excuse here".

That's just the fear talking. I know, I was there myself before I took the seminar.

I thought I knew what it was. Even though I had seriously destructive money issues. I just thought I had to try harder. I didn't understand the emotions that were driving me to make poor choices and kept me from having any support emotionally, physically and financially.

I had a horrible job that was so stressful it was killing me in inches every day. The irony was that I had a dream and a highly desirable skill set that I knew could make me more money but I was stuck in the fear of change.  

 Saying yes to The One Command - Commanding Wealth course  was the most defining decision I have ever made.  The simple One Command blew the doors off of my resistance and I quickly discovered not only what was stopping me; but learned an incredible set of techniques that helped me create a way to quit that job and make my dream come true.
In addition, I discovered a supportive positive environment, The One Command community that helped me every step of the way and still supports me in my business and my success 4 years later.

The One Command process changed my life and after I quit that rotten job, I made the leap into my dream career, tripled my income the first month and I never looked back.

 When I think back on the years I spent struggling and beating myself up because of being broke I cringe. Because I know all too well the heartbreak of lying awake at night, not knowing how I am going to pay the bills and take care of my daughter while praying that my car won’t break down, or that I won’t miss work, or even worse get sick and not be able to work at all.
Once you connect in to Source Mind and learn to trust yourself and your capacity for greatness, you will experience life from a whole new perspective.  Do what hundreds of others have done; take the Commanding Wealth Seminar and find out for yourself.

Now I am on a mission to make sure others are freed from that kind of pain and worry.

So what is Commanding Wealth and why is it different?


The Commanding Wealth seminar is dedicated to making changes in your life through The One Command.

The basis for this teaching is the knowledge that you have an amazing capacity located in that resourceful part of your mind known as the theta state.
By directing your mind to that greater intelligence in 6-Easy Steps you quickly access new and innovative ideas. You are taught to reach that greater intelligence through six-steps that change your thinking from ordinary beta to theta, a much deeper level of your consciousness.

Once you are able to enter into theta at will, you issue the One Command in a unified state of mind; the results are powerful in manifesting what you desire in a moment.

On the personal level, within your body is the blueprint of your character, dreams, and desires. In this teaching you are able to reach naturally and easily into the deepest levels of yourself, even down to your DNA, and thus make remarkable changes in your life.

This information teaches you to Command Your Wealth to you. Once you see the goal, no one can prevent you from making the journey. These original and unusual ideas are designed to change your life forever by changing the way that you think about cash, money, prosperity, and financial wealth.

“Self-trust is the first secret of success”. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

You'll discover what I did, that the key to wealth is already programmed into your DNA. Your desire is the clue to what is possible for you.

Once you connect in to Source Mind and learn to trust yourself and your capacity for greatness, you will experience life form a whole new perspective.

So what would it be like to live a wealthy life with wonderful supportive relationships, moving from success to success and looking forward to new experiences?

Do what hundreds of others have done; take Commanding Wealth Seminar and find out.

Stories of people who, with just ONE COMMAND, were able to ...
  • Eliminate $45,000 in debt and achieve a $150,000 income
  • Write three books AND get them published
  • Regain strength and overcome fear after battling cancer
  • Turn "just an idea" into a multimillion-dollar business
  • Refinance a home within minutes after being refused for years
  • Instantly erase decades' worth of emotional pain
  • Increase Sales And much, much more
The stories go on and on, and they are all true.
Big Hugs

Kathryn Perry

 Contact Kathryn at

Kathryn Perry,
CEO The One Command Seminars
PS  If you are wondering if I am wealthy, I have to tell the truth and say by most standards I'm not  -yet. 

AND I'm doing better than I had hoped to following my dreams. When I think about the things I thought would have to wait to do until I hit the lottery jackpot, I would say I'm richer than I every thought I could be And it's just keeps getting better and better!

Right now, I earn about 5 times my monthly bills, I often earn in an hour what I used to earn in a month of killing myself, have clients from all over the world, operate in cash,
do the work I was born to do, my relationship with my family is incredible, I play with my granddaughter everyday support causes that are important to me, help out family and friends and I work from home so when I want to take a nap, go shopping, take time off or hang with friends, I can anytime I like.

Admittedly, my savings are not where I would like for them to be, I do live in an amazing flow of money, when I spend money more comes in. 
When I need money, more comes in. 
Here's a couple of  silly examples
  I was out to dinner with friend and her two teenagers and had the sudden urge to buy their dinner. Before I could offer, my friend started looking through her wallet and remembered she had given her debit card to her husband.
No money or cards and she was very embarassed.  I offered to pay for dinner.
Just as I offered to pay I heard my cell phone beep.  It was my paypal account notifying me that I had just had a sale of a product - that was just over the amount I was spending at that very moment. Then I realized that over the last month or so that often, when I go out to dinner - which I love - the money I spend on dinner is immediately replaced.
I got an unexpected check in the mail for $247.50 for a payment on the share of a program I had done with someone a few years ago.  As I was looking at the check my daughter called and said that we needed new tires on the car.  The cost of the two new tires? $246.50.
I owe it all the The One Command and that is why I teach it.
You owe it to yourself to register now.

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If this is the case for you simply click this link and this page will open in another window allowing you to complete your registration.
Other Upcoming Events

The One Command is Coming to Singapore!

Commanding Wealth Seminar
November 18,19,20

Practitioner Certification Course Level 1
November 24,25,26 2011

Choose Your Option

Location TBA

Kathryn Perry, Instructor

Host Contact Information
Natalie Wilkinson  
+65 91089201
Skype: innergizing
Kathryn Perry Enterprises, Fort Worth TX, 817-881-0618