Thursday, December 21, 2017

Luke 2:7 ... she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger ...


We focus our eyes on a Newborn and his parents. The precious Child is sleeping peacefully. His parents are sitting close by watching over Him. From outward appearances He seems like a normal Jewish baby boy. There wouldn't appear to be anything special about Him, even though He is of royal blood-- a direct descendant of King David. But far greater than His royal heritage is that this Child is the eternally blessed God who came to save fallen mankind. Precious few knew that this was the birth of the King of kings, but that's the Christmas Miracle!

His parent's humble circumstances made it necessary that His first bed be a feeding trough. His royal vestments were mere strips of cheap cloth. The Baby is sleeping peacefully even though all mankind's hopes and dreams rest on His tiny shoulders. He is the Messiah that the Word of God had long promised. Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given! The Father gives His Son for mankind's redemption. In perfect love-- holy, pure, and unconditional-- the promised Savior has arrived, the Word become flesh.

When we think of our Savior this time of year we are certainly reminded of the Christ Child's manger. Jesus, mankind's Redeemer, rested in a feeding trough. In our manger scenes that's invariably a wooden feed trough. And in the wood of His manger we can see His coming cross. The manger and the cross are perfect examples the Christmas Miracle. Love so great that it led God the Son to take on human flesh and place Himself under the subjection of the Law. For the world that's a lot to see in one lowly Child, but for us it's the Christmas Miracle fulfilled! We have peace with God through the forgiveness of sins. Jesus' work of redemption is our eternal Christmas gift! Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!